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FBI vs. Apple....Did The FBI Blink

Proud Tiger

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It appears they did. As I've said before, this wasn't about this phone, this was about creating a judicial precedent. But there were some indications in recent days that the FBI wasn't feeling confident about their case. So they are yanking it from the docket to prevent the opposite from happening - setting a judicial precedent that says that cannot force a private company to do this and they can't use the All Writs Act in this manner.

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This was bush-league. They should have paid some hackers money to do it and just gone on. It's been an embarrassment to the entire intelligence and law enforcement apparatus of the country and is a clear overreach from a gov't standpoint.

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It appears they did. As I've said before, this wasn't about this phone, this was about creating a judicial precedent. But there were some indications in recent days that the FBI wasn't feeling confident about their case. So they are yanking it from the docket to prevent the opposite from happening - setting a judicial precedent that says that cannot force a private company to do this and they can't use the All Writs Act in this manner.

The government doing it by itself doesn't make me feel any better. Now they can encroach without a body's help. I never even read the OP, sorry for the bump. I just found the first relevant thread and posted the link thinking it was new. Sorry.
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It makes me feel better in this respect: forcing Apple to do it sets a precedent that basically means everyone has to leave a backdoor in their OS. That makes us all less safe and secure. Apple can patch this workaround in future versions and render it useless going forward.

Security is a cat and mouse game. Hackers find vulnerabilities and the companies negate them. What you don't want though is our stupid government forcing everyone to create crippled versions of software that are useless security wise.

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