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Treon Harris -- UF QB, former AU recruit, transferring


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Any chance the staff looks at him, assuming he's able to transfer to another SEC school? He wasn't overly impressive in his starts but he seems to fit the skill-set that our staff has been leaning towards lately. I guess he would have 2 years of eligibility after he sits out which would put him and Sean White on the same track eligibility-wise.

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Starting QB suspended for a game on two separate occasions... not sure I'd want to hang my hat on him growing up in time to be worth the scholarship.

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No thank you. If McElwain couldn't turn him into a solid starter, then I doubt we could.

He can go play 1AA immediately. If I were him and wanted to play qb, that would be the route.

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1 hour ago, Tiger said:



Any chance the staff looks at him, assuming he's able to transfer to another SEC school? He wasn't overly impressive in his starts but he seems to fit the skill-set that our staff has been leaning towards lately. I guess he would have 2 years of eligibility after he sits out which would put him and Sean White on the same track eligibility-wise.

Did you see how bad he sucked?

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Doesn't fit our offense all that well. Doesn't have the arm strength to stretch the field. If you're going to be a runner in this offense, you have to have the deep ball in your back pocket all the time. That was the key to Nick's success. He could attack all segments of the field on every play. Treon can't do that. I'll be surprised if we pursue him. I'd rather put our eggs in the Stidham basket.

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1 hour ago, tigerbrotha12 said:

Problem is: he fits absolutely perfectly into our offense...

You must not have seen him play.....doesn't fit anyone's offense IMO....or the UF coaches would not have moved him....though maybe his discipline problems affected the decision....probably could not count on him to provide leadership.


We don't need to always jump on other school's rejects....

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3 hours ago, AU64 said:

You must not have seen him play.....doesn't fit anyone's offense IMO....or the UF coaches would not have moved him....though maybe his discipline problems affected the decision....probably could not count on him to provide leadership.


We don't need to always jump on other school's rejects....

Not only this but saying that him not being a good fit for Florida's offense suggests that fit was the reason for him not being successful. Fit was not the reason why Harris was not successful at Florida. 

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18 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

Did you see how bad he sucked?

I did. For the record, I never said he was good. He had a few decent games vs SEC competition the past 2 years but not many. But for discussion's sake, how much more of a project could he be than say, JF3? At least Treon has played SEC ball in roughly half of the games for 2 years. But we wanted him out of HS, as we were in his top 3 or so when he picked UF. We also wanted Brandon Harris who has been pretty bad for his 2 years as well lol


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Just to be clear I'm not advocating him to be brought in,  but just trying to think outside the box here and get some offseason discussion flowing: 

Are we in a better position with JF3 than if we had Treon Harris TODAY? Neither were going to end up at QB at their Florida schools.

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1 minute ago, Tiger said:

Just to be clear I'm not advocating him to be brought in,  but just trying to think outside the box here and get some offseason discussion flowing: 

Are we in a better position with JF3 than if we had Treon Harris TODAY? Neither were going to end up at QB at their Florida schools.

Treon Harris has had opportunity after opportunity to win the starting QB position at UF. Apples to Oranges comparison. 

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2 hours ago, Tiger said:

I did. For the record, I never said he was good. He had a few decent games vs SEC competition the past 2 years but not many. But for discussion's sake, how much more of a project could he be than say, JF3? At least Treon has played SEC ball in roughly half of the games for 2 years. But we wanted him out of HS, as we were in his top 3 or so when he picked UF. We also wanted Brandon Harris who has been pretty bad for his 2 years as well lol


First, as DAG pointed out, JFIII never got a real shot at FSU. That means he likely was never heavily invested in from a QB coaching standpoint. The same cannot be said for Harris. Not only that, but McElwain is from what I understand a very good QB coach. Even under his tutelage, Harris never progressed. No one is really sure what JFIII is capable of with some focused coaching at the position. My .02. 

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You guys both have good points between the opportunity and QB coaching.

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I saw him play 3 times in person.  His decision making is horrible and his passing is worse.  Every QB we have is better than him.  He needs to move to DB or receiver if he wants a future in football.  

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  • 2 weeks later...



So now we know a bit more about the "transfer".....

Wonder how much of this stuff has been going on all along and is just now coming to light everywhere? 

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Harris' style fit's our offense much better than LSU's. If you could talk to Harris and he would honest, he'd tell you he picked the wrong school.

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On 8/5/2016 at 7:25 PM, AU64 said:



So now we know a bit more about the "transfer".....

Wonder how much of this stuff has been going on all along and is just now coming to light everywhere? 

Wow...sketchy stuff.

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