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Bear with me for today...


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I changed my profile pic to a picture of my mother, who was a former Miss Auburn. We lost her in 2009 and today would have been her birthday. This has nothing to do with football, other than the fact that she was the most rabid Auburn football fan I've ever seen. She threw rolled up socks at the TV whenever the Bear was shown. I get the feeling she would be VERY excited about this football season.

Mods, you can delete or move if you want. I just felt the need...


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Thanks for sharing that (even if the post is moved, ect). I'm going to start doing that when Nick sabans on the tv.

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Thanks for sharing. I lost my Mom last December. She was a huge AU Football fanatic too. God Bless !!!

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Losing a mother is so hard... Lost mine in 2005 right before Christmas. She was a big sports fan and loved Auburn too. She was so proud that she and my Dad raised three kids who loved sports. Especially two girls (my sister and I) who fought over the sports page at breakfast. She was a huge Gator Hater!!

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Good to know that the acorn did not fall too far from the Toomer's Oak. Great remembrance for you.

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Just buried my father last week so I know how you feel. I believe this gonna be the hardest football season for me as my father was the biggest football fan I've ever known. Please post whatever memories keep your mother's spirit alive.

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That's a great tribute to your Mom. My Dad was an API graduate who loved Auburn more than anything. He died August 14, 2010 and to this day my family likes to say Auburn won the championship in 2010 because Daddy died and kept Bear Bryant from cheating. AU is so special.

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AUStew87 and ECHSfan, thanks for sharing! We are so blessed to have become part of the Auburn family and to have that legacy. I KNOW that the biggest Auburn fan club is up in heaven and every Saturday is a rowdy time on the streets of gold! I think my mother had something to do with the 2010 season. She had the best seat of all! :cheer:

Also, AUStew87, I will keep you in my prayers. It is a hard time, but it does get a little easier. We all have to experience it, this sad part of life.

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Thanks for sharing... Sorry to hear about your loss, which is also a loss for the AU family.

War Eagle to your mom, as the eagle flies with her to the ultimate orange and blue.

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Lost my wife last month. She a huge Auburn fan. We were married in Auburn almost 50 years ago. Have no idea how I'm going to be able to watch a game without her.

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My condolences to all of the others including OP for your losses. I lost a cousin in July who was more like a brother than cousin. He was also a very big Auburn fan so every time I put something Auburn on I think about him and it feels just a little bit sad that we won't be watching any games together.

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I am so sorry for all of these losses. I am picturing them all having a major celebration with each win this year. All the way into January, I hope!!!

JoeinPF, my dad couldn't watch our national championship in 2010. It hurt just a little too much. He's now able to watch games again,so time will heal some of that for you. I will keep you and all of the others in my prayers this season. The Auburn Family is with us for eternity. :largeAU:

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