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Hillary Lies About Lying

Proud Tiger

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Yeah, she really tried to tell the truth about dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.

Seriously ! How does one get confused on something like that ?? It wasn't 20-30 years ago either .

"I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement," she said.

And then we have Donald Trump calling Ted Cruz the biggest liar he's ever known. I swear, my brain cannot deal with such lunacy.

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She even lies about her lies when she's lying.

On her ' misspeaking ' on the Bosnian sniper fire, where she said this, in 2008

"I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement," .

Here's what is known on the topic...

Ladies, the next time the man in your life complains you talk too much, silence him with science.

Tell him - at length, of course - it is all because of the Foxp2 protein.

It has been claimed previously that women speak about 20,000 words a day - some 13,000 more than the average man.


So, the average woman speaks 20,000 words a day. Hillary, who clearly is the smartest woman on the planet, isn't confined to JUST speaking 20 k words , or 2 to 3 times that many. Not even 10 x that many ! She claims to speak MILLIONS of words per day. At least 2 million words a day. That's 100 x's the number of words an average woman speaks , PER DAY.

I contest that Hillary has never, once, spoken 2 million words in one day. And yet, that's her defense for making up the story of coming under sniper fire in Bosnia, back in 1996.

So, per Hillary's own admission, the sheer volume of her words is what caused her to lie ?

And the best part ? " So, IF I MISSPOKE " !!! See that ? She's not even admitting that she DID lie ! She's claiming no matter what she may or may not have said, if she DID , it wasn't done intentionally !

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I never believe anything she says.

Apparently no one is even listening to what she says. It truly is scary how some want to just coronate this mentally damaged shrew of a woman into power.

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I never believe anything she says.

Apparently no one is even listening to what she says. It truly is scary how some want to just coronate this mentally damaged shrew of a woman into power.

She should have been prosecuted for white water (new evidence has come to light about Foster and her records) but she wasn't nor will she be for breaking the law with the email scandal. No one in this admin is being held accountable for their crimes.
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Well, there is the ever widening FBI investigation ...

In a sane and just world, there'd be a special prosecutor tasked to look into her e-mails, her handling of Benghazi, the 900 FBI files she illegally obtained, while she was ( un-elected , non office holder ) First Lady, among other things.

And yet, nothing happens.

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I never believe anything she says.

Apparently no one is even listening to what she says. It truly is scary how some want to just coronate this mentally damaged shrew of a woman into power.

Gee, would you rather she fall dead from a heart attack first?

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I never believe anything she says.

Apparently no one is even listening to what she says. It truly is scary how some want to just coronate this mentally damaged shrew of a woman into power.

Gee, would you rather she fall dead from a heart attack first?

. I'd rather she go to jail first.

Why the sudden obsession with death ?

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I think we ALL should tell the IRS we " misspoke " on our taxes. Think they'd but it ?

Just ask for those 2 rogue agents in Cincinnati to check your tax filings. Now that was a good lie straight from Obama's mouth.

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See, when Hillary makes a claim that she speaks "millions of words a day", there is silence from the peanut gallery. Instead, all we get is goofy ass parodies and mockery for even addressing the matter. They won't even address her lies, or even the lies she says about her own lies. They just dismissed the entire issue, as if it was some "vast right wing conspiracy". They don't have the intellectual ability or capacity to have an honest discussion on this matter, because they know they are wrong.

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Total BS. You are a liar. A cursory review will prove that and, the fact that I detest her disingenuous political nature. You know, the same way I detest your disingenuous political nature.

To insinuate that making fun of you and your ideological idiocy, is dismissing her character issues, is deceitful.

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Not deceitful in anyway. the only thing you've done in this thread to address the issue is fall back on your goofy ass fake persona , your tea party idiot character , and do nothing but mock the whole issue.

I'm not a liar, and I'm not wrong either. You're just acting like a punk who has been shown to be exactly what you are. A phony troll, and that's all you'll ever be.

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Not deceitful in anyway. the only thing you've done in this thread to address the issue is fall back on your goofy ass fake persona , your tea party idiot character , and do nothing but mock the whole issue.

I'm not a liar, and I'm not wrong either. You're just acting like a punk who has been shown to be exactly what you are. A phony troll, and that's all you'll ever be.

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Total BS. You are a liar. A cursory review will prove that and, the fact that I detest her disingenuous political nature. You know, the same way I detest your disingenuous political nature.

To insinuate that making fun of you and your ideological idiocy, is dismissing her character issues, is deceitful.

He'll never get it.

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If by "getting it" you're referring to Hillary's lies and why people don't hold her accountable, then you are correct.

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If by "getting it" you're referring to Hillary's lies and why people don't hold her accountable, then you are correct.

No, I am referring to your habit of assuming any criticism of your statements translates into support of what you are railing against.

Keep reading this until you get it:

Total BS. You are a liar. A cursory review will prove that and, the fact that I detest her disingenuous political nature. You know, the same way I detest your disingenuous political nature.

To insinuate that making fun of you and your ideological idiocy, is dismissing her character issues, is deceitful.

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Homer, you still don't get it do you? Those who are attacking me and falsely accusing me of lying are avoiding the issue. By default, that means they are defending Hillary. I'm sorry if you don't like it, or if you don't understand it, and wish it were something other than what it is. But that doesn't change the facts. Going after the messenger and ignoring the topic is pretty much par for the course for you lefty progs.

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"Cite exactly where I lied. $ 50 says you can't."

LOL! Since you are a liar, why don't we just make $50,000.00?!!!

"Those who are attacking me and falsely accusing me of lying are avoiding the issue. By default, that means they are defending Hillary."

Stupid and disingenuous. You and Hillary are the same. Both of you can make yourselves believe anything.

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I didn't make it more because I knew you couldn't cover it. And I wanted to get paid. The challenge was for any statement prior, so it's laughable that you try to come out afterwords and call what I said a lie. It's not even a lie, you just don't like it and or don't agree with it. That doesn't make it a lie.

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