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GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty


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Jason Chaffetz says he's found no evidence of wrongdoing by the family planning provider.

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Thursday that the GOP's investigation into Planned Parenthood's use of federal funds hasn't turned up anything.

"Did I look at the finances and have a hearing specifically as to the revenue portion and how they spend? Yes. Was there any wrongdoing? I didn't find any," he said during a Judiciary Committee hearing on the family planning provider.

Chaffetz, a candidate for House speaker, grilled Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards during a five-hour hearing last week.

He questioned her salary, asked about the organization's expenses and revenues, and pressed Richards on why the group had revenue of $127 million last year if it's a nonprofit. (Nonprofits put their revenues back into their programs.)

But after all that, he concluded that Planned Parenthood isn't doing anything sketchy with its money. "Did we find any wrongdoing? The answer was no," Chaffetz said.


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Never knew the issue of wrong doing with federal $ was the problem.

The problem of selling baby parts, which is illegal, was the issue. Why didn't the GOP investigate that ?

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Curious, what's the taxpayer costs of all these hearings and investigations?

"Democrats are pitching the formation of a special committee to investigate gun violence, similar to panels the GOP-led House established to investigate Planned Parenthood and the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans."


I'm sure this is completely on the up and up and will be totes worth the money. :rolleyes:

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Curious, what's the taxpayer costs of all these hearings and investigations?

What difference does it make? ;)

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Curious, what's the taxpayer costs of all these hearings and investigations?

What difference does it make? ;)

If there is a genuine cause, then it makes little difference. If the cause is political, then it amounts to fraud and, the citizens of this country are the victims. IMO, there is a case for both and, a trend toward the latter. Let's see what happens but, SOME appear to already KNOW what the investigators cannot seem to find.

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Never knew the issue of wrong doing with federal $ was the problem.

The problem of selling baby parts, which is illegal, was the issue. Why didn't the GOP investigate that ?

Because it didn't happen?

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It is so funny to watch liberals here try to defend PP as if they are so great and caring an organization. Let's hear from an insider just how caring they are. http://www.lifenews.com/2015/10/08/former-planned-parenthood-director-i-was-told-doing-an-abortion-was-like-playing-a-video-game/

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.


So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.

I think part of it is they hate the conservative Christian pro life people so much that they take great delight in the fact that PP offends them so much.Another part is that if defunding PP were to be successful then that might start a trend of cutting government spending elsewhere. The one thing liberals will not stand for is any reduction in government spending.
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Never knew the issue of wrong doing with federal $ was the problem.

The problem of selling baby parts, which is illegal, was the issue. Why didn't the GOP investigate that ?

Because it didn't happen?

What do you believe?

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Y'all are hilarious. Democrats waste taxpayer money all the damn time. It's a coequal enterprise.

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Y'all are hilarious. Democrats waste taxpayer money all the damn time. It's a coequal enterprise.

It's more like money laundering. They give taxpayer money to these people who turn around and give a portion back to the Democratic party.
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Never knew the issue of wrong doing with federal $ was the problem.

The problem of selling baby parts, which is illegal, was the issue. Why didn't the GOP investigate that ?

Because it didn't happen?

What do you believe?

The truth:


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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.


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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.


Sorry, but " the cost of doing business " aspect of all this falls on deaf ears when talking about selling small human parts. I'm sure the NAZIS would clinically dismiss any concerns raised in the " housing " of camp residents. And yes, you can point and giggle at the comparison, yap about Godwin's rule all you want , but it truly is that ghoulish a topic, imo.

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.


Sorry, but " the cost of doing business " aspect of all this falls on deaf ears when talking about selling small human parts. I'm sure the NAZIS would clinically dismiss any concerns raised in the " housing " of camp residents. And yes, you can point and giggle at the comparison, yap about Godwin's rule all you want , but it truly is that ghoulish a topic, imo.

I point you toward facts, but knowing how resistant you are to them, I want waste any time arguing with you.

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.


Sorry, but " the cost of doing business " aspect of all this falls on deaf ears when talking about selling small human parts. I'm sure the NAZIS would clinically dismiss any concerns raised in the " housing " of camp residents. And yes, you can point and giggle at the comparison, yap about Godwin's rule all you want , but it truly is that ghoulish a topic, imo.

I point you toward facts, but knowing how resistant you are to them, I want waste any time arguing with you.

It's not a matter of 'facts'. It's a matter of humanity. Too much for you to comprehend, huh ?

* ETA - and by watching how the emloyees at PP speak of the " Products of Conception ", there's a lack of humanity there as well.

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.


Sorry, but " the cost of doing business " aspect of all this falls on deaf ears when talking about selling small human parts. I'm sure the NAZIS would clinically dismiss any concerns raised in the " housing " of camp residents. And yes, you can point and giggle at the comparison, yap about Godwin's rule all you want , but it truly is that ghoulish a topic, imo.

I point you toward facts, but knowing how resistant you are to them, I want waste any time arguing with you.

It's not a matter of 'facts'. It's a matter of humanity. Too much for you to comprehend, huh ?

* ETA - and by watching how the emloyees at PP speak of the " Products of Conception ", there's a lack of humanity there as well.

A humanity lecture from a misanthrope. How ironic.

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.


So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.

I think part of it is they hate the conservative Christian pro life people so much that they take great delight in the fact that PP offends them so much.Another part is that if defunding PP were to be successful then that might start a trend of cutting government spending elsewhere. The one thing liberals will not stand for is any reduction in government spending.

Excellent work Watson... you solved the case! This is all about going after Christian pro life people.

Because you know... only Christians can be pro life. And only conservatives can be pro life. And well.. only Christian conservatives can really be pro life. So it is all about the masses attacking the Christians.

I am a strong supporter of adoption, but I can not be pro life because I do not believe a woman should have to carry to term when impregnation occurs through rape. Unlike some Christian pro lifers I do not believe God intended rape on someone.

I also have zero concerns if with the proper consent if the tissue is used for legitimate medical purposes. Such as its major use in research of trying to grow organs that can be used for transplants. There is a shortage and given the current American lifestyle that shortage is only going to grow. I

Far as the humanity comments in this thread. Humanity is lacking across the board in the medical community. Doctors, nurses, etc etc all make the same kind of comments, jokes, or give off a vibe that they are insensitive to things. I know a surgeon in Chicago that will joke that it if he wasn't so good at his job he could save the taxpayers money and help lower the crime rates. Given who his clients often are I guarantee a large number of this board would agree with him and laugh at the jokes.

Besides, how was it that one of pro life Christian supporters on this very board put it...... that at least abortion decreased the number of liberals and democrats. Ah yes the loving respect for all of God's creatures there.

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.


So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.

I think part of it is they hate the conservative Christian pro life people so much that they take great delight in the fact that PP offends them so much.Another part is that if defunding PP were to be successful then that might start a trend of cutting government spending elsewhere. The one thing liberals will not stand for is any reduction in government spending.

Damn! Tigger figured it out. It's because we hate conservative Christian "pro life" people so much. Busted. :-\ :no:

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Seriously, i don't get the attitude of those defending PP and their actions . Is their view that this stuff isn't happening ? Were these videos staged ? Or cropped some how ? Because that's the one criticism I've heard, and it is 100% empty. Those vids are available, in their entirety, for all to see.

So, how does one defend what we've seen ? Explain it to me. Anyone.


Sorry, but " the cost of doing business " aspect of all this falls on deaf ears when talking about selling small human parts. I'm sure the NAZIS would clinically dismiss any concerns raised in the " housing " of camp residents. And yes, you can point and giggle at the comparison, yap about Godwin's rule all you want , but it truly is that ghoulish a topic, imo.


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