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Tiger Al

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Hey, Al... it's called humor, satire, facetiousness...

Awww, Jenny. You're right, as usual. Sometimes I guess I am just a little too sensitive about the Clintons. I liked them and I guess I tend to get a little too defensive about them sometimes. Forgive me for that.

But, do me a favor. So that you don't appear to be hypocritical, I'd like you to do another one that incorporates some other people in it. Since you seem to loathe women who follow in their husbands political footsteps, make sure you include Elizabeth Dole and Lurleen Wallace. If you want to include Jean Carnahan you can, but it might appear a little callous. But hey, whatever. It's your story, right?

Marriage infidelity IS funny and, I think YOU'LL agree, always makes for a good source of inspiration when writing. So, be sure you include Bob Barr in the story and throw in how much he objected to Clinton's behavior, even when he did it himself!!! And, here's a two for one: Remember when Newt Gingrich served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery? I don't know if that qualifies as "ruthless," but I'm sure you can find an equally accurate adjective to describe his character. Don't forget the part where he not only left her, but left her for a woman HE was having an affair with. And then, left HER for yet another love interest! That's hilarious!!! Oh, I almost forgot. Figure out some way to work Ahhnold into the story where he's doing some orgy thing or fondling some woman on a film crew. Sexual harrassment, if done right, can be quite amusing.

And don't forget about David. He's shown that he's also fond of 'chemical addiction' humor. Be careful. Human weakness comedy has to be delivered in just the right way or it doesn't come across very smoothly, as his Kennedy/Clinton connection showed. It was a little clumsy. I think if you start with some anecdotes about Jenna Bush and where the apple is in relation to the tree, it could be very funny. (Teenage alcohol abuse, for all its' bad press, really is a riot!!!) And doesn't our present Commander in Chief also have a little "ism" of his own? You could get a TON of mileage out of that!

The coup de gras has to be Rush, though. I can just hear all of the jokes you're gonna write about someone who spent almost an entire show railing about the evils of drug abuse! About how he said that people who abuse them should be aressted and tried and prosecuted and sent up! Feel free to throw in how hypocritical that sounds, especially when he's in a treatment center for the third time!!!

Oh, Jenny, you're gonna do so good with this. Remember, your last one was humorous, satirical and facetious, so make sure this one is, too! I can't wait!!!

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I am about to think the Al in your name stands for Al Gore since all you really do is moan and complain about something. if its not President Bush its jenny replying to me trying to be funny. Big feaking deal. Take a deep breath count to 10 and it will be alright in a little bit. Lighten up some dude, Those weapons of Mass destruction haven't hit your homestead yet.

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I am about to think the Al in your name stands for Al Gore since all you really do is moan and complain about something. if its not President Bush its jenny replying to me trying to be funny. Big feaking deal. Take a deep breath count to 10 and it will be alright in a little bit. Lighten up some dude, Those weapons of Mass destruction haven't hit your homestead yet.

no doubt... dude needs to lighten up. I can't believe I read that whole. I guess I thought there might have been a point to it. But alas, I was wrong.

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Hey, Al... it's called humor, satire, facetiousness...

Awww, Jenny. You're right, as usual. Sometimes I guess I am just a little too sensitive about the Clintons. I liked them and I guess I tend to get a little too defensive about them sometimes. Forgive me for that.

But, do me a favor. So that you don't appear to be hypocritical, I'd like you to do another one that incorporates some other people in it. Since you seem to loathe women who follow in their husbands political footsteps, make sure you include Elizabeth Dole and Lurleen Wallace. If you want to include Jean Carnahan you can, but it might appear a little callous. But hey, whatever. It's your story, right?

Marriage infidelity IS funny and, I think YOU'LL agree, always makes for a good source of inspiration when writing. So, be sure you include Bob Barr in the story and throw in how much he objected to Clinton's behavior, even when he did it himself!!! And, here's a two for one: Remember when Newt Gingrich served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery? I don't know if that qualifies as "ruthless," but I'm sure you can find an equally accurate adjective to describe his character. Don't forget the part where he not only left her, but left her for a woman HE was having an affair with. And then, left HER for yet another love interest! That's hilarious!!! Oh, I almost forgot. Figure out some way to work Ahhnold into the story where he's doing some orgy thing or fondling some woman on a film crew. Sexual harrassment, if done right, can be quite amusing.

And don't forget about David. He's shown that he's also fond of 'chemical addiction' humor. Be careful. Human weakness comedy has to be delivered in just the right way or it doesn't come across very smoothly, as his Kennedy/Clinton connection showed. It was a little clumsy. I think if you start with some anecdotes about Jenna Bush and where the apple is in relation to the tree, it could be very funny. (Teenage alcohol abuse, for all its' bad press, really is a riot!!!) And doesn't our present Commander in Chief also have a little "ism" of his own? You could get a TON of mileage out of that!

The coup de gras has to be Rush, though. I can just hear all of the jokes you're gonna write about someone who spent almost an entire show railing about the evils of drug abuse! About how he said that people who abuse them should be aressted and tried and prosecuted and sent up! Feel free to throw in how hypocritical that sounds, especially when he's in a treatment center for the third time!!!

Oh, Jenny, you're gonna do so good with this. Remember, your last one was humorous, satirical and facetious, so make sure this one is, too! I can't wait!!!

Al, you are REALLY blowing this out of proportion, but I will at least do you the courtesy of a reply. Let me start by saying that no part of what I wrote about Hillary, Bill, Pat Schroeder and Chelsea the test tube baby was in the least bit true. I doubt that it would even pass a test for libel in a court of law because it was SO far out there that no reasonable person would for one minute have believed ANY of it. It was a joke. Get over it.

As for comparing Hitlary to Lurleen Wallace and Elizabeth Dole, I think it is a stretch. Lurleen was a pawn, and no one who knows AL history will deny that. Jean Carnahan and even Lindy Boggs (you forgot one) are a different story - they finished out their husband's term in office after his death - and in fact Lindy Boggs, who is a gracious lady, was even reelected several times on her own merits, unlike Jean Carnahan.

As for Liddy, the comparison to Hillary would only be relevant if Liddy had stayed with Bob even after knowing for years that he was a serial philanderer only because she could ride his coat tails.

I don't loathe women that ride their husband's coat tails. I loathe women that place their own ambition above their own self-esteem and self-respect. Women that do crap like that in the public eye make it harder for those women that come after them to get ahead on their own merits.

I never said that I approved of marital infidelity, and I do not approve of anyone casting the first stone when their own house is made of glass, to sort of mix a metaphor. What Newt Gingrich did was totally wrong, not to mention tasteless and tacky. And don't forget Packwood and all the other politicians that have feet of clay. Wrong is wrong and I feel sorry for the victims. But if you flaunt your infidelity in our faces over and over and over, and lie about it and lie some more, don't expect a free pass from me. And if you enable that unfaithful person to lie and lie and continue to cheat with no action on your part, don't expect me to respect you.

As for Ahhnold, I am of the opinion that what a person did twenty or thirty years ago has no bearing on what they should be held accountable for NOW, baring a felony murder, etc. THe caveat to that is IF THEIR BEHAVIOR HAS CHANGED. Ahhnold is no longer a serial groper, who is into orgies, so why try to make an issue of that now? If Clinton had stopped with the Astroturf lined El Camino back in college, that is one thing, and it would have actually annoyed me for people to bring up his past. I personally had my wild days in college that would embarass the hell out of me if they were brought up in the context of the person I am today. But I no longer are am tequilla swilling wild child, and have not been that way for some time now. You can't tell me that there are not things in your own distant past that you would rather forget you ever did, but have no impact on who you are now. To me, the difference is - are you still doing them or did you grow up and discover that they were wrong and STOP?

As for Jenna and Barbara drinking underage - WHHHOOOOOO - stop the presses!! College kids sneaking into bars with fake id's and buying drinks! NEVER!! Guess you never did that? I know I did!!! And I am SO SURE Chelsea NEVER EVER did anything like that - she just never got made a mockery of in the media - but that is a different topic, hmm?

But the point you missed in ALL of this is that tigerlifer didn't ask me what I thought about Lurleen, or Liddy, or Newt or Bob - we were making a JOKE at the expense of Bill and Hillary. Bob Barr and MOST all those other feet of clay people usually have the grace to be embarassed and ashamed of what they did, or at least that they got caught doing it, and have removed themselves from public life somewhat. But Bill and Hillary have continued to be blatant power grabbing fools, which means that in my mind their character and morality or lack thereof are still fair game for humor, satire, or even downright hatred by those of us in the electorate that think they are both scum of the earth.

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