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Prayers needed!


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My son James is 8 years old and has a medical condition called severe hemophillia b with inhibitors. He developed a bleed into his left hip last week and has suffered in extreme pain until monday. On Tuesday he was showing signs of improvement, but had a lapse. Long story short, we are at the ER and he is having his hip asperated because they think that he has developed a infection in the hip joint. If the culture comes back positive they are taking him immediately to surgery. This would be a very invasive surgery, where they would need to slice into the muscle, separate the muscle, and cut a hole in the bone and drain and clean the hip joint. This is invasive for a normal boy. With his hemophilia, it is very concerning and dangerous. He is in there right now. Please pray for a negative culture and strength for my family.

Thank you

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He's out of the first procedure and we are now waiting on the first culture. We should hear something in the next hour or so. Thank you all for your paryers. The have not gone unheard.

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prayers from two at our household....keep the faith.

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Praying for and believing that everything will be just fine! In Jesus name! Amen!

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