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Moore or Jones?

DKW 86

Moore or Jones?  

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  1. 1. Moore or Jones?

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2 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

You continue to run with a false narrative, one you helped create. As I told Titan, I can give you a pass early on, but you keep dismissing the part where I told you what I meant. You have no excuse beyond that.

Titan already dropped this anvil.


Let me add, do not try to assign me an ideological box. You're powerless in than endeavor.

One need look no further than the overwhelming majority of s*** you link for the side of the spectrum you fall on to be made clear. Yeah yeah "something something I'm just trying to bring balance something something."

Nobody buys that. You insult our intelligence thinking we would.


Since you brought up howler monkeys, have you read your posts on this thread? You've been howling all day after being clearly told the intent of the message. Just saying.

You are capable of listening. Try it.

I demolished your trash assertion, and ever since then you've been playing "how much deeper can I dig this hole?"

You need to realize there's nothing wrong with apologizing and correcting yourself. It would actually help your case at this point. Don't be so prideful that you can't get out of your own way.

I've messed up, you've messed up. Everybody messes up. We're people, and people mess up.

The only ones who will think less of you for apologizing are people whose opinions you shouldn't value anyway.

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Anyone voted yet? How's turnout?

Wife went this morning and said it was steady. I'm going when I get off. 

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10 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

Anyone voted yet? How's turnout?

Wife went this morning and said it was steady. I'm going when I get off. 

Voted this morning in Huntsville. Not crowded but steady. Could just have been my precinct or the time of day, but a lot of older voters. 

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What I didn’t want to do is to get emotionally invested in this election. But watching Doug Jones’s December 5th speech created a problem for me. He seems to combine some of the better characteristics of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and at the same time to lack some of their flaws. Overall, he’s more progressive than either of them. He connects with an audience a little better than Carter and he brings more moral authority than Clinton ever could. He has a worldview that brings an historic scope to his message. He knows well what’s been holding Alabama back, that they missed out on the New South entirely. He’s prosecuted Klansmen, including the men who carried out the Klan’s most notorious crime. He’s prosecuted child molesters. He may not have quite the policy chops of Carter and Clinton, but he’s fluent and knowledgeable about Alabama’s emerging tech, health, and automotive industries..
I feel like if Doug Jones loses, we’re going to miss out on a chance to see a real leader emerge who could change things for the better in the Democratic Party, in the Deep South, and for the nation as a whole.

Interesting thoughts.


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4 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

2017, when the black girl who decided to take her birth certificate to the polls wasn't being paranoid. 

It reeks of suppression. I hope the ACLU gets involved. A valid photo ID is more than enough. 

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Just now, Bigbens42 said:

It reeks of suppression. I hope the ACLU gets involved. A valid photo ID is more than enough. 

Yup x3. 

I hope that there are more people willing and able to say something in other small towns like that one. 

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Jones needs to win in the cities, and by sizeable margins, to have a chance to pull this out. 

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To all my open minded brethren here. I just have to say that I think the Dems win this no matter what. 

If Moore wins, :banghead:, the Republicans become the "Party of Sexual Predators &/or Pedophiles. 

If Jones Wins, Alabama looks like it is getting ready to join the 21st Century again. 

This is a WIN-WIN Scenario.

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Being a conservative and a Vietnam Vet, just not of the Moore ilk, I chose to vote Moore and let Governor Ivey straighten it out if congress does what I think they will do and refuse to seat/or unseat him. I trust her judgement as opposed to her predecessor and believe she would appoint an honorable, respected conservative to this post. It's cool to call me names if you wish, as some of you are prone to do when disagreed with, but long years in Management have thickened my skin. WDE & IGTBAAT

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7 minutes ago, warhogone said:

Being a conservative and a Vietnam Vet, just not of the Moore ilk, I chose to vote Moore and let Governor Ivey straighten it out if congress does what I think they will do and refuse to seat/or unseat him. I trust her judgement as opposed to her predecessor and believe she would appoint an honorable, respected conservative to this post. It's cool to call me names if you wish, as some of you are prone to do when disagreed with, but long years in Management have thickened my skin. WDE & IGTBAAT

Just don't think they'll reject him. They're most likely going to seat him. Sure, they'll act like they're ever so pained to do so, but "the voters have spoken." 

More likely, he ends up in the Senate until the end of his days. 

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34 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

To all my open minded brethren here. I just have to say that I think the Dems win this no matter what. 

If Moore wins, :banghead:, the Republicans become the "Party of Sexual Predators &/or Pedophiles. 

If Jones Wins, Alabama looks like it is getting ready to join the 21st Century again. 

This is a WIN-WIN Scenario.


I've been off the board until now.  I decided to spend my free energy helping the Jones campaign.  It's the first time I've felt compelled to do so.  Another win, if it holds, is that voters are energized to stand against the Moore/Trump politicians by actually voting.  I heard real enthusiasm on the phone banking and saw real enthusiasm at the polls. 


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41 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

To all my open minded brethren here. I just have to say that I think the Dems win this no matter what. 

If Moore wins, :banghead:, the Republicans become the "Party of Sexual Predators &/or Pedophiles

If Jones Wins, Alabama looks like it is getting ready to join the 21st Century again. 

This is a WIN-WIN Scenario.

You attach legal terms to define a man but reject Due Process of Law? Makes no sense. What has Moore been convicted of or pled guilty to that makes him a sexual predator? What PROVEN manifest acts or medical diagnosis can you attach to Moore that would qualify him as a pedophile? If you're going to attach terms, for the love of all that is good don't base them on unproven allegations. 

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Look, I get it. You guys will not take my word. So, I'll just leave a small sampling for your reading pleasure. Enjoy. :laugh:


Why were polls so wrong in 2016? Trump-Clinton autopsy report ...


May 7, 2017 - A conglomerate of top pollsters released an autopsy report last week on polling in the2016 election — specifically, what went wildly wrong in overwhelming predictions of a Hillary Clinton presidency.


How did everyone get it so wrong? - POLITICO


Nov 9, 2016 - Donald Trump victory speech 2016 full video. Donald Trump's full remarks on the electionnight. ... “Even in the face of polls that showed it very close, they all said that Trump had almost no chance. 


Why 2016 election polls missed their mark | Pew Research Center


Nov 9, 2016 - Why 2016 election polls missed their mark.


How did pollsters get Trump, Clinton election so wrong? - USA Today


Nov 9, 2016 - Pollsters flubbed the 2016 presidential election in seismic fashion.


How did the polls get it wrong? - The Economist explains


Nov 9, 2016 - IT WAS a big polling miss in the worst possible race.


What Went Wrong With the 2016 Polls? - The Atlantic


Nov 9, 2016 - Donald Trump's surprise victory poses the question: How did we get this thing this wrong? 








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This is likely my fav, primarily because Ben used it or tried to for his argument. What he failed to quote was 538 admitted they were wrong multiple times. Of course he did not post that portion. Classic.


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31 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

This is likely my fav, primarily because Ben used it or tried to for his argument. What he failed to quote was 538 admitted they were wrong multiple times. Of course he did not post that portion. Classic.


Nothing in there refutes anything I've said here. If you could actually read, you'd realize that. 

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Just now, Bigbens42 said:

Nothing in there refutes anything I've said here. If you could actually read, you'd realize that. 

That is pretty good Ben. LOL. I won't employ the same pettiness as you and others and call folks names, but rest assured, as I sit here I am very much enjoying the last laugh. Enjoy your evening. 

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14 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

That is pretty good Ben. LOL. I won't employ the same pettiness as you and others and call folks names, but rest assured, as I sit here I am very much enjoying the last laugh. Enjoy your evening. 

Like I said, read the article. Rather than refuting what I said, it affirms it. I've said the polls were wrong the whole time. All polls are. But the question is actually how wrong. More wrong than usual? Nope. This was, again, not a historic polling miss. They performed better this election than the prior one. 

The funniest thing about you being so snowflakey about being called names is that the evidence is there for all to see. I was perfectly civil right up until you showed your monkey shines, only then did I flip the snark switch. Go back to page 14 and start there.

So laugh it up. You've revealed your intellectual dishonesty for all to see. Whether you feel you've won or lost doesn't really matter, as it's clear that you've no idea what you're talking about. 

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