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AU and Bama's gameplan?


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1. Pressure on the QB. LSU did just that by stacking the box and blitzing constantly....The run for them was working mediocre, but they werent able to pass because of the constant pressure from LSU's defense. If we can guard against the occasional long ball that Bama does 2-4 times a game, we will be in good shape.

2. On offense, Bama will try and put the game in Cox's hands like so many have before by trying to stop Kenny Irons on the ground game. If Cox can hit the play-action a couple times going deep...this will definitely open up the running game. If Bama starts rushing Cox more often than normal, this will open up the draw play.


1. On offense, Bama will probably be preparing for pressure Auburn will put on the qb. I think you see the usual gameplan, with a couple of more throws to open up the run. Darby will get 30 carries. To put the pressure off the qb, you either see a little bit more quick slant routes or Darby getting the ball.

2. On defense, I believe Bama will try and stop the run, forcing Cox to make some crucial 3rd down plays. They will probably stack the box on 1st and 2nd downs, making sure Kenny stays at home. Also, you will see alot of hidden blitzing on Bama's part, maybe trying to force a Cox INT out of it.

Should be a great game! Cant wait till this saturday....already getting butterflies B)

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AU's gameplan? Easy, Feed the ball to Tre Smith, early and often! :cheer:

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i don't know. i could very easily see the bama defense blitzing less than normal and playing the run first just by keeping safeties closer to the line. that would force brandon to make downfield throws or wait for slow developing routes. i just don't know how many risks their defense is going to take.

on our end, i doubt we'll try to replicate the lsu gameplan. gibbs hasn't shown a tendancy to blitz very much at all, and honestly, we haven't shown the ability to consistently get there when we do blitz. i expect more of the same: 7 men in the box, mix of cover 2 and 3, dropping 7 to 8 on distance downs.

offensively, i expect us to try and attack guys like bobby greenwood in the running game. he's a solid pass rusher, but reddick and mcneil should be able to drive him off the ball. then i expect more of the fake reverse, dive type of misdirection. we're going to run the ball, and we'll take our shots downfield.

bama's GOTTA like their chances of working the ball 10-25 yards downfield. their receivers aren't that fast (or even that good at creating space), but that's an area where we've shown weakness. i'd be surprised if they don't try to work on the hobbs/gandy/brock portion of the coverage. and they're going to try the run all game long.

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with their o-line, i think we can get pressure with just the front four with an occasional linebacker of safety blitz. the predator is just now hitting his stride and will have a huge game.

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Here's hoping that turns into Bammer's game plan...Punt Bammer Punt.



I would love to see another Iron Bowl with this nickname. THis time not because we had to block 2 punts to win, but because we force them into a 3 and out ever time. :big:

On paper, it really looks like we should win. Alabams is the #1 scoring defense yes, but we are #4. That's almost a push. And there is no question that we have a superior offense. We have beaten every team they have beaten by a much larger margin, and also lot to LSU by 3 in OT, only we did so AT LSU, AT NIGHT! Combine all that with the fact that we are playing at home, and you've got to be feeling pretty good. But yet I'm not.

The things that worry me about this game:

AUBURN OFFENSE: It's carried the team this year. It seems Borges has a plan for every situation. But we will be facing by far the best defense we have seen all year. We are going to have to play mistake free ball if we want to have a chance at putting up 20 points. Lester obviously isn't full speed yet, and we've been running KI to death. This game be more than he can handle. And this is Brandon Cox's first Iron Bowl. The biggest game of the year. We haven't seen him make it though one big game yet, without making some critical mistakes. He'll need to do so this time. There is an awful lot of pressure on this young offense, and everyone it counting on them to pull out the win for us.

Alabama's offense: They have been anything but impressive this year. But it seems like they have been inches away from big plays several times this year. Croyle always seems to overthrow a wide open streaking reciever by just a little bit a couple times a game. I'm really worried that they are finally going to hook up against us, which will give them the big plays and few pionts they need to win, not to mention open up the game for Darby.

AUBURN DEFENSE: Wasn't too worried about this until Saturday. I dismissed the UK game to getting experience to younger plays, and the team just finding it hard to "get up" for the UK game. But the way we played Saturday night scared me. Shockley had all day to throw, and not only that, often had reciever with a 15-20 yard halo surrounding them 20 yards down field. How did this happen? I'm really worried Alabama is really going to take advantage of our mediocre at best secondary. We can not afford to let them score on us like this Saturday. Points will be hard to come by for our offense, and the defense is going to have to help them out.

Alabama's defense: Uhh...do I need to say anything else?

OTHER (superticions/variable):

- Naming the field after Pat Dye- Love the guy, and this will make the day even more special if we win. But it just reminds me of FSU naming the field BBF before the UF game last year that they lost.

- 4 in a row?- Alabama seniors are not going to leave school w/o beathing their arch rivals, not without a huge fight atleast. These guys will be playing their guts out. I just hope that OUR seniors are jsut as determined to leave the plains having never LOST to Alabama.

-Auburn is favored - I hate playing this game being expected to win. We don't do well in this situation. Bama is coming off a crushing loss, much like we did in 2002 to UGA. Depending on how they handle this could be good or bad for us. Losses like that can often bring a team together to work that much harder. (UGA 2002, LSU this year)

Based on my pessimistic outlook, right now I'm thinking......

uaT - 24

Auburn- 17

I know what you mean about the butterflied vatz. Man, I LOVE this week. Best time of the year by far! You kinda start to get the Christmas feeling, but combined with much more anticipation for the game Saturday. This week never fails to remind me how much I love Auburn football.

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as mentioned above, look for bammer to expose our weak d-back unit. i don't think bammer will do much as far as the running game goes.

why not line up with two half backs this weekend? i'm thinking irons/davis with substitutions of lester and smith.

p.s. weagle: 24 :ua: 17 :au: come on!, if you love auburn so much as you do say you then you would have auburn winning.

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p.s. weagle:  24 :ua:   17 :au: come on!, if you love auburn so much as you do say you then you would have auburn winning.


:blink: Sorry, I'm not a :homer: that picks Auburn no matter what. I try to see things for what it is. I love Auburn whether they win or not, sowhy would that effect who I pick?

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I think that if Auburn drops 7 or 8 on 3rd down like they have been, I think Croyle is accurate enough to pick the zone apart. I think Auburn needs to get pressure on Croyle and try to dominate and rush past the weak offensive line.

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Maybe I'm just stating the obvious, but my $0.02:

1) On defense: Neutralize Ken Darby—he’s really the only offensive weapon they have left. Brodie has looked great at times in his career, but now he has no offensive line and his receivers aren’t catching well. He is psychologically wounded, if not actually physically, and it’s showing in his accuracy.

2) On offense: Play-calling. Coach Al Borges, do that voodoo that you do so well. I'd love to say "Run Kenny down their throat" or "Let Brandon pass away because they'll focus on our running game", but their defense is too good to dominate with any one strategy. However, everyone has chinks in their armor and we’ve got to exploit those little chinks when they get exposed. It’s up to CAB and his genius to pick ‘em apart at those little cracks and breakdowns with creative play calling. Keep their defense guessing. Also-no turnovers: Their offense probably won't be able to sustain long drives, so don’t give them a short field.

3) Special teams: Kody Bliss! Win the field position battle because, again, they won’t have much luck with long drives.

4) Coaching staff: Borges—as stated above, you know what you have to do. Gibbs—Don't give up the quick, fluke score. Make them plod 80 yards to score and they'll probably fail somewhere along the drive.

5) Crowd: Bama is at an emotional crossroads and could go either way. Make enough noise to assure that sure they take the path of frustration and collapse, rather than inspiration and over-achievement.

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offensively, i expect us to try and attack guys like bobby greenwood in the running game. he's a solid pass rusher, but reddick and mcneil should be able to drive him off the ball. then i expect more of the fake reverse, dive type of misdirection. we're going to run the ball, and we'll take our shots downfield.

Bobby Greenwood is third string. He gets like 6 snaps a game. Youd be attacking guys like Mark Anderson:arguably the best DE in the league.

bama's GOTTA like their chances of working the ball 10-25 yards downfield. their receivers aren't that fast (or even that good at creating space), but that's an area where we've shown weakness. i'd be surprised if they don't try to work on the hobbs/gandy/brock portion of the coverage. and they're going to try the run all game long.

Keith Brown is faster than Prothro. He just doesnt like going across the middle. DJ Hall is almost as fast. Deep routes are really the only thing these guys do well. Thats why you see all KBs highlights are deep balls.

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I agree with most of what everyone is saying, but I really think our secondary is good. UK was a fluke with a lot of young guys playing that haven't played much. Look regardless of what you think about the secondary, UGA is a great offensive team!!! The 15 to 20 yard middle routes were open a lot b/c we trying to keep Shockley contained and make him win by throwing the ball. Turns out he is a much improved pocket passer and can still run. Not breaking down on him on blitzes cost some sacks.

AU offense - continue to do the things we do best. Our coaching staff will put together a great gameplan,with the intent on establishing a running game. We will have to protect Cox better, b/c Bama for sure will be bringing big time pressure. Use our big WRs on the quick slants when they do bring a blitz. I think just playing straight up running right at 'em will work. They are too fast and disciplined for the side to side game, of pitches and reverses.

AU defense - Put the heat of Croyle, all of the last several SEC games, the opposing Ds have done this and have effectively put a hold on the Bama O. I think bring some run blitz also to catch them off guard and get some 3rd and longs. Don't give up the deep ball....I am worried Croyle will actually start hitting these on Saturday after two or three straight weeks of misfiring. Shut down the run game, contain the bama WRs not letting downfield for the potential big play. Sears will be back to help out in LBs.

Don't care what Bama gameplan is we got to execute ours to win.

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I think UAT will bring pressure like last year, only hoping for better results. Cox has not necessarily performed well under pressure and we have not been great at picking up blitzes like last year. Look for a pressure D from UAT. Our D has holes to fill and quickly. We simply do not cover receivers good enough. More pressure from the DL will help. BC is not as mobile and can be sacked 4 or 5 times.

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Offense: Run to take the load off Croyle. Think they take the off tackle, sweep route, and CUT BACKS myself and stay totally away from the new center. Use the :au: DEs speed against them. Pass just behind LBs. Find Pitts and throw at him. Passes must be quick. Keep BC in the Shotgun al night.

Defense: Blitz the NKOTB as often as you can. confuse him. DL stays home and tries to shutdown the run.


Offense: Run the Play action and draw to slow the stampede. Stay close or ahead and Kines will lay off the Blitz. But be prepared for the Blitz all night. They want Cox rattled.

Defense: Use stunts and blitzes to shake up Croyle by confusing the O-Line. Confusion is good. Fake the blitz often to shake up the play calling. Stay in Man-to-Man all night. Play in the backfield with the LBS, NG, and DTs. Keep the DEs in their lanes to shut the back door, cutbacks, and rollouts down to a minimum. We want Croyle in the pocket dodging for his life, not throwing down the field or on a roll out.

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Offense: Run to take the load off Croyle. Think they take the off tackle, sweep route, and CUT BACKS myself and stay totally away from the new center. Use the :au: DEs speed against them. Pass just behind LBs. Find Pitts and throw at him. Passes must be quick. Keep BC in the Shotgun al night.

Defense: Blitz the NKOTB as often as you can. confuse him. DL stays home and tries to shutdown the run.


Offense: Run the Play action and draw to slow the stampede. Stay close or ahead and Kines will lay off the Blitz. But be prepared for the Blitz all night. They want Cox rattled.

Defense: Use stunts and blitzes to shake up Croyle by confusing the O-Line. Confusion is good. Fake the blitz often to shake up the play calling. Stay in Man-to-Man all night. Play in the backfield with the LBS, NG, and DTs. Keep the DEs in their lanes to shut the back door, cutbacks, and rollouts down to a minimum. We want Croyle in the pocket dodging for his life, not throwing down the field or on a roll out.


I totally agree. uat will rely more on its run game (Darby) this game than any of their previous games this year. BC will try 4-6 deep balls. uat will run counters that they hope will let our rush run past the ball carrier. They will try to exploit the supposed holes we have in the mid/deep zone coverages we have played lately. uat will put 7-8-9 in the box to stop the run and AU BC will likely see more blitizing than anytime in his life. uat wants this game in our BC's hand.

AU must STOP the run............ We must be ready for quick snaps and not be waiting on the defensive calls from the sidelines. We should run same type defense that we ran in first ut game last year where we try to keep the qb guessing as to what our "D" is going to do. We need to have effective blitzes this game - our blitzes have not been very effective this year. We seem to get our blitizing backs all wadded up in the blockers at the line of scrimmage.

MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL ---------- we must score more points than thet do. This is usually the most important key to any game. :)

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We need to come out fired up at a fever pitch. We need to show more intensity than bammer. Remember last year? Bammer came out on fire and it lasted the entire first half. We need to do that this time. Then let our depth and talent take us the rest of the way. I'd give just about anything to see a dominating performance by AU... but these games are almost ALWAYS close. We haven't beaten UAT by more than 10 points since (I believe) 1969. Stat, am I right on that? So, expect it to be a nail biter, lets hope for a big win... and me... I'd settle for 3 - 0 right now. :D


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Need to get on the board 1st even though BC is capable of leading us from behind. Just like Georgia force turnovers and execute (scored on the 1st play of 1 and Dede ran the other in). Others

.Feild Position


.CAB comes up with another genius game plan

on scores and stats i feel great on the game but my gut = :puke:

score TBD

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