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Convicted child molester sets up camp across San Francisco school with 'free fentanyl' sign


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And what was accomplished by Catch and Release? Nothing but teaching him that he will be mildly inconvenienced as he trolls for new victims.

Edited by DKW 86
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14 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Some folks just need to have their ass beat.

No Sir, I am sure he is a victim to some Over-Woke has-been or never-was psychologist somewhere and you and I are just Hateful Q-Anon righties for not understanding that he has needs. 

Kick his ass anyway...

Edited by DKW 86
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2 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

No Sir, I am sure he is a victim to some Over-Woke has-been or never-was psychologist somewhere and you and I are just Hateful Q-Anon righties for not understanding that he has needs. 

Kick his ass anyway...

I predict there gonna be a group of dads before too long that show up in the middle of the night, tear that little camp down and take it to the woods to be burned, and tell him if they ever see him within a half mile of that school again he'll never eat solid food again.

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