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Utah Sen. Mike Lee Opines on Democracy


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  • Brad_ATX changed the title to Utah Sen. Mike Lee Opines on Democracy

I can't anymore with the Republican Party. They continue to chip away at our norms and the institutions of our government. In local races, in particular, I used to really consider Republicans and would often vote for them. Those days are over for me. Any person that puts an R next to their name at this point is endorsing this foolishness and is complicit in the gradual (and not so gradual in some cases) destruction of our government and its institutions. I'm so disgusted as a voter, as a taxpayer, and as an American.

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The last sentence I can loosely agree with: the whole "Pure democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner" thing, but the rest of it just demonstrates what the controlling component of the party has become. There's no pretense of a Republic any longer. They want a benevolent dictatorship. Two problems with that: 1. Those never last, 2. We don't have a benevolent dictator to begin with.


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