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2018 Was a Good Year

Proud Tiger

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In spite of a lot of negative slant in the media, 2018 was actually a good year according to this article in real Clear Politics.


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10 hours ago, KolchakAU85 said:

Liberals are never gonna give Trump credit for anything.

There's always a lag between decisions and consequences.  2019 will demonstrate that.

Trump inherited a good economy. The tax break may have juiced it incrementally but there will be a deferred price to pay for it.  It went mostly to the wealthy and to corporations who used it to buy back stock, while causing the deficit to skyrocket.  It was like running up 10's of thousands of consumer debt on your credit card and then saying you had a great year.

Otherwise, many of his other decisions - especially concerning the environment - were disastrous and are destined to be reversed if not defeated in court.

He created a brand new swamp with many of his cabinet appointments.

I'll leave the consequences of his foreign policy and trade policies for a later discussion.

Trump is destined to be seen as our worst president ever.


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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

There's always a lag between decisions and consequences.  2019 will demonstrate that.

Trump inherited a good economy. The tax break may have juiced it incrementally but there will be a deferred price to pay for it.  It went mostly to the wealthy and to corporations who used it to buy back stock, while causing the deficit to skyrocket.  It was like running up 10's of thousands of consumer debt on your credit card and then saying you had a great year.

Otherwise, many of his other decisions - especially concerning the environment - were disastrous and are destined to be reversed if not defeated in court. He created a brand new swamp with many of his cabinet appointments.

I'll leave the consequences of his foreign policy and trade policies for a later discussion.

Trump is destined to be seen as our worst president ever.


Agreed.  But no one is capable of failing at everything, even if they try.  And after two years, Trump has surely done something beneficial.

You seem to be very well-read on current politics.  Will you name some things that Trump has done well?  Anything?

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5 hours ago, KolchakAU85 said:

Agreed.  But no one is capable of failing at everything, even if they try.  And after two years, Trump has surely done something beneficial.

You seem to be very well-read on current politics.  Will you name some things that Trump has done well?  Anything?

No, I cannot. 

But I am totally open to any argument that he has.

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18 hours ago, homersapien said:

No, I cannot. 

But I am totally open to any argument that he has.

Respectfully (very respectfully), I think your response contributes toward making my original point.

Trump has, in some ways, positively impacted the economy.  He's gotten some kudos from the left-leaning UAW for pressuring car companies to make cars in the US instead of in foreign countries.  He, along with Congress, has helped pass some positive legislation.

Trump turns my stomach, but for anyone to say he's done nothing positive seriously diminishes faith in their objectivity and credibility.

Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were as repulsive to me as Trump is to a lot of people.  However, I absolutely see that some things they did were positive for everybody.

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20 minutes ago, KolchakAU85 said:

Respectfully (very respectfully), I think your response contributes toward making my original point.

Trump has, in some ways, positively impacted the economy.  He's gotten some kudos from the left-leaning UAW for pressuring car companies to make cars in the US instead of in foreign countries.  He, along with Congress, has helped pass some positive legislation.

Trump turns my stomach, but for anyone to say he's done nothing positive seriously diminishes faith in their objectivity and credibility.

Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were as repulsive to me as Trump is to a lot of people.  However, I absolutely see that some things they did were positive for everybody.

What specifically has he really done to shift net car production to the US?  There's no reason to grant him credit for something unless you can quantify it and show what decisions resulted in the result. 

I don't think he has a clue about trade.  For example, he seems to think that the money from tariff's is paid by foreign country's, not the US companies who are importing the goods.


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6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

What specifically has he really done to shift net car production to the US?  There's no reason to grant him credit for something unless you can quantify it and show what decisions resulted in the result. 

I don't think he has a clue about trade.  For example, he seems to think that the money from tariff's is paid by foreign country's, not the US companies who are importing the goods.

The only positive policy I will give him credit for is lowering corporate tax rates to be competitive with foreign rates.  But then he turns around and provides a windfall to the wealthy and corporations at the expense of running up the deficit.  If the economy needed a stimulus (which it didn't) you provide tax breaks to the class that will actually spend it, instead of providing corporations a windfall to buy back stock. 

Thank you.  You've restored some of my faith in the left.  You were objective enough to see at least something positive.  And you're concerned about the deficit and national debt.


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