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Checked this out this Am for someone on my FB wall. It is true. She is a Special Ed Teacher in MN and is on Administrative leave. Her Social Network sites are all obliterated. Police were called. She has likely destroyed her career. 

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7 hours ago, Texan4Auburn said:

The stupid, vindictive, sore loser business started with them about midnight of election night 2016 and gets worse with every Trump success. Some people (family members) that I thought were rational about things have proven to be hate-filled partisans. I didn't let Obama ruin my life. If they want to let Trump ruin theirs, it's their loss.

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I have hated Trump for 30 years. I didnt start on election night of 2016. Ask yourselves: Why do they hate him only now? Maybe because his $$$ quit flowing their way? DJT was a self-described Democrat for almost 30 years folks. He was their Golden Boy for decades.

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On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:46 AM, DKW 86 said:


I have hated Trump for 30 years. I didnt start on election night of 2016. Ask yourselves: Why do they hate him only now? Maybe because his $$$ quit flowing their way? DJT was a self-described Democrat for almost 30 years folks. He was their Golden Boy for decades.

And he's never been a conservative either....but that's a different story.....Guess he is mostly either an opportunist or a pragmatist...but that can be said for a lot of folks running for high office in recent years. 

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Unfortunately, I have to give him his due. He correctly read that the American People are simply tired of the Oligarchy running this country.

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Great economy ... damn great economy

US worlds #1 oil producer

China back on its heels...and rightfully so ... their currency is under siege and their true nature has been exposed

Disastrous trade deals unwound...

Record low unemployment nationally and in every  demographic....oh man,  I just love the Obama video saying no one had a magic wand to bring those jobs back to America...maybe Trump is really Harry Potter...

Did I say lowest black, female and hispanic unemployment....ever....ever in the history of the nation....ever

ISIS?  Who's ISIS?  oh, they're mostly dead and no longer hold 1/3 of Iraq and half of Syria...and no daily beheading videos from them

Iran back on their heels .... and real unrest in the nation

North Korea....peace breaking out, Koreans talking and Not a single missile fired or nuke test 

Meaningful Opioid reforms and serious efforts at prison reform ... we need young black men working and raising families....not in jail

Obama-care?  Anyone?  Obama care?  Fines for not buying insurance you don't need?  what happened to those...

Taxes...did I say lower taxes?

Judges....Supreme Court judges....2 of them now..and at least one more likely....judges who actually read the constitution and believe it is the contract that enumerates our God given rights; and sets the limits on governments ability to intrude on those rights....and judges who don't try to define new rights that aren't in the contract (oh, one of these guys names is Kavanaugh)....and good ole Chuck just stepped aside so another 15 lower court judges could be approved.

Another good day in America....





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