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Valiant Fight, Girls! WDE!

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Absolutely. No shame losing to the #1 defense and #1 pitcher. Had a stellar season and a bring future. They will be back.

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Thrilled for the season and the future. Congrats, ladies. Y'all made Auburn proud!

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Great season, disappointing end.

Looking forward to next season. Myers has put AU softball on the map.

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Totally agree. So proud of our team. OU's pitcher is just from another planet. Pretty sure she's an android. Won her 27th straight start, 10-0 in the postseason, 5-0 in the WCWS.

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Very proud of the grit and determination our team showed. I hope Gus and Bruce were taking notes our guys could use some of what the Lady Tigers have!

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Don't forget. These girls are still SEC Champions for the second year in a row. The SEC is killer and that is NOTHING to sneeze at.

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We lose Carisone, Rhodes, Tiffany and 3 senior pitchers. We return our two best pitchers, Cooper, Fagan (I hope) and a bunch of weak hitters. We have some rebuilding to do.

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I love this team as much as any other Auburn team I've loved over the years... and I've been historically a football only enthusiast. #Branchinitout

So proud of them.

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We lose Carisone, Rhodes, Tiffany and 3 senior pitchers. We return our two best pitchers, Cooper, Fagan (I hope) and a bunch of weak hitters. We have some rebuilding to do.

Was that kind of comment really necessary? Every single one of those girls busts their ass day after day to play for Auburn University and they deserve way better from us that some bush league comment like that.

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Every player and coach on this team gave their all for Auburn this season, day in and day out. If anyone wants to call any of them "weak", then they can lock themselves in a closet and talk to themselves about it, I don't want to hear it or read it. These are wonderful young women who represented my alma mater in an exceptional way, on and off the field. I don't know that I've ever been prouder of an Auburn team or coaching staff in any sport. War Eagle, ladies. Thanks for a great season!

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I won't pretend that the sport interests me, but I am very proud of all that they accomplished. They did the impossible and had me checking scores on women's softball games. I greatly appreciate all that they did and how they represented our beloved AU. I hope next year, the returning women win it all!


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We lose Carisone, Rhodes, Tiffany and 3 senior pitchers. We return our two best pitchers, Cooper, Fagan (I hope) and a bunch of weak hitters. We have some rebuilding to do.

Was that kind of comment really necessary? Every single one of those girls busts their ass day after day to play for Auburn University and they deserve way better from us that some bush league comment like that.

Not a tactful way for Div N to express things perhaps but a pretty harsh retort too.

We openly talk about guys (by name) who can't shoot free throws...and talk about WRs who can't catch passes with any reliability and guys who can't make the throw to first.

Women's sports at the current level are a new age at AU....but sooner or later they are probably going to have to face the same criticism for non-performance as the male players....though good taste suggests the comments wait a bit after such an emotional ending.

I give credit to all our athletes..male and female.... for " bustin' it ".....but we do need some better hitting at the bottom of the batting order. I don't think that is debatable....is it?

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I won't pretend that the sport interests me, but I am very proud of all that they accomplished. They did the impossible and had me checking scores on women's softball games. I greatly appreciate all that they did and how they represented our beloved AU. I hope next year, the returning women win it all!


It doesn't interest you? :dunno:

That's hard to understand. It's way more entertaining than baseball IMO.

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I won't pretend that the sport interests me, but I am very proud of all that they accomplished. They did the impossible and had me checking scores on women's softball games. I greatly appreciate all that they did and how they represented our beloved AU. I hope next year, the returning women win it all!


It doesn't interest you? :dunno:/>

That's hard to understand. It's way more entertaining than baseball IMO.

I have come to this conclusion as well.

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I won't pretend that the sport interests me, but I am very proud of all that they accomplished. They did the impossible and had me checking scores on women's softball games. I greatly appreciate all that they did and how they represented our beloved AU. I hope next year, the returning women win it all!


It doesn't interest you? :dunno:

That's hard to understand. It's way more entertaining than baseball IMO.

No, it doesn't. I mean no disrespect saying that as I greatly respect those women and what they do for AU.

I don't follow college baseball either. I do follow the Red Sox in MLB, but even that has been scaled back for me recently.


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