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Can we ban CWM from ever entering the city of Auburn again?


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Maybe it's petty, but I certainly won't pull for Boom like I did at Florida. He hurt us. No other way to slice that. I don't have an interest beyond Auburn so anyone that hurts us is someone I'll get a smidgen of pleasure out of watching him lose.

Not that I'm particularly concerned. Muschamp apparently learned nothing from his failure. If he had, he wouldn't have rehired Roper just to run it back. I have a feeling Will is going to be in the market again a 3-4 years.

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CWM and T-Rob left for promotions. I cannot fault them for that. We do not know what CLT was told and he has no reason to have loyalty to AU. We hired him away from UAT last year and now SC hired him from us. #Coachinglife

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The "it's business" bit is fine (and true) but I reserve the right be still be bitter and mad thank ya very much. And yes, I understand business just fine.

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My thing is it's not like we offered so mad at him for offering guys we wouldn't? If the guys are so great we should be offering them ourselves. Either way ball was in our hands if mad at anybody it's ourselves

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