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Who thinks Putin should be at the G-8?


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It once was a member and then expelled....Russia has the population but not the economic power and not sure why it was a member earlier in the century so guess I don't care much one way or the other...though if it gave the democratic countries an opportunity to discuss "concerns" that might be worth while.

But after watching the G-7 this year I'm not too sure what the meeting accomplishes anyway.....more symbolic than functional.  

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1 hour ago, AU64 said:


But after watching the G-7 this year I'm not too sure what the meeting accomplishes anyway..

Did not have time to watch any of it. Did anyone bring up the issue about industry in China polluting the air and contributing to AGW? 


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6 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Did not have time to watch any of it. Did anyone bring up the issue about industry in China polluting the air and contributing to AGW? 


Of course not...were mostly interested in the fires in Brazil....


Well, they did talk about Iran ….and France doing some negotiating with them...

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12 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Did not have time to watch any of it. Did anyone bring up the issue about industry in China polluting the air and contributing to AGW? 


Trump skipped the meeting on climate change.

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For those who haven't been following the news:

Trump gives a stunning display of incoherence at the G-7

ON FRIDAY, President Trump called President Xi Jinping of China an “enemy,” said “we don’t need China” and told U.S. companies they were “hereby ordered” to end their operations there. Over the next 72 hours, he cited a 1977 emergency powers law to back up his threat to end U.S. economic relations with Beijing; announced he did not intend to invoke the law; and, on Monday, declared Mr. Xi to be “a great leader” and “a brilliant man” with whom his administration would probably soon strike a trade deal. It was, all in all, a stunning display of incoherence — even by Mr. Trump’s standards — that encapsulated his performance at the Group of Seven summit.

Mr. Trump’s conflicting statements on China were far from the only puzzlements of his stay in Biarritz, France. He repeatedly touted what he said was a trade deal with Japan, only to be contradicted by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese foreign ministry, which said the negotiations were at a preliminary stage. He said there was “tremendous unity” in his talks with the other six leaders, though officials said the U.S. delegation blocked consensus on trade and other issues. Mr. Trump skipped a meeting on climate change, and his pitch to restore Russia to the group was flatly rejected by Germany and Britain, among others.

French President Emmanuel Macron made a valiant effort to use the summit to jump-start negotiations between the United States and Iran, even inviting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Biarritz. Mr. Trump responded with more confusion: After allowing that Mr. Macron’s suggestion of a summit between him and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani within weeks was possible, he went on to cite conditions for a deal different — and less stringent — from those previously outlined by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Mr. Trump lambasted President Barack Obama for striking a deal that granted Iran economic concessions, then suggested that he would support new loans for Tehran if talks got underway.

Mr. Rouhani suggested in a speech Monday that he was open to negotiations, so perhaps something will come from Mr. Macron’s initiative. But there was no way to judge from Mr. Trump’s remarks whether he was seriously contemplating a change of tack on Iran — just as it was anyone’s guess whether he had second thoughts about the trade war he started with China, as he suggested Sunday, or merely wished he had raised tariffs even higher, as his staff later said.

The one subject on which Mr. Trump’s intentions appeared unambiguous was his plan to steer the next G-7 summit, which the United States is due to host, to his own Doral golf resort near Miami — thereby injecting a huge stimulus into what has been a struggling business. When asked whether he was trying to use the presidency to enrich himself, Mr. Trump responded with the ludicrous claim that the presidency had cost him $3 billion to $5 billion. His scheme cries out for congressional intervention; if the emoluments clause of the Constitution means anything, it must forbid such blatant self-dealing.


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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

Trump skipped the meeting on climate change.

That is what I read, some kind of scheduling conflict or something. Doubt that much is accomplished in those types of meetings anyway.

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Opinion piece from someone who dislikes DT....and we are supposed to think it's an objective report ?   

Otherwise,   can't recall when anything really worthwhile was consummated at one of those type meetings.   Supposed to be an opportunity for a little "feel good" and getting to know each other better but there are not that many issues where the US and UE are in much agreement these days.  ….even on the subject of paying one's proper share of NATO costs.  Blame it on DT I guess but the Europeans are not all that friendly with each other either if you follow the BREXIT talks.  

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16 minutes ago, AU64 said:

Opinion piece from someone who dislikes DT....and we are supposed to think it's an objective report ?   

Otherwise,   can't recall when anything really worthwhile was consummated at one of those type meetings.   Supposed to be an opportunity for a little "feel good" and getting to know each other better but there are not that many issues where the US and UE are in much agreement these days.  ….even on the subject of paying one's proper share of NATO costs.  Blame it on DT I guess but the Europeans are not all that friendly with each other either if you follow the BREXIT talks.  

Why do you care about NATO?

Dear Leader couldn't care less about Russia retaking Crimea.  He wants to readmit Russia into the G7.  So who needs NATO if the US doesn't really care about countering Russia in the first place?

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46 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

 Doubt that much is accomplished in those types of meetings anyway.

Easy for a denier to believe that.  But then deniers wouldn't really care one way or the other, right?

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26 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Why do you care about NATO?

Dear Leader couldn't care less about Russia retaking Crimea.  He wants to readmit Russia into the G7.  So who needs NATO if the US doesn't really care about countering Russia in the first place?

I think it was YOUR dear leader Obama  who stood by and let Russia take Crimea. And I think the original question here is do YOU think Russia should be invited back to a G8. Do you?

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13 minutes ago, Tiger Sue said:

I think it was YOUR dear leader Obama  who stood by and let Russia take Crimea. And I think the original question here is do YOU think Russia should be invited back to a G8. Do you?

What exactly was Obama supposed to do?  Invade Crimea to liberate it?

Russia has no business in the G7, obviously. Why reward Putin for naked aggression? The only person who has even proposed it is your Dear Leader. 

He has also implied that Crimea naturally belongs to Russia.  Why is that do you suppose?

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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

What exactly was Obama supposed to do?--then why place any blame on Trump? 

Russia has no business in the G7, obvously. Why reward Putin for naked aggression?---I tend to agree.



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Just now, Tiger Sue said:

then why place any blame on Trump? 


First, I am obviously not blaming Trump for Russia invaded Crimea.  But Trump is the one who wants to allow them back into the G7.  And he also has made light of the fact they took Crimea. No one else has done that.

Why do you suppose Trump is taking Russia's side in this?

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

First, I am obviously not blaming Trump for Russia invaded Crimea.---you said Trump couldn't care less about Russia taking Crimea. I asked but why didn't Obama care at the time it happened.

  But Trump is the one who wants to allow them back into the G7.....I guess that's his opinion. I tend to disagree but maybe he has more info on the pluses and minuses than I do.

And he also has made light of the fact they took Crimea. No one else has done that.---when did he do that? Credible link?

Why do you suppose Trump is taking Russia's side in this?---Is he? What do you suggest he do?


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Just now, Tiger Sue said:

---you said Trump couldn't care less about Russia taking Crimea. I asked but why didn't Obama care at the time it happened.

He doesn't.  He said as much.   But you asked why I should blame Trump for Crimea.


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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

He doesn't.  He said as much.   But you asked why I should blame Trump for Crimea.


And I asked you why you don't criticize Obama for doing nothing at the time

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2 minutes ago, Tiger Sue said:

And he also has made light of the fact they took Crimea. No one else has done that.---when did he do that? Credible link?

Trump Told G7 Leaders That Crimea Is Russian Because Everyone Speaks Russian In Crimea

Trump made the remarks over dinner with other world leaders at the G7 summit in Canada.

President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian, according to two diplomatic sources.

Trump made the remarks over dinner last Friday during a discussion on foreign affairs at the G7 summit in Quebec, Canada, one of the diplomats told BuzzFeed News.

The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak on the matter.

Russia invaded and then annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, leading to widespread international condemnation and sanctions. The move also directly led to Russia being kicked out of the then-G8. Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Russia’s intervention in Crimea at the time, saying that he had the right to protect Russian citizens and Russian speakers in Ukraine.

During the dinner, Trump also seemed to question why the G7 leaders were siding with Ukraine. The president told leaders that "Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world," the source said.....


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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Trump Told G7 Leaders That Crimea Is Russian Because Everyone Speaks Russian In Crimea

Trump made the remarks over dinner with other world leaders at the G7 summit in Canada.

President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian, according to two diplomatic sources.

Trump made the remarks over dinner last Friday during a discussion on foreign affairs at the G7 summit in Quebec, Canada, one of the diplomats told BuzzFeed News.

The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak on the matter.

Russia invaded and then annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, leading to widespread international condemnation and sanctions. The move also directly led to Russia being kicked out of the then-G8. Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Russia’s intervention in Crimea at the time, saying that he had the right to protect Russian citizens and Russian speakers in Ukraine.

During the dinner, Trump also seemed to question why the G7 leaders were siding with Ukraine. The president told leaders that "Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world," the source said.....


I've said I tend to disagree with Trump re. Russian so what's your point? You don't answer what would you have Trump do re. Crimea and why Obama did nothing at the time.

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5 minutes ago, Tiger Sue said:

And I asked you why you don't criticize Obama for doing nothing at the time


Obama did all he could do, which is to sanction Russia and vote to throw them out of the G8.  Now Trump wants to let them back in.


Transcript: Obama announces sanctions after Crimea referendum





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4 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Are you that dense?

I could argue who is more dense here but when a discussion gets to the point of insults I bow out of it. Have a good day.

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1 minute ago, Tiger Sue said:

I've said I tend to disagree with Trump re. Russian so what's your point? You don't answer what would you have Trump do re. Crimea and why Obama did nothing at the time.

My point is to respond to your inane and/or obvious questions.  Why do you keep asking them?

And - OBVIOUSLY :-\ - I would have Trump to first stop making pro-Russia statements and requests like suggesting they be allowed to rejoin the G7.

And I would like to see Trump maintain and increase sanction pressure on Russia to ensure they don't try to do the same thing to Ukraine.

I would like to see Trump acknowledge that Russia interfered in our elections and propose serious sanctions to prevent them from doing so in the future.

Putin is an authoritarian who would like for nothing more to weaken NATO in particular and the U.S. in general. It would be nice to see the POTUS recognize those obvious facts.

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2 minutes ago, Tiger Sue said:

I could argue who is more dense here but when a discussion gets to the point of insults I bow out of it. Have a good day.

Sorry but while I have been trying to treat them seriously, some of the questions you are asking are so obvious that I can only conclude you are dense or just trying to jerk me around. 

Up your game and you won't have to worry about such characterizations.

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