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Allen Greene needs to step up concerning vaccinations

Eagle Eye 7

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2 hours ago, japantiger said:

Math hurts.

Apparently so does logic. 

Those numbers were nationalized and not reflective of covid "hot spots" - like Texas (for one).



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1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

Think about that statement. Really ethically messed up. You can say what you want, but Harsin has no ulterior motive for not forcing the vax. It doesn't gain him anything and has drawn him a lot of criticism.

His non-aggressive approach is purely a show of respect for his players and putting their important medical decisions ahead of a game. 

This has nothing to do with respect.  Does Kiffin not respect his players? Smart? Saban? etc?  Why do the players have a nutritionist and a trainer? Is it being disrespectful to tell them what to eat and how to work out?

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1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

Yeah, he WAS doing that, at the same time Kamala was saying she wouldn't get the vax because it was made under Trump. 

Actually that's not what she said. 

So you are either careless with the truth or you are trying to deceive.

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16 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Well, how about the logic  that you can virtually eliminate your risk of dying or having severe long lasting side effects - not to mention reducing the risk you pose to others -  by simply getting vaccinated?

Now, are you that afraid of getting a shot or is it you who is the one who doesn't understand risk and how to reduce it?

Unless they have some other condition they have virtually no chance of dying without the vac. 

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15 hours ago, japantiger said:

Life comes at you fast Homey....Russia Russia Russia all over again

The wire service also reported that the FBI has found no evidence at this point proving that Trump or those close to him were involved in any coordination of the insurrection on the Capitol


The FBI has found little evidence at this point to suggest that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was largely coordinated by supporters of former President Trump or right-wing groups, according to a Reuters report.

Exhibit A:

The insurgents rioted specifically because they believed Trump actually won the election.  But Trump had nothing to do with it. :lmao:

Edited by homersapien
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20 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Wait, should I take the high road or your passive aggressive road?

Who is your passive aggression convincing? What have you offered other than insult and condescension?

If you don't care about the gloves coming off and refuse to provide a substantive opinion, then why are you in this thread at all?

I'm not convincing anyone. If fools are still fools at this point then it's hopeless until someone close to them has serious problems. That's how it works now. The problem is that my kids who can't get vaccinated have to go to school with the kids of these idiots. Do you have kids?

Can I accomplish anything? Yep! I can accomplish the same thing that criticizing a coach or praising a player or saying I don't know how I feel about a new stadium design does. But I guess there's no point in any of that, either.

You through?

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11 minutes ago, Butthead said:

Unless they have some other condition they have virtually no chance of dying without the vac. 

That would be a great headstone epitaph of 682,000 people to-date in the U.S. alone.

Edited by homersapien
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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

That should be the headstone epitaph of what, 682,000 people to date?

Get back to me on how many of these people were fit athletes in their teens and early 20s. 

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The bottom line is we can agree to disagree but the SEC has set rules and guidelines. If u chose not to meet those requirements there are consequences. Just like in the workplace most people didn’t believe their job could make them get the shot. U can stand ur ground but u will be unemployed. 

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6 minutes ago, e808 said:

If u chose not to meet those requirements there are consequences. 

That's it. That's the thesis statement. The whole damn thing.

Should've let you handle this from the get-go.

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5 hours ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

First playing for or attending Auburn is a privilege not anything required by the bill of rights. So Auburn has every right to tell player to get vaccinated or leave the program if they choose just like your company or any private business does. Second it calls in a question of leadership when someone defies logic. We have been making and taking vaccines for a long time . The vaccine does nothing except replicate what your body does without making you deathly ill, without making you contagious and without you becoming a laboratory for creating the next more deadly variation of the diseases . It’s not rocket science. Heck people we now send ships to the end of our solar system, creating a vaccine is not that hard. Also the technology of mRNA has been decades of work in progress. It could not be used for SARS 2 until the virus was actually here and they could actually have a spike protein from a patient to duplicate. This is the crap that all of these false conspiracies drum up .  I went in the military 50 years ago when everyone was going to Vietnam . In basic they lined us up and gave us about 5 shots. They didn’t ask our opinion and didn’t care about our opinion. Their thoughts were on trying to help us live thru what we were about to witness . And we didn’t hesitate because we knew it was in our interest and those around us to do it.

This is rich, and idk whether to laugh or cry.  Claims it was all in your best interest then ships you off to veitnam to lose a war. And for some reason you accept it as good. 

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2 hours ago, AUght2win said:

Think about that statement. Really ethically messed up. You can say what you want, but Harsin has no ulterior motive for not forcing the vax. It doesn't gain him anything and has drawn him a lot of criticism.

His non-aggressive approach is purely a show of respect for his players and putting their important medical decisions ahead of a game. 

If he was putting their important medical decisions ahead of the game he would say... Hey get vaxed and quit football. Seriously. 

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20 hours ago, muxi87 said:

I’ll chime in…the only reason I haven’t donated to this site is the rampant liberalism.  It’s sickening.  Why can’t people on this board skip the politics and talk football?  It’s the only board I frequent that is so liberally slanted that it’s just sick and annoying.  This is the USA.  People are free to do as they want.  At least they should be.  Get over it…

Really? Assuming for just a minute your observation is correct, are you saying liberals should have no place to voice their opinion and concerns? Overall I’ve found this board to be accepting of intelligent discussion and differing points of view. Yes, there are moments of hyperventilation and the occasional meltdown, but mostly civil…thank mods.

What I’m reading is there is not enough flaming and bashing of those whose opinions differ from yours. 

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Just now, homersapien said:

Well, how about the logic  that you can virtually eliminate your risk of dying or having severe long lasting side effects - not to mention reducing the risk you pose to others -  by simply getting vaccinated?

Now, are you that afraid of getting a shot or is it you who is the one who doesn't understand risk and how to reduce it?

Hmmm,1st off, this is a discussion related to risks of healthy young people; not me.  Happy to have that in a different thread.  

So your answer on this point is what?  Do this regardless of risk?  There are 120m people in the US under the age of 30.  ~2900 died.  Of those under 30 that died, they had on average 1.1 other conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cancer, etc.  If the deaths were evenly distributed by age, about 20m of the 120m or 16% of the total under 30 demo are college age..that would mean 580 total college age kids, with other conditions died, in the US with COVID.  Not healthy kids.  580. .... 0.00002

All this disruption with schools, isolation, etc., due to this level of risk.  If a kid has an underlying condition; they should get this.  More college age kids have gotten myocarditis per the CDC database than died (See CDC note below...2068 cases of myocarditis vs ~600 deaths).  When the severe side effects exceeds deaths; I think there's a pretty good reason to stand by).

Again, requiring the 99.9th percentile of healthy kids to get this is just stupid policy.  No wonder so many are saying no.  Scared old people shouldn't be asking young people to go into hibernation and take un-needed medicines. It's immoral and un-American. 

Spend the $$ on suicide prevention and focus on that among college age kids; because next to accidents, suicides kills more college age students and disproportionately impacts young men vs women (men 23/100k or 78% of all suicides; women 6/100k).  I can't get a reliable number for how much from the CDC data; they stopped publishing suicide specifics info in 2020.  Suicides initially went down as everyone was all gung ho to flatten the curve, but by summer, after more isolation, they started going up.  The best proxy I have is Emergency Room visits for suicide attempts were up 29% in the summer of 2020 and up 39% thru the winter into 2021.  The anti COVID measures have meant long periods of social isolation, interruptions in mental health care, constant fear mongering driving anxiety etc., a perfect cocktail to throw into a population that wasn't at risk to being with.   How some of you function is beyond me.  


  • Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. As of August 11, 2021, VAERS has received 1,306 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine. Most cases have been reported after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), particularly in male adolescents and young adults. Through follow-up, including medical record reviews, CDC and FDA have confirmed 762 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. 
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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

That would be a great headstone epitaph of 682,000 people to-date in the U.S. alone.

Well, it would be kind of a stupid thing to put on a headstone, but it would be accurate.

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53 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

That's it. That's the thesis statement. The whole damn thing.

Should've let you handle this from the get-go.

definitely looks like it is moving that direction. Looks like Miami Heat are mandating that employees be vaccinated for employment.  

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Good grief. The moderators should move this thread out of the football forum.  This is the last thing I want to read about when I'm coming here for football news.

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9 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

Good grief. The moderators should move this thread out of the football forum.  This is the last thing I want to read about when I'm coming here for football news.

Nobody is forcing you to read it. If you don't like what's being discussed you can just skip past it and go to something else.

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16 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

Good grief. The moderators should move this thread out of the football forum.  This is the last thing I want to read about when I'm coming here for football news.

The title of the thread should’ve been a big warning sign to not open it if that’s how you feel about it. Just sayin’. 

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33 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

Good grief. The moderators should move this thread out of the football forum.  This is the last thing I want to read about when I'm coming here for football news.

Good grief. Did you read the thread title?  

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27 minutes ago, tgrogan21 said:

Nobody is forcing you to read it. If you don't like what's being discussed you can just skip past it and go to something else.

Yeah the bad thing is he has been on this thread from hours ago ! Way before he said this.

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2 hours ago, japantiger said:
  •  Through follow-up, including medical record reviews, CDC and FDA have confirmed 762 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. 

Fearmongering around the vaccine. 

so   .0012 percent MAY be getting myocarditis and pericarditis  which  usually goes away on it's own with rest , or  can be healed with meds.

Have you seen what the virus can do to your heart and lungs?  Have you seen the numbers of deaths and post virus issues from the actual virus?


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So a good portion of the people that complain about arguing are on here arguing about covid. 

And you can slant it for some others that they have an agenda and hate people who chose to get vaccinated.......gotta love it!

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