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Prayers for AUJeff


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Knew he was going through some stuff... sorry to hear this is part of it. If you stop in to the site for a little frustration, Jeff, know the family is there for you, buddy.

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Despite my mom's strong will, it appears her fight is about over. She has been in and out of hospitals and rehabs since October 10th for many complications despite only being 59 years old. Her blood pressure and body temp are coming down despite 4 blood pressure medicines being used to prop up the blood pressure and a body warmer being placed on top of her. On top of that, she is using the vent and continuous dialysis among other uncomfortable procedures and the doctors think she may not last through the day. My family is prepared to let her go peacefully and as comfortably as possible. I appreciate the prayers for my family, please keep them coming.

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Thoughts are with ya Jeff, it's never easy dealing with this sort of thing. Stay strong.

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My mother has passed away after a good fight. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers from all that spared a tender moment for me and my family.

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My mother has passed away after a good fight. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers from all that spared a tender moment for me and my family.

Sorry to hear that Jeff. "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18
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