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Auburn top 10 job?


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26 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

To be a Top 10 program, AU needs to accelerate consistency considerably. Until we do that, we are a very solid tier 2 program. No more, no less. 

Question isn't if we are a top ten program...but a top ten job. We are far from a top ten program right now, but I still believe based off money, recruiting, opportunities, etc....that we are right at a top 10 job. I would put Texas, Bama, UGA, UF, OK, Oh ST, Clemson, ND, Maybe Texas AM and maybe Mich definitely above us as far as job wise. I think we are right there with Penn St, USC, Oregon, behind the teams first mentioned. JMO

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IMO, the top 10 PROGRAMS (which would attract the top 10 coaching prospects, I would say NO Auburn is not in that top 10. The programs that I think would be the top 10 in attracting coaching prospects would be (in no particular order)

Ohio State
Penn State
Notre Dame

Next in line would be (in no particular order)


Auburn would probably fall in the next 5, along with Michigan State, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Texas A&M and Boise State.

So, IMO, Auburn currently would be a top 20 job, but not even close to a top 10.

And this is largely due to the MEDIOCRITY of GUS MALZAHN'S tenure here at Auburn!





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25 minutes ago, AURex said:

IMO, the top 10 PROGRAMS (which would attract the top 10 coaching prospects, I would say NO Auburn is not in that top 10. The programs that I think would be the top 10 in attracting coaching prospects would be (in no particular order)

Ohio State
Penn State
Notre Dame

Next in line would be (in no particular order)


Auburn would probably fall in the next 5, along with Michigan State, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Texas A&M and Boise State.

So, IMO, Auburn currently would be a top 20 job, but not even close to a top 10.

And this is largely due to the MEDIOCRITY of GUS MALZAHN'S tenure here at Auburn!





That's fair. I disagree with some though. I would put AU at the front of that 2nd group. 

That is why I am strictly referring to the job itself and trying to exclude the current state of the program as much as I can. 

If we take your same logic, Then there is no way possible that FSU, Miami, Mich, or USC are higher than AU, largely due to the dumpster fire or current mediocrity (whichever applies) of their program. 

Good post though. Some good points.

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6 hours ago, AURex said:

IMO, the top 10 PROGRAMS (which would attract the top 10 coaching prospects, I would say NO Auburn is not in that top 10. The programs that I think would be the top 10 in attracting coaching prospects would be (in no particular order)

Ohio State
Penn State
Notre Dame

Next in line would be (in no particular order)


Auburn would probably fall in the next 5, along with Michigan State, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Texas A&M and Boise State.

So, IMO, Auburn currently would be a top 20 job, but not even close to a top 10.

And this is largely due to the MEDIOCRITY of GUS MALZAHN'S tenure here at Auburn!





I'd swap Auburn with FSU and that's not my O&B glasses as much as Tallahassee is a cesspool. I can't imagine living there or coaching there and trying to have a family there, especially a younger coach. 

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10 hours ago, Tigerpro2a said:

but I still believe based off money, recruiting, opportunities, etc....that we are right at a top 10 job

@Tigerpro2aWe aren't. We are in the 13-15 range. Our money, recruiting resources, & especially facilities aren't at the level of any top 10 jobs or programs right now.

10 hours ago, Tigerpro2a said:

I think we are right there with USC

We aren't right there with USC. Cali is a much better state to get talent from. Even if they struggle they can always rebound quickly barring sanctions. It's not as easy for us to rebound if we struggle.

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8 hours ago, AURex said:

Next in line would be (in no particular order)


Miami & FSU aren't better jobs than AU. Yes both have recruiting area advantages but both also have major financial problems & lack of fan support, more than anything we've had in those areas.

8 hours ago, AURex said:

Texas A&M

A&M is a sleeping giant. If they ever get their act together they could be a major headache. They litterally have more resources than us in every area. They are definitely a better job than FSU. No way Jimbo goes from FSU to A&M if FSU was the better job.

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12 hours ago, AURex said:

IMO, the top 10 PROGRAMS (which would attract the top 10 coaching prospects, I would say NO Auburn is not in that top 10. The programs that I think would be the top 10 in attracting coaching prospects would be (in no particular order)

Ohio State
Penn State
Notre Dame

Next in line would be (in no particular order)


Auburn would probably fall in the next 5, along with Michigan State, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Texas A&M and Boise State.

So, IMO, Auburn currently would be a top 20 job, but not even close to a top 10.

And this is largely due to the MEDIOCRITY of GUS MALZAHN'S tenure here at Auburn!





Michigan, Miami and FSU would drop a tier, USC, A&M and AU would move up a tier IMO

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We are not talking the current situation with each school. In  terms of top 10 for coaches, I think history, tradition, legacy + money, donor support, recruiting potential, and just the cred that goes with being the head coach at one of the great football schools historically really counts for a lot.

Michigan is currently not great under Harboy or Hoke, but I am certain there are plenty of coaches who would line up to coach there. Same with Ohio State, Penn State, Notre Dame, Bama, etc. And yes, Texas! They have not been great in recent years, but just look at the money, the recruiting potential, the tradition. Same with USCw. Lots of coaches would LOVE to have a shot out there. Oregon has not been a killer under Cristobal, but the school has huge resources and is a very VERY popular school with recruits because of their freelance approach to uniforms. They are "cool."

Auburn is not in the top 10, not really top 15. So, for example, if Cristobal has the choice between Auburn vs Texas, even if the money is the same, he'd take Texas. Also Michigan. They are both a step up from Oregon in prestige and opportunity. I'm not convinced he woukd choose Auburn over those two ---- ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL! Auburn would have to go way over and beyond if Auburn is bidding against Texas & Michigan.

Current situation, if all 3 go for a new coach? Texas takes Cristobal, Michigan takes Campbell, Auburn ??? Leftovers.

But, I don't think things work out that way. I think Malzahn stays for another year. Michigan and Texas? 50/50.


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2 hours ago, AURex said:

We are not talking the current situation with each school. In  terms of top 10 for coaches, I think history, tradition, legacy + money, donor support, recruiting potential, and just the cred that goes with being the head coach at one of the great football schools historically really counts for a lot.

Michigan is currently not great under Harboy or Hoke, but I am certain there are plenty of coaches who would line up to coach there. Same with Ohio State, Penn State, Notre Dame, Bama, etc. And yes, Texas! They have not been great in recent years, but just look at the money, the recruiting potential, the tradition. Same with USCw. Lots of coaches would LOVE to have a shot out there. Oregon has not been a killer under Cristobal, but the school has huge resources and is a very VERY popular school with recruits because of their freelance approach to uniforms. They are "cool."

Auburn is not in the top 10, not really top 15. So, for example, if Cristobal has the choice between Auburn vs Texas, even if the money is the same, he'd take Texas. Also Michigan. They are both a step up from Oregon in prestige and opportunity. I'm not convinced he woukd choose Auburn over those two ---- ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL! Auburn would have to go way over and beyond if Auburn is bidding against Texas & Michigan.

Current situation, if all 3 go for a new coach? Texas takes Cristobal, Michigan takes Campbell, Auburn ??? Leftovers.

But, I don't think things work out that way. I think Malzahn stays for another year. Michigan and Texas? 50/50.


Well said. 

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12 hours ago, AURex said:

We are not talking the current situation with each school. In  terms of top 10 for coaches, I think history, tradition, legacy + money, donor support, recruiting potential, and just the cred that goes with being the head coach at one of the great football schools historically really counts for a lot.

Michigan is currently not great under Harboy or Hoke, but I am certain there are plenty of coaches who would line up to coach there. Same with Ohio State, Penn State, Notre Dame, Bama, etc. And yes, Texas! They have not been great in recent years, but just look at the money, the recruiting potential, the tradition. Same with USCw. Lots of coaches would LOVE to have a shot out there. Oregon has not been a killer under Cristobal, but the school has huge resources and is a very VERY popular school with recruits because of their freelance approach to uniforms. They are "cool."

Auburn is not in the top 10, not really top 15. So, for example, if Cristobal has the choice between Auburn vs Texas, even if the money is the same, he'd take Texas. Also Michigan. They are both a step up from Oregon in prestige and opportunity. I'm not convinced he woukd choose Auburn over those two ---- ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL! Auburn would have to go way over and beyond if Auburn is bidding against Texas & Michigan.

Current situation, if all 3 go for a new coach? Texas takes Cristobal, Michigan takes Campbell, Auburn ??? Leftovers.

But, I don't think things work out that way. I think Malzahn stays for another year. Michigan and Texas? 50/50.


Not arguing, best coaches take jobs take based on commitment such as — facilities, contracts (including asst coaches), administrative, etc....  for instance, Saban turned down bama initially but took the job when they came back to him because AL admin agreed to let him call 110% of the shots no exceptions, even down to the music at pregame.

USC and Texas have facilities and commitment but not sure about Mich something just seems wrong there.   

Regarding Miami and FSU, FSU was Bowden made similar to UM.   There was no history there.   

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