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Apple: We refused to give China source code


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Lots of speculation out there that Apple had to give this access to the Chinese government in order to operate there. In testimony before a house subcommittee yesterday , they flat out said that wasn't true. http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/276829-apple-we-have-not-provided-source-code-to-the-chinese-government

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Lots of speculation out there that Apple had to give this access to the Chinese government in order to operate there. In testimony before a house subcommittee yesterday , they flat out said that wasn't true. http://thehill.com/p...nese-government

The FBI was throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what would stick when they made this whopper up. Apple isn't giving anyone the source code to their operating systems. It would be the kiss of death (as would it be for Microsoft, Cisco, etc.) and whoever started that rumor is an imbecile.

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Lots of speculation out there that Apple had to give this access to the Chinese government in order to operate there. In testimony before a house subcommittee yesterday , they flat out said that wasn't true. http://thehill.com/p...nese-government

The FBI was throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what would stick when they made this whopper up. Apple isn't giving anyone the source code to their operating systems. It would be the kiss of death (as would it be for Microsoft, Cisco, etc.) and whoever started that rumor is an imbecile.

Indeed. I cannot envision that any closed source platform would give China, a place where copyright infringement is an alien concept, access to their closest trade secret. That said, China wouldn't need it anyway, the Great Firewall handles all their censorship and monitoring needs.

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The FBI said they had the code, then " lost it" , or some such. Is it possible this entire court dance was a ruse by the govt to get across to ALL IPhones , & not just the San Bernadino killer's phone ?

Failing to make headway with Apple, the FBI then " cracked " the code, or admitted defeat & proceeded on with the phone, which was already unlocked.

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