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Gus says: He will be more "Hands On" this spring


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Every now and then, Gus lets a-little slip out. If Gus is taking more of a hands-on approach this spring and doing more of the offensive coaching, doesn't that beg the comment: Gus must have let Rhett do more last season? Also, please notice Gus said: "I feel great about our staff, but that's what I enjoy doing." Telling comments, very telling! Go get-em Gus!

Malzahn said he’s taking a more hand-on approach to coaching the quarterbacks and the entire offense this spring.

“I'm going to do more of the offensive coaching, helping the guys. I feel great about our staff, but that's what I enjoy doing,” he said.


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This can be a really good thing or turn really bad. It appears Gus is insulating himself around coaches he "trusts". This is a good year for self evaluation.

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This can be a really good thing or turn really bad. It appears Gus is insulating himself around coaches he "trusts". This is a good year for self evaluation.

Agree; I think it answers some questions from last year. Possibly the most information we are going to get on the matter of...did he give more of the "O" to coach Rhett last season and was Rhett ready?

It may be the closest we come to Gus admitting he gave too much to Rhett last season? Any thoughts?

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Gave too much to Rhett? Was Rhett ready?

Why the hell does Auburn have to be the freaking training grounds for a SEC Offensive Coordinator? :banghead:

This is the toughest division in the strongest conference in the freaking nation. And AU has an OC that wasn't/isn't ready to coach in the big time?

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This can be a really good thing or turn really bad. It appears Gus is insulating himself around coaches he "trusts". This is a good year for self evaluation.

Nice way to put that Stat, and I agree with your thoughts. Of course, the evaluation will be more than just self evaluation. It will be interesting to see how Gus evaluates each QB and which one he decides to start against Clemson. Also, will his play calling be any different after the first "scripted" plays to start the game (will the magic return?).

If Gus has success this season, I can see his growth, as a coach, will increase in each succeeding year. Hoping for a very good year.

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Of course, the evaluation will be more than just self evaluation. It will be interesting to see how Gus evaluates each QB and which one he decides to start against Clemson. Also, will his play calling be any different after the first "scripted" plays to start the game (will the magic return?).

If Gus has success this season, I can see his growth, as a coach, will increase in each succeeding year. Hoping for a very good year.

Everything Gus does to prep his team is what I meant by self evaluation.

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Malzahn said he’s taking a more hand-on approach to coaching the quarterbacks and the entire offense this spring.

I'm going to do more of the offensive coaching, helping the guys. I feel great about our staff, but that's what I enjoy doing,” he said.

Well, well. Having Malzahn's own words support my assertions from the end of the season that Lashlee, not Malzahn, was making the majority of the O calls is nice, yet ominous. Hope you read that TitanTiger and others.

The O didn't work under Lashlee and Malzahn couldn't hire Lashlee out to another team so the logical flow is to resume the reins and hopefully make things work before it's too late. Now I'm more hopeful for a successful 2016 season and the "hot seat" rumors for Malzahn fall by the wayside. Malzahn is AU's key to a successful future.

WDE !!!

btw, let everyone learn that favoritism can bite you seriously in the butt.

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Of course, the evaluation will be more than just self evaluation. It will be interesting to see how Gus evaluates each QB and which one he decides to start against Clemson. Also, will his play calling be any different after the first "scripted" plays to start the game (will the magic return?).

If Gus has success this season, I can see his growth, as a coach, will increase in each succeeding year. Hoping for a very good year.

Everything Gus does to prep his team is what I meant by self evaluation.

I should have structured my statement a little differently. I should have mentioned that not only will Gus evaluate himself, but everybody on this board, sports writers and JJ will be evaluating what goes on this season. Sorry for the confusion.

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It may be the closest we come to Gus admitting he gave too much to Rhett last season? Any thoughts?

The difference with Malzahn is that Lashlee was not hired to implement and run a offense for Auburn. He was hired to run Gus Malzahn's offense. Hiring him in 2013 made sense because as a player and assistant under Malzahn, Lashlee knew the offense better than anyone else. Though someone like Bobby Petrino might be a better offensive coach, If Petriono was an OC, he would be expected to run Malzahn's offense if he were Malzahn's OC. Personally, I would like to see Malzahn's offense evolve. I think it could be great Malzahn intends to be more "hands on" but if HE cannot evolve, what happens? Obviously with better talent and better QB play, the same offense will play better but has a limited ceiling. Malzahn's offense is 10-years into the collegiate level, which includes 135 games. There is plenty enough tape out their to understand his tendencies, schemes and personnel groupings. Hopefully the consultation with Coach Art Briles might bring about some new looks.

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It may be the closest we come to Gus admitting he gave too much to Rhett last season? Any thoughts?

The difference with Malzahn is that Lashlee was not hired to implement and run a offense for Auburn. He was hired to run Gus Malzahn's offense. Hiring him in 2013 made sense because as a player and assistant under Malzahn, Lashlee knew the offense better than anyone else. Though someone like Bobby Petrino might be a better offensive coach, If Petriono was an OC, he would be expected to run Malzahn's offense if he were Malzahn's OC. Personally, I would like to see Malzahn's offense evolve. I think it could be great Malzahn intends to be more "hands on" but if HE cannot evolve, what happens? Obviously with better talent and better QB play, the same offense will play better but has a limited ceiling. Malzahn's offense is 10-years into the collegiate level, which includes 135 games. There is plenty enough tape out their to understand his tendencies, schemes and personnel groupings. Hopefully the consultation with Coach Art Briles might bring about some new looks.

Thanks Stat, good stuff!
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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Being a Head Coach of a program he size and caliber of Auburn is a huge undertaking for anyone considering the programs we go up against every Saturday in the Fall. The day to day/week to week responsibilities of the HC at a place like AU are tremendous I'm sure.

I hope Gus is organized to the point of being OCD, especially if he's having to implement, and devise an evolved and productive offensive scheme in addition to his other many HC duties. I wish he had an OC that he could rely on to carry out his plan. But if he has to do his job + Rhett's then he will be spread pretty dang thin.

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Who was the OC for Steve Spurrier in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at Florida?

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Who was the OC for Steve Spurrier in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at Florida?

Great point Stat.
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It's good to see that Gus will be more involved with the offense this year. He has obviously come to terms with an issue he needed to correct. It is desperately needed. Having said that, it's a shame he has to do that himself and can't rely on an OC making $600K/yr to handle the responsibility that was assigned to him. I'm sure he feels the same way.

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Who was the OC for Steve Spurrier in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at Florida?

Great point Stat.

Who cares ? That was a quarter century ago.

btw, who were the OCs at UpDykeville University in '09, '11, '12, '15. Now those are relevant. It's important for AU to have a proven record as an OC. RL ain't it. For the Lashlee diehard fans, he HAS TO GO !

WDE !!!

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Who was the OC for Steve Spurrier in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at Florida?

Great point Stat.

Who cares ? That was a quarter century ago.

btw, who were the OCs at UpDykeville University in '09, '11, '12, '15. Now those are relevant. It's important for AU to have a proven record as an OC. RL ain't it. For the Lashlee diehard fans, he HAS TO GO !

WDE !!!

The point is that no matter who the OC is under Malzahn, they will be running Malzahn's offense.

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Being a Head Coach of a program he size and caliber of Auburn is a huge undertaking for anyone considering the programs we go up against every Saturday in the Fall. The day to day/week to week responsibilities of the HC at a place like AU are tremendous I'm sure.

I hope Gus is organized to the point of being OCD, especially if he's having to implement, and devise an evolved and productive offensive scheme in addition to his other many HC duties. I wish he had an OC that he could rely on to carry out his plan. But if he has to do his job + Rhett's then he will be spread pretty dang thin.

No inside info here, but when Gus made the hire (Rhett) he made several statements like: "When Head Coaching duties pull me away, Rhett will know just what to do"

Just guessing here on my part but it would seem Gus gave more to Rhett last lesson, Gus taking it back this season.

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Who was the OC for Steve Spurrier in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at Florida?

Great point Stat.

Who cares ? That was a quarter century ago.

btw, who were the OCs at UpDykeville University in '09, '11, '12, '15. Now those are relevant. It's important for AU to have a proven record as an OC. RL ain't it. For the Lashlee diehard fans, he HAS TO GO !

WDE !!!

The point is that no matter who the OC is under Malzahn, they will be running Malzahn's offense.

You don't get it Stat, who runs the O does matter because we see that Gus is retaking that role, he's just not renaming Lashlee's title as GA as it should have been. Having RL run it has failed and we have a 15-11 record the last two seasons to show for it.

GM has jeopardized AU's success, along with his own career, by supporting two seasons of favoritism for a coach without a resume'.

WDE !!!

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There are countless HC's across the country who are offensive minded who employ legitimate OCs to call their offense. They call the HC's offense. Knowing every nuance there is to know about the playbook or offense doesn't amount to much if you're a poor/unseasoned play caller. Gus can give his playbook to anyone and ask him to call the plays. 18-22 year olds learn the offense with limited time. I imagine an experienced, grown man can pick up the offense after putting some time in. The fact of the matter is, Rhett is just not qualified to hold the OC position at a place like Auburn. An SEC power should never, ever, ever be in a position to have an offensive coordinator that is this inexperienced calling any kind of shots. QB coach? Maybe. But any hand in the game planning and play calling? That might be reaching a little bit.

Some people point to the success of 2013 as a plus for Lashlee. But we ran the same play, or a slight variation of it, for 80% of the time. If there was an example of when the team stopped our main play call and we had to adjust or there was evidence of RL making an adjustment credit would be due. But our peronnel was what made that go. That left side of the O Line was demolishing an entire side of the defensive front.

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What purpose does Rhett serve if he wasn't hired to run an offense at AU?

Who was the OC for Steve Spurrier in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at Florida?

Great point Stat.

Who cares ? That was a quarter century ago.

btw, who were the OCs at UpDykeville University in '09, '11, '12, '15. Now those are relevant. It's important for AU to have a proven record as an OC. RL ain't it. For the Lashlee diehard fans, he HAS TO GO !

WDE !!!

The point is that no matter who the OC is under Malzahn, they will be running Malzahn's offense.

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Well it's his job that's riding on his decisions. He will sink or swim with the results. I honestly think if he had addressed the issue as he shoul have he would have gained some additional leash. As he chose not too, unless a QB stands up in the next few weeks, I'm afraid this may be his last spring on the loveliest plains.

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You don't get it Stat, who runs the O does matter because we see that Gus is retaking that role, he's just not renaming Lashlee's title as GA as it should have been. Having RL run it has failed and we have a 15-11 record the last two seasons to show for it.

GM has jeopardized AU's success, along with his own career, by supporting two seasons of favoritism for a coach without a resume'.

WDE !!!

Okay... if you believe that... Lashlee receives credit for two outstanding offenses in 2013 and 2014 and one bad offense in 2015. You can't have it both ways.

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There are countless HC's across the country who are offensive minded who employ legitimate OCs to call their offense. They call the HC's offense. Knowing every nuance there is to know about the playbook or offense doesn't amount to much if you're a poor/unseasoned play caller. Gus can give his playbook to anyone and ask him to call the plays. 18-22 year olds learn the offense with limited time. I imagine an experienced, grown man can pick up the offense after putting some time in. The fact of the matter is, Rhett is just not qualified to hold the OC position at a place like Auburn. An SEC power should never, ever, ever be in a position to have an offensive coordinator that is this inexperienced calling any kind of shots. QB coach? Maybe. But any hand in the game planning and play calling? That might be reaching a little bit.

Some people point to the success of 2013 as a plus for Lashlee. But we ran the same play, or a slight variation of it, for 80% of the time. If there was an example of when the team stopped our main play call and we had to adjust or there was evidence of RL making an adjustment credit would be due. But our personnel was what made that go. That left side of O Line was demolishing an entire side of the defensive front.

Sure there are but there are some head coaches that run their brand of offense and Gus is one of them. Do you believe that Art Briles 31-year old son actually has full control of his offense? Steve Spurrier controlled his offense. Paul Johnson at Georgia Tech runs his own offense. Mike Leach runs his own offense. Kingsbury at Texas Tech runs his own offense.

When Gus hires an experienced offense and allows him to install his own offense then and only then will I lump MNalzahn into the category you mentioned.

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