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Megan Kelly will interview Obama's old terrorist buddy Bill Ayers tonight on FOX News at 8pm CDT. it should be interesting.

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"Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers."

Don't challenge their mythology! It's really all they've got.

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"Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers."

Don't challenge their mythology! It's really all they've got.

Ingest ignorance, regurgitate. Think critically? Never.

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

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"Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers."

Both of those endorsed Obama didn't they?

Yeah they would never gloss over anything for the anointed one would they.

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

Dayum, that had to leave a mark! :hellyeah:

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

Then you are not paying attention. Not my fault.

In this forum, if you don't believe Obama sux and Libtards is dum, you are considered left-wing. I will never fall in line with popular stupidity.

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

Then you are not paying attention. Not my fault.

ichy..you so bustid! Every word he wrote was spot frickin on! Deal wid it

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Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

Then you are not paying attention. Not my fault.

ichy..you so bustid! Every word he wrote was spot frickin on! Deal wid it

Love, the hipster talk Blue. :Sing: Keep it coming!

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:sad2: :sad2:

Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

Then you are not paying attention. Not my fault.

ichy..you so bustid! Every word he wrote was spot frickin on! Deal wid it

Love, the hipster talk Blue. :Sing: Keep it coming!

Hipster? I have no idea wtf you're even talking about but that not unusual. You are irresistibly compelled to label things I post in a way that you think is insulting especially when you have nothing else to say. FAIL :nopityA:

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:sad2: :sad2:

Oh well, one out of two is an upswing I suppose. :-\

I hope you understand that I am not talking about ALL right-wingers, Republicans, or Tea Party members. I am referring only to the ones who typically listen to talk radio and believe all of the rhetoric. Furthermore, I am sure there are left-wingers who are equally indoctrinated. However, the only one I have encountered in the past 10 years, was on this forum. Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I get you itch, but I don't think you get me. (Talk about leaving a door open) I don't care who you talk about, but why you talk about them. Why not engage them? I've heard like three or four of your buddies say you can't engage stupid or some other similar childish quote, but honestly have you tried? I personally have not seen it. I am genuinely interested in learning from this forum, but there are a few here that try to prevent honest, meaningful engaging conversation. It frustrates me and frankly affects the way I respond.

IMHO you have partnered with a couple left-wingers that are definitely equally indoctrinated. Your relationship probably allows the oversight. Just saying.

Then you are not paying attention. Not my fault.

ichy..you so bustid! Every word he wrote was spot frickin on! Deal wid it

Love, the hipster talk Blue. :Sing: Keep it coming!

Hipster? I have no idea wtf you're even talking about but that not unusual. You are irresistibly compelled to label things I post in a way that you think is insulting especially when you have nothing else to say. FAIL :nopityA:

Oh, you just don't spell very well. Sorry.

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Part 2 of Megan Kelley's interview with Bill Ayers aired tonight. I waited to respond to some of the naïve (ignorant) comments made by some above. A few comments:

1. Ayers takes some credit for convincing Obama to run for POTUS. Obama met with Ayers and his terrorist wife Bernadette Dorn in their Chicago home for a fund raiser prior to the Dem. convention to convince him to run. A t that time it was known that Ayers was involved in over 20 domestic bombings in which a number of people were killed. Ayers confirmed this in the interview

2. Obama's right hand Chicago guy, David Axelrod said that Obama and Ayers were friends.

3. Obama never denied the friendship until the Ayers and Wiliams crap hit the fan during the 2008 campaign.

Believe what you want, deny what you don't want to believe.

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Part 2 of Megan Kelley's interview with Bill Ayers aired tonight. I waited to respond to some of the naïve (ignorant) comments made by some above. A few comments:

1. Ayers takes some credit for convincing Obama to run for POTUS. Obama met with Ayers and his terrorist wife Bernadette Dorn in their Chicago home for a fund raiser prior to the Dem. convention to convince him to run. A t that time it was known that Ayers was involved in over 20 domestic bombings in which a number of people were killed. Ayers confirmed this in the interview

2. Obama's right hand Chicago guy, David Axelrod said that Obama and Ayers were friends.

3. Obama never denied the friendship until the Ayers and McWiliams crap hit the fan during the 2008 campaign.

Believe what you want, deny what you don't want to believe.

"Ayers takes some credit... ". You're very trusting of this known terrorist. ;)

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He was very upfront in admitting some of his atrocities and his beliefs. He even openly said he was not proud to be an American So why should I not believe him on something as simple as his relationship with Obama. You conveniently avoid Axelrod's comment.

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He was very upfront in admitting some of his atrocities and his beliefs. He even openly said he was not proud to be an American So why should I not believe him on something as simple as his relationship with Obama. You conveniently avoid Axelrod's comment.

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Whether Obama is friends with Ayers is not that big of deal to me. It is a big deal that he never criticized what he did or created any separation from Ayers ideology. Obama is the POTUS. It's not exactly standard fare that a person in that position is "friendly" with a guy that, even to this day, says he is not proud to be an american and who had been such an extremist in his life that he and his wife were both wanted by the FBI. Seems Michelle was influenced by Ayers at least a little bit.

Anyway. It is what it is. Ayers is still a delusional sociopath.

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Whether Obama is friends with Ayers is not that big of deal to me. It is a big deal that he never criticized what he did or created any separation from Ayers ideology. Obama is the POTUS. It's not exactly standard fare that a person in that position is "friendly" with a guy that, even to this day, says he is not proud to be an american and who had been such an extremist in his life that he and his wife were both wanted by the FBI. Seems Michelle was influenced by Ayers at least a little bit.

Anyway. It is what it is. Ayers is still a delusional sociopath.

To see what Obama is about all you need to do is look at the people he has associated with over the years. Ayers is just one of many. There is Tony Rezko and of course, Jeremiah Wright. You don't associate with people like this if you don't believe in the same things they do. You don't sit in Jeremiah Wrights' church for 20 years if you don't believe what he is is putting forth.
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Whether Obama is friends with Ayers is not that big of deal to me. It is a big deal that he never criticized what he did or created any separation from Ayers ideology. Obama is the POTUS. It's not exactly standard fare that a person in that position is "friendly" with a guy that, even to this day, says he is not proud to be an american and who had been such an extremist in his life that he and his wife were both wanted by the FBI. Seems Michelle was influenced by Ayers at least a little bit.

Anyway. It is what it is. Ayers is still a delusional sociopath.

To see what Obama is about all you need to do is look at the people he has associated with over the years. Ayers is just one of many. There is Tony Rezko and of course, Jeremiah Wright. You don't associate with people like this if you don't believe in the same things they do. You don't sit in Jeremiah Wrights' church for 20 years if you don't believe what he is is putting forth.

Couldn't agree more.

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I would think PT would check his facts considering his history for having to delete his own posts.

Quick! Someone quote him before it disappears! :laugh:

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...Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I found myself wondering where that one had gone the other day.

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...Ravahah, was his name, if I remember correctly. He did not last long.

I found myself wondering where that one had gone the other day.

Any chance he changed his name to Tex?

Just kidding Tex. ;)

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