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Iran Ignores U.N. Ban

Proud Tiger

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Iran ignores U.N. ban. Playing footsie with Putin while Obama and Kerry rely on talkie, talkie.


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SecDef said he was " very very angry " at seeing a US sailor crying on video, while our resident ' expert ' ship driver on the board stated it was " just another day in the Gulf ", intimating there was nothing what so ever to the incident, and everything was cool.

As Greg Gutfeld would say - NOT Cool.

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Just more proof that the entire Iranian nuclear weapons treaty, agreement, understanding, sell out is in full force. We gave Iran their money plus interest in the frozen accounts, the Europeans can buy their cheap oil, the Europeans can sell them technology, and the US has an unenforceable promise from them that they might not build nuclear weapons.

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Just more proof that the entire Iranian nuclear weapons treaty, agreement, understanding, sell out is in full force. We gave Iran their money plus interest in the frozen accounts, the Europeans can buy their cheap oil, the Europeans can sell them technology, and the US has an unenforceable promise from them that they might not build nuclear weapons.

We gave them nothing that wasn't theirs to begin with. Good faith negotiations require putting chips on the table.

I'm sure the alternative of driving a hard bargain, impoverishing their people, and preventing them from enriching uranium at levels not even close to weapon grade while they're surrounded by nations who only understand power and possess nuclear weaponry would have worked out great. Nope, no blowback there.

I guess we're still supposed to believe convenient regime lies like they're in an apocalyptic death cult and would welcome nuclear annihilation in the event they did develop and use nukes, huh?

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Just more proof that the entire Iranian nuclear weapons treaty, agreement, understanding, sell out is in full force. We gave Iran their money plus interest in the frozen accounts, the Europeans can buy their cheap oil, the Europeans can sell them technology, and the US has an unenforceable promise from them that they might not build nuclear weapons.

We gave them nothing that wasn't theirs to begin with. Good faith negotiations require putting chips on the table.

I'm sure the alternative of driving a hard bargain, impoverishing their people, and preventing them from enriching uranium at levels not even close to weapon grade while they're surrounded by nations who only understand power and possess nuclear weaponry would have worked out great. Nope, no blowback there.

I guess we're still supposed to believe convenient regime lies like they're in an apocalyptic death cult and would welcome nuclear annihilation in the event they did develop and use nukes, huh?

If their leaders can't get along w/ the rest of the world, then maybe those " impoverished " citizens can do something about it ? You know, like a revolution of some sort ?

Which nations around them only understand power and have nukes ? Israel ? Please. Pakistan ? Oh yeah, they're a big threat to take over Iran. The nation which sponsors more terrorism than any other absolutely doesn't NEED nukes.

And those aren't " lies ", when it comes to those running Iran. They really do buy into this 12 imam nonsense. They only say such things themselves.

But by all means, let's carry on with ' good faith ' negotiations, right ?

* How's that working out for us ? We give them 150 billion , they ignore us, and then publicly mock us... ahh yes, a gateway to a true and beautiful relationship.

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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

What you and I find ' cute ' differs greatly. Calling things as they are is the end game. Ignoring reality doesn't make it go away.

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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

So, do tell, what is the United Nations and U.S. to do when it is learned that Iran is proliferating items to build nuclear weapons, and shocker...all of that money is STILL not being used to help the people of the country???

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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

So, do tell, what is the United Nations and U.S. to do when it is learned that Iran is proliferating items to build nuclear weapons, and shocker...all of that money is STILL not being used to help the people of the country???

They're not.

They can build a desert unicorn farm with the money for all I care. But suffice it to say the Iranian people have reason to believe it will be put to better use than it was previously, and hey, they might even be a little less ornery as a result.

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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

So, do tell, what is the United Nations and U.S. to do when it is learned that Iran is proliferating items to build nuclear weapons, and shocker...all of that money is STILL not being used to help the people of the country???

They're not.

They can build a desert unicorn farm with the money for all I care. But suffice it to say the Iranian people have reason to believe it will be put to better use than it was previously, and hey, they might even be a little less ornery as a result.

Oh, so you're part of the UN teams to monitor them? or you're there to help keep track of it. They may or may not be, but based on their track record and the recent undressing of the U.S. military in front of the world, suffice it say that I think most people are not holding their breath that Iran will comply AND take care of their people.

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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

So, do tell, what is the United Nations and U.S. to do when it is learned that Iran is proliferating items to build nuclear weapons, and shocker...all of that money is STILL not being used to help the people of the country???

They're not.

They can build a desert unicorn farm with the money for all I care. But suffice it to say the Iranian people have reason to believe it will be put to better use than it was previously, and hey, they might even be a little less ornery as a result.

Oh, so you're part of the UN teams to monitor them? or you're there to help keep track of it. They may or may not be, but based on their track record and the recent undressing of the U.S. military in front of the world, suffice it say that I think most people are not holding their breath that Iran will comply AND take care of their people.

They aren't going to do either one. There is nothing we can or will do to ensure compliance. Sanctions, once lifted, will never be put back in place.
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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

So, do tell, what is the United Nations and U.S. to do when it is learned that Iran is proliferating items to build nuclear weapons, and shocker...all of that money is STILL not being used to help the people of the country???

They're not.

They can build a desert unicorn farm with the money for all I care. But suffice it to say the Iranian people have reason to believe it will be put to better use than it was previously, and hey, they might even be a little less ornery as a result.

Oh, so you're part of the UN teams to monitor them? or you're there to help keep track of it. They may or may not be, but based on their track record and the recent undressing of the U.S. military in front of the world, suffice it say that I think most people are not holding their breath that Iran will comply AND take care of their people.

They aren't going to do either one. There is nothing we can or will do to ensure compliance. Sanctions, once lifted, will never be put back in place.

I wonder if anyone seriously disagrees.

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Kin we bomm em yet?

What does this have to do w/ the OP ?

Cute how so many insist on acting like that's not the endgame here...

So, do tell, what is the United Nations and U.S. to do when it is learned that Iran is proliferating items to build nuclear weapons, and shocker...all of that money is STILL not being used to help the people of the country???

They're not.

They can build a desert unicorn farm with the money for all I care. But suffice it to say the Iranian people have reason to believe it will be put to better use than it was previously, and hey, they might even be a little less ornery as a result.

Oh, so you're part of the UN teams to monitor them? or you're there to help keep track of it. They may or may not be, but based on their track record and the recent undressing of the U.S. military in front of the world, suffice it say that I think most people are not holding their breath that Iran will comply AND take care of their people.

They aren't going to do either one. There is nothing we can or will do to ensure compliance. Sanctions, once lifted, will never be put back in place.

I wonder if anyone seriously disagrees.

Step out of your bubble.

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Just more proof that the entire Iranian nuclear weapons treaty, agreement, understanding, sell out is in full force. We gave Iran their money plus interest in the frozen accounts, the Europeans can buy their cheap oil, the Europeans can sell them technology, and the US has an unenforceable promise from them that they might not build nuclear weapons.

We gave them nothing that wasn't theirs to begin with. Good faith negotiations require putting chips on the table.

I'm sure the alternative of driving a hard bargain, impoverishing their people, and preventing them from enriching uranium at levels not even close to weapon grade while they're surrounded by nations who only understand power and possess nuclear weaponry would have worked out great. Nope, no blowback there.

I guess we're still supposed to believe convenient regime lies like they're in an apocalyptic death cult and would welcome nuclear annihilation in the event they did develop and use nukes, huh?


It would have been a decent trade to get them to halt funding terrorism. We got nothing but an indication they would not develop nuclear weapons as quickly

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Just more proof that the entire Iranian nuclear weapons treaty, agreement, understanding, sell out is in full force. We gave Iran their money plus interest in the frozen accounts, the Europeans can buy their cheap oil, the Europeans can sell them technology, and the US has an unenforceable promise from them that they might not build nuclear weapons.

We gave them nothing that wasn't theirs to begin with. Good faith negotiations require putting chips on the table.

I'm sure the alternative of driving a hard bargain, impoverishing their people, and preventing them from enriching uranium at levels not even close to weapon grade while they're surrounded by nations who only understand power and possess nuclear weaponry would have worked out great. Nope, no blowback there.

I guess we're still supposed to believe convenient regime lies like they're in an apocalyptic death cult and would welcome nuclear annihilation in the event they did develop and use nukes, huh?


It would have been a decent trade to get them to halt funding terrorism. We got nothing but an indication they would not develop nuclear weapons as quickly

Which is exactly what anyone with an ounce of sense could have predicted. He'll they said they would even though the so called negotiations.
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Just more proof that the entire Iranian nuclear weapons treaty, agreement, understanding, sell out is in full force. We gave Iran their money plus interest in the frozen accounts, the Europeans can buy their cheap oil, the Europeans can sell them technology, and the US has an unenforceable promise from them that they might not build nuclear weapons.

We gave them nothing that wasn't theirs to begin with. Good faith negotiations require putting chips on the table.

I'm sure the alternative of driving a hard bargain, impoverishing their people, and preventing them from enriching uranium at levels not even close to weapon grade while they're surrounded by nations who only understand power and possess nuclear weaponry would have worked out great. Nope, no blowback there.

I guess we're still supposed to believe convenient regime lies like they're in an apocalyptic death cult and would welcome nuclear annihilation in the event they did develop and use nukes, huh?


It would have been a decent trade to get them to halt funding terrorism. We got nothing but an indication they would not develop nuclear weapons as quickly

Which is exactly what anyone with an ounce of sense could have predicted. He'll they said they would even though the so called negotiations.

In some groups you couldn't find an ounce of sense among the whole bunch.

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