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Jon Huntsman, other Republicans call on Trump to drop out of the race


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Jon Huntsman And Other Republicans Call On Donald Trump To Drop Out Of The Race

“The time has come for Governor Pence to lead the ticket,” the former Utah governor said.

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman (R) on Friday called on GOP nominee Donald Trump to drop out of the presidential race after The Washington Post published an explicit recording from 2005 in which the New York businessman speaks about women in lewd and derogatory terms.

In a conversation with then-”Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush, Trump claimed he tried to have sex with a married woman and could grab women “by the p****” because he was a celebrity.

Responding to the tape, Huntsman said it was time for Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Trump’s vice presidential running mate, to assume the GOP nomination.

“In a campaign cycle that has been nothing but a race to the bottom — at such a critical moment for our nation — and with so many who have tried to be respectful of a record primary vote, the time has come for Governor Pence to lead the ticket,” Huntsman told The Salt Lake Tribune.

Pence, however, dodged repeated questions about Trump’s comments at a campaign rally in Ohio on Friday night.

Huntsman, who ran for president in 2012, said last week he was planning on voting for Trump even though the two men disagree on a “range of issues.”

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), a vulnerable Republican facing re-election this year who has already said he would not vote for Trump in November, also called on Trump to drop out Friday night.

Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Co.), who is facing a competitive re-election fight over the suburbs of Denver, called on Trump to step aside for “the good of the country.”

Former New York governor George Pataki, who ran for the GOP nomination last year, said he was “horrified” by Trump’s “poisonous mix of bigotry [and] ignorance” and called on him to relinquish the nomination.

Rob Engstrom, the national political director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said Trump should step down “immediately.” 

A few other Republicans followed suit. A.J. Spiker, a former chairman of the Iowa Republican Party who was previously critical of Trump, echoed the call for Trump to resign and called him “unfit for public office.”

So too did former Ronald Reagan administration official Linda Chavez, who called Trump’s remarks “vile” during an interview on MSNBC.

Garrett Jackson, a former aide to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, also called on Mike Pence to assume the nomination, tweeting that “any decent human can beat Clinton.”

GOP strategist and Trump critic Ana Navarro joined the chorus of voices Friday evening calling on Trump to resign, adding that “he is not fit to be called a man.”




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In the words of Allen West  As for Donald Trump and this audio tape from 11 years ago, “what difference at this point does it make”…seems that rant worked for a corrupt liar who did not answer the 3am call and had an Ambassador and three other Americans killed on her watch.

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12 minutes ago, au75 said:

In the words of Allen West  As for Donald Trump and this audio tape from 11 years ago, “what difference at this point does it make”…seems that rant worked for a corrupt liar who did not answer the 3am call and had an Ambassador and three other Americans killed on her watch.

I betch you dollars to donuts that their tape recording is been doctered up by the libturd media and hitlary and barry is rite be hind it.  Ever thing in the main streem media is lies.  Ever thing that comes out of this addministration is lies.  libtardism is a mental disorder.

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18 minutes ago, au75 said:

In the words of Allen West  As for Donald Trump and this audio tape from 11 years ago, “what difference at this point does it make”…seems that rant worked for a corrupt liar who did not answer the 3am call and had an Ambassador and three other Americans killed on her watch.

As if this is just about an audio tape. 

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Trump may resign his candidacy or refuse to serve at any time, but it's too late, with early voting already begun, for the GOP to place someone else on the ballot, except perhaps in states that don't have early balloting and haven't yet printed up their ballots..

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3 minutes ago, quietfan said:

Trump may resign his candidacy or refuse to serve at any time, but it's too late, with early voting already begun, for the GOP to place someone else on the ballot, except perhaps in states that don't have early balloting and haven't yet printed up their ballots..

At this point it's about saving down ballot races. With Trump still in, turnout will tank.

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22 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison defends Trump comments, says they "were made when he was a Democrat"

Well maybe next time they'll remember this and nominate an actual conservative. 

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10 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

Well maybe next time they'll remember this and nominate an actual conservative. 

Tells you something about the sincerity of "conservatives".

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2 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison defends Trump comments, says they "were made when he was a Democrat"

Hahahahahahaha. The idiots who sold their soul to Trump have gone full potato. 

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3 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison defends Trump comments, says they "were made when he was a Democrat"

That's awesome!

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Hacked e-mails may or may not all come to light one day and be known. One thing I'd bet the house on is that we'll NEVER know what the conversation was between Bill and Donald was on that phone call right before Donald announced he was running.  These ' new ' allegations about Trump, from 10-20 years ago ? No one doubted who Trump was all along.  And yet, here we are. Acting all hurt, surprised and sanctimonious . 

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43 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 No one doubted who Trump was all along.  And yet, here we are. Acting all hurt, surprised and sanctimonious . 

I can't speaking for anyone else, but as for myself, you are correct:  I recognized Trump as an immoral, irrational, lying, insulting, poorly informed, conspiracy-hawking, dangerously narcissistic nut all along.  I laughed at his initial announcement of a run for President, and assumed Republican voters would quickly discard him in the primaries as the fundamentally flawed joke of a candidate that he is.  My only surprise was that they didn't!

So I am not surprised by the latest revelations.  Offended?...yes, but not really hurt.  'Sanctimonious'?  Well, I'm not so vain or deluded  (or 'Trump-like'?) as to pretend I am without flaws or sins, but I've never hit on a married woman, nor have I ever considered it okay to walk up and kiss or grope a woman I'm just meeting.

But for those who were caught off guard, who are surprised or hurt by only now discovering that 'the emperor has no clothes', I'm just glad they are finding out before Nov. 8th.

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

Hacked e-mails may or may not all come to light one day and be known. One thing I'd bet the house on is that we'll NEVER know what the conversation was between Bill and Donald was on that phone call right before Donald announced he was running.  These ' new ' allegations about Trump, from 10-20 years ago ? No one doubted who Trump was all along.  And yet, here we are. Acting all hurt, surprised and sanctimonious . 

Perhaps but, if you are going to give any candidate a fair evaluation, isn't there a responsibility to listen to their words and evaluate what is genuine, what is empty rhetoric, discern the beliefs from the BS?  Should we merely assume based on the letter next to their names?  

Perhaps the problem for Trump, and the contrast to Bill Clinton, is less about what Trump said then, but rather, what he has said during the campaign?  Perhaps you shouldn't run as a "family values" conservative if in fact, you are not one?  I would guess that the evangelicals who support Trump have a lot to think about now, about Trump, about themselves.

Perhaps the damage to Trump is not the crossover or independent votes lost?  In this case, is it the "conservative" votes lost?  Are the people you are referring to as "sanctimonious" a large part of the voting base for your ideology?  I hope they understand how you truly view them.  


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6 hours ago, quietfan said:

I can't speaking for anyone else, but as for myself, you are correct:  I recognized Trump as an immoral, irrational, lying, insulting, poorly informed, conspiracy-hawking, dangerously narcissistic nut all along.  I laughed at his initial announcement of a run for President, and assumed Republican voters would quickly discard him in the primaries as the fundamentally flawed joke of a candidate that he is.  My only surprise was that they didn't!

So I am not surprised by the latest revelations.  Offended?...yes, but not really hurt.  'Sanctimonious'?  Well, I'm not so vain or deluded  (or 'Trump-like'?) as to pretend I am without flaws or sins, but I've never hit on a married woman, nor have I ever considered it okay to walk up and kiss or grope a woman I'm just meeting.

But for those who were caught off guard, who are surprised or hurt by only now discovering that 'the emperor has no clothes', I'm just glad they are finding out before Nov. 8th.

My question is, who learned anything from the 2005 video of Trump? Who is surprised that he objectifies beautiful women? Did THIS MANY people not already know that? I seriously assumed that EVERYONE realized that the time for a moral candidate has passed. So in that regard I agree with Raptor, the video is much ado about nothing new. People are acting outraged because it is getting results, not because they are surprised. I absolutely think that Trump is a HORRIBLE candidate, but I still think there is a HUGE double-standard. Nobody cares about how Mrs. Clinton treats women or the secret service, etc.

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Seems to me some folks are finally realizing we have two pathetic candidates. Where have you guys been?

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Can we just get a mulligan? 325 million in this country and we narrowed down to these two POS candidates. 

Both are going to do damage to the US, just different ways. Trumps idoicy and temperament would destroy foreign relations and who knows what else, and Hillary will just sell off America behind close doors piece by piece to the highest bidder and add so much more in taxes and regulations kill off the middle class even more.

We are screwed either way! 

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6 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

Seems to me some folks are finally realizing we have two pathetic candidates. Where have you guys been?

Trump is "pathetic".  Hillary is flawed but qualified.


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7 hours ago, Grumps said:

My question is, who learned anything from the 2005 video of Trump? Who is surprised that he objectifies beautiful women? Did THIS MANY people not already know that? I seriously assumed that EVERYONE realized that the time for a moral candidate has passed. So in that regard I agree with Raptor, the video is much ado about nothing new. People are acting outraged because it is getting results, not because they are surprised. I absolutely think that Trump is a HORRIBLE candidate, but I still think there is a HUGE double-standard. Nobody cares about how Mrs. Clinton treats women or the secret service, etc.

Just my personal opinion:  

I agree that nothing Trump said on the tape should be a surprise to anyone. But I think there were many who wanted to deny, ignore, or sweep under the rug Trump's fundamental character flaws because of their existing anti-Clinton or anti-Democrat bias.  For those, it may have taken the shock of hearing his graphic language and cavalier attitude on the tape to snap them out of their delusions about Trump.  

The large number of Republicans who have denounced him since the release of the tape would seem to indicate that.  I know some are just trying to distance themselves to save their own derrieres in down-ballot races.  But quite a few who aren't running for anything, and some who previously supported him, have turned against Trump since the tape came out.

Hillary is not perfect by any means (none of us are), but I've never heard her suggesting, recommending, or condoning sexual assault.  At worst, she may have taken her husband's side in what she perceived as a 'he said/she said' argument, something I imagine many spouses would do.  However, how many husbands, fathers, or brothers here would write it off as 'much ado about nothing' if a man came up and groped your wife's, daughter's, or sister's privates, or even suggested doing so?  How many of us would say "I knew she was married, but I tried my best to f*** her anyway"?

For that matter, I've never heard my friends and I joke about sexual assault or hitting on married women in a locker room and it offends me as a man for him to suggest it's just normal male banter.  (And of course, he was NOT in a locker room with his cronies when he said those things...he knew he was talking to a reporter, whether he considered it 'off the record' or not!  But like any true narcissist or sociopath, he couldn't resist the urge to brag on himself and his sexual 'power'.)

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17 hours ago, homersapien said:

Trump is "pathetic".  Agree.  Hillary is flawed but qualified. Disagree. My standards are much higher than yours.



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