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It’s no longer about x’s and o’s


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He can but he will have to scrap what he's been doing and I'm not sure he is confident enough in himself to do that.

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coach asshat needs help and he is too arrogant to admit it.....you guys were warned back when he was hired, and even i began to think he was going to be a good hire during the 2013 season.....the best years at AU are behind him

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1 hour ago, musicitytiger said:

Gus has just lost the team.  Can a coaching staff earn players trust back?

his season is done  Sit back and wait to see what happens after the SEC Championship game.

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4 hours ago, musicitytiger said:

Gus has just lost the team.  Can a coaching staff earn players trust back?

I disagree. Gus has not lost this team. The team was fighting until the end. I also saw a lot of good offensive things (tempo, first down passes, more effective running game) eschew the turnovers. 

2012 is a great example of a lost team. 

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49 minutes ago, musicitytiger said:

Recruiting is consistently better than it’s ever been, but it looks like his norm is to underperform with his talent.  Last year the fans saw it, now it looks like the players see it too.

As I’ve deadpanned over and over again on the recruiting forum, the recruiting classes are a bad barometer for judging if Gus has the needed talent to succeed. Often, we stockpile recruits at certain positions and completely whiff at others (OL.) The stockpiled positions beef up the recruiting ratings,  but the lack of recruiting certain positions well ultimately taints the class. That’s not even getting into the attrition rate or development issues. 

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16 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

I disagree. Gus has not lost this team. The team was fighting until the end. I also saw a lot of good offensive things (tempo, first down passes, more effective running game) eschew the turnovers. 

2012 is a great example of a lost team. 

I agree to an extent. But we have so many wasted plays and mistakes we can’t keep anything sustained. It only takes one or two bad plays to negate momentum. Something is lost. 

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1 hour ago, aujeff11 said:

I disagree. Gus has not lost this team. The team was fighting until the end. I also saw a lot of good offensive things (tempo, first down passes, more effective running game) eschew the turnovers. 

2012 is a great example of a lost team. 

Agree to disagree.  While there are kids that are still playing hard, the team is getting worse every week.


remember, in 2012 there were kids playing hard too.  Wallace and mason come to mind.

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7 minutes ago, TAYLORKEETON said:

Why do people keep comparing this year to 2012 &  not 2008? I see 2008 all day. 

I vaguely remember 2008 but I believe you’re on to something.


12 minutes ago, musicitytiger said:

remember, in 2012 

Please don’t make me. 😂

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4 hours ago, ToomersStreet said:

his season is done  Sit back and wait to see what happens after the SEC Championship game.

I am scared and depressed that nothing will happen and then we get to see recruiting tank and a bunch of juniors leave early. Then its gonna get a lot worse.

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26 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

I vaguely remember 2008 but I believe you’re on to something.


Please don’t make me. 😂

I was 13 in 08 but remember that year very well. I was SO excited to have a dual threat QB with Kodi Burns running the spread...we see how that turned out 

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If I'm Gus at the end of the year, I'm canning Lindsey and Grimes. And I like Grimes but not pulling Horton and Harrell in favor of ANYONE who can just stick an arm out has lost me. I'm still convinced our problems begin on the line and the first two in the chain of command have to go for that. It's nice to pretend like an offensive line has to gel, but I also watched an LSU team last year start 3 true freshmen against a top ranked Auburn and put up 21 unanswered points. When you have D-linemen running wild on your quarterback, that's a liability. 

After that I go ALL OUT on Clay Webb in the off season, and I sign 6-7 more JUCO/Grad-Transfers O-Linemen. We signed 3 running backs last cycle so we can shoulder not signing one this upcoming cycle. We could go get Noah Cain, but it will do no good if only 3 linemen show up to play...

Option 2: Find a coordinator from the Arena Football League to scheme around a 3-man offensive line.

But barring a $32 Million dollar donation, someone not named Gus Malzahn is going to have to lose their job. 

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Our recruiting may be better, but our player development is flailing behind everyone in the SEC.

Can you name 5 Players over the last 6 years that got better over time?

I know we can name 20+ that either never developed or regressed.

CTT could take 3-4s and make them play like 4.5s
CGM takes 4s and makes them play like 2.5s.

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4 hours ago, musicitytiger said:

Recruiting is consistently better than it’s ever been, but it looks like his norm is to underperform with his talent.  Last year the fans saw it, now it looks like the players see it too.

Overall, yes.  But he consistently loads up on certain positions while whiffing on others, which is why we now have no SEC level offensive linemen and only seem to have one decent RB at a time.  We always seem to have big holes at key positions.

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I’m calling it now. Asa is leaving. If I was him....I’d be pissed. There’s no reason for him to not get touches. He posted last week on social media basically complaining about PT. He gone. Book it. 


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9 hours ago, musicitytiger said:

Gus has just lost the team.  Can a coaching staff earn players trust back?

A great leader can regain the trust of his team. Gus is not that person, in my opinion. 

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2 hours ago, JBiGGiE said:

If I'm Gus at the end of the year, I'm canning Lindsey and Grimes. And I like Grimes but not pulling Horton and Harrell in favor of ANYONE who can just stick an arm out has lost me. I'm still convinced our problems begin on the line and the first two in the chain of command have to go for that. I

You mean the way he replaced Lashlee, and Craig, and Hand the past couple of years? You can only blame the subordinates for so much. Gus is in charge of this debacle. and the problems begin with him, in my opinion. 

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50 minutes ago, TAYLORKEETON said:

I’m calling it now. Asa is leaving. If I was him....I’d be pissed. There’s no reason for him to not get touches. He posted last week on social media basically complaining about PT. He gone. Book it. 


If true, goodbye. Tough s***. 

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4 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

I disagree. Gus has not lost this team.

He may not have lost the team, but he has lost certain players. I was at the game today and saw several players walking back to the line of scrimmage like they were in slo motion strolling in the park. This was in the third quarter when the game was still winnable. Hands on hips and body language full of attitude. Made me sad. And mad. 

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I didn't see the game because I was at my nephew's Pop Warner game but do you have any evidence that he's lost the team? I'm obviously no fan of Gussypants, just curious as to your reasoning.

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