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Dixie Chicks being even dumber


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This may have already been posted, but I did a quick scan of older posts and did not see it. I happened about a week ago, but I just caught wind of it today. This Maines witch has really crossed the line this time and she has done it once again overseas.

"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."

Even liberals understand patriotism is and its importance, they just have a different view on how to excercise their patriotism. But, to basically say that patriotism is nothing and useless has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard anybody say. I don't see how even liberals could say anything nice about this idiot woman now.


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This may have already been posted, but I did a quick scan of older posts and did not see it. I happened about a week ago, but I just caught wind of it today. This Maines witch has really crossed the line this time and she has done it once again overseas.
"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."

Even liberals understand patriotism is and its importance, they just have a different view on how to excercise their patriotism. But, to basically say that patriotism is nothing and useless has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard anybody say. I don't see how even liberals could say anything nice about this idiot woman now.



I would disagree with this. I think Maines' comments are more in line with the liberal ideology than what we'd like to think. I say this because we see these stupid statements made over and over again by those that lean hard left. I honestly believe they hate America more than they love her, given their actions over the past 4-5 years.

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This may have already been posted, but I did a quick scan of older posts and did not see it. I happened about a week ago, but I just caught wind of it today. This Maines witch has really crossed the line this time and she has done it once again overseas.
"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."

Even liberals understand patriotism is and its importance, they just have a different view on how to excercise their patriotism. But, to basically say that patriotism is nothing and useless has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard anybody say. I don't see how even liberals could say anything nice about this idiot woman now.



I would disagree with this. I think Maines' comments are more in line with the liberal ideology than what we'd like to think. I say this because we see these stupid statements made over and over again by those that lean hard left. I honestly believe they hate America more than they love her, given their actions over the past 4-5 years.


Maines runs her mouth too much. But when I look at the damage done to this country by the Republican leadership we've had over the last 5 years I could easily reach the conclusion that they must hate America. I think it is just because they are horribly misguided and selfish.

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Not to do a Clinton amd Triangulate myself here but, The Extreme Left had a huge head start on the extreme Right until recently.

I dont support Bush in everything. I dont htink we were totally justified going into Iraq, but I do not think that the bad intel we had for almost a decade before he got into office is HIS fault.

Bush has had a horrible time with Katrina and FEMA. He has had the Clinton-Gore Recession to deal with. He inherited the 9-11 plot planned back in 1996. He has been through a lot.

We have done a lot of good in Iraq and some bad too. But over all I think and hope and pray that we can leave and Iraq becomes the first Democracy in the middle east. Once Democracy takes hold there, the world will change significantly in little time.

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I see what you are saying TIS. A dems actions may seem unpatriotic, but what I meant was that they still claim to be patriotic as in they thikg their way is looking out for the best interests of the country, even though they are usually wrong and come across as selfish. But at least they claim to be patriots. The Dixie Idoit just comes out against patriotism all together. To me that is a slap to the face of those that have died for this country and those protecting this country so that she can make millions in this country.

They have recently canceled concerts in southern and middle America because of low ticket sales. Geez, I wonder why that has happened? They have then scheduled more concerts in Canada. Coincindence.

TT, yeah, this administration has did so much damage. While suffering terrorists attacks and a natural catastrophe, the economy is still doing fine. We have not been attacked again after 9/11 either. Boy, Bush has run this country into the ground hasn't he? :rolleyes: I am like David and do not always agree with Bush and I do not like the way we have approached the war in Iraq, but I do believe the war was justified, just as many Americans, republicans, and democrats did at the time we went in to Iraq. David said it best, the intelligence Bush and other top Congressman read was gathered under the Clinton years, but even then Clinton is not responsible for intelligence gathering, nor is Bush. They both have to rely on the intel gathered by the experts. Now we are finding out that there were chemical weapons stashed and Saddam documents are being translated everyday that shows he had ties to terrorism. So, when it was looking like the intel may have been wrong, now it is looking like it was dead on. Regardless, Bush's administration has kept the country together in probably one of the toughest times in recent history. I can't say the Gore and Kerry would have been able to have done that.

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"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."

Even the article title is leftist propaganda. A more appropriate title would have been "Dumb & dumber speak out,,,"

Not being a fan of these singers, it was not likely that I would have bought their music before but now I have made up my mind that it would be a cold day in hell before I stooped that low.

I would also say that it would appear their parents did a piss poor job of raising them. Also their teachers in school failed miserably. Your education tax $$$$ on display.

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If it's not important to her, allow me to begin taking up a contribution to buy her a plane ticket elsewhere.

She's just a blubbering idiot. Every time she opens her mouth she just further displays her ignorance.

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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a minute. Why is patriotism important? Now don't jump to the opposite extreme and think that in asking that question I'm suggesting that one should hate his or her country. But can someone give me a relatively concise explanation as to what the importance of patriotism really is?

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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a minute.  Why is patriotism important?  Now don't jump to the opposite extreme and think that in asking that question I'm suggesting that one should hate his or her country.  But can someone give me a relatively concise explanation as to what the importance of patriotism really is?


Being a patriot means you support your country and what it is built upon and what it stands for. Without patriotism, you have nothing but a thirld world country run by either a dictator or a country that changes governments with the wind. Patriotism is showing that you appreciate the sacrifices made of the ones that came before you so that you can enjoy the freedoms you have today. Being a patriot is saying you will continue the fight to uphold those freedoms so that those that come after you will have those same freedoms. If you are not a patriot of what your country stands for, then you either start a revolution in that country to start a new form of government or you leave that country. Basically, without patriotism, a government can't stand for long.

Hope that answers your question. :D

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Patriotism is also showing that you understand and appreciate the sacrifices made of the ones that came before you so that you can enjoy the freedoms you have today and will be prepared to defend those freedoms in the future. Do you think Ms Mannes grew up listening to John Lennon's "Imagine",,,,,,,



Imagine all the people

Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

Titan, you are in the music industry aren't you? What is your opinion of Gretchen Wilson's song "Politically Uncorrect"?

Not being a big country music fan, I just heard the song for the first time and looked up the lyrics and a review or two and found the lyrics and reviews interesting.

This young lady grew up hard and I like some of her music.

In a mostly favorable review of country singer Gretchen Wilson's new album, The Washington Post's Britt Robson refers to her song "Politically Uncorrect"-- a duet with Merle Haggard-- as "reactionary."

This aroused my curiousity, so I looked up the lyrics. Here they are:

Politically Uncorrect by Gretchen Wilson

I'm for the low man on the totem pole

And I'm for the underdog God bless his soul

And I'm for the guys still pulling third shift

And the single mom raisin' her kids

I'm for the preachers who stay on their knees

And I'm for the sinner who finally believes

And I'm for the farmer with dirt on his hands

And the soldiers who fight for this land


And I'm for the Bible and I'm for the flag

And I'm for the working man, me and ol' Hag

I'm just one of many

Who can't get no respect

Politically uncorrect

(Merle Haggard)

I guess my opinion is all out of style

(Gretchen Wilson)

Aw, but don't get me started cause I can get riled

And I'll make a fight for the forefathers' plan

(Merle Haggard)

And the world already knows where I stand

Repeat Chorus

(Merle Haggard)

Nothing wrong with the Bible, nothing wrong with the flag

(Gretchen Wilson)

Nothing wrong with the working man me & ol' Hag

We're just some of many who can't get no respect

Politically uncorrect

(Merle Haggard)

Politically uncorrect

Since then I've been trying to figure out exactly why Robson considers this song reactionary. OK, it's not exactly a revolutionary manifesto. And it does include unfashionably favorable references to preachers, repentant sinners, Bibles, flags and fighting. Is that enough to make it reactionary? On the whole it's a tribute to ordinary, unglamorous people doing tough but necessary jobs and struggling to get by. What's so reactionary about that? (Now Haggard's "Okie from Muskogee"-- that was a reactionary song, and a damn fine one too.)

Besides, anyone who sings proudly, "I'm a redneck woman, I ain't no high-class broad," has won me over already.

Finally, is there a connection between a presumably well-educated and enlightened reviewer calling Wilson's song reactionary and John Kerry's loss to George W. Bush last November? :big:

Posted by Gene at October 7, 2005 08:39 PM


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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a minute.  Why is patriotism important?  Now don't jump to the opposite extreme and think that in asking that question I'm suggesting that one should hate his or her country.  But can someone give me a relatively concise explanation as to what the importance of patriotism really is?


I'm partial to the distinction made in my signature:

“I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: ‘Our country—when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’” Carl Shurz

I think much of what gets labeled as "patriotism" these days is more akin to the "mock patriotism" referenced by Shurz-- an immigrant who served in Congress in the 1800's.

This mock patriotism is used to try to silence questioning or criticism. It's actually the opposite of the form of patriotism that challenges us to be our best and insists that our actions match our stated values.

A similar sentiment was once voiced by a Republican President:

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Theodore Roosevelt
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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a minute.  Why is patriotism important?  Now don't jump to the opposite extreme and think that in asking that question I'm suggesting that one should hate his or her country.  But can someone give me a relatively concise explanation as to what the importance of patriotism really is?


Do we need Patriots in modern day America? Let me give it a shot:

You better believe it! How else are we to shoot down incoming missiles? :D

I'm with most of you here: the byotch has proven beyond a shadow of doubt that her mouth is directly engaged with her alleged brain -- automatic transmission, no clutch. She simply does not stop to think before speaking. Or maybe she does, ... which is even scarier. And what's with the speaking through gritted teeth all about? She lives in a country that guarantees her every public utterance no matter how idotic sounding will never be infinged upon by the government. One would think she would be happy about that. I'm sorry y'all -- I just can't understand why idiot liberals in this country are so bitter.

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I'm partial to the distinction made in my signature:
“I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: ‘Our country—when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’” Carl Shurz

I'm on board with that sentiment as well. Patriotism, love of country, whatever you want to call it cannot be blind.

As far as Gretchen Wilson's song, I don't have a problem with it per se. As a song it doesn't do much for me but I don't find any fault in what she said.

I believe patriotism, kept in proper perspective, is fine. Good even. I think often it becomes about an almost religious fervor that borders on idolatry so I'm leery of being so zealous for pomp and circumstance and kneejerk flag waving when the country or its leaders are criticized. I want to keep it in some sense of balance, and always subject to my higher calling to love my neighbor (even the ones living under other flags) and to follow Christ. I'm not sure I see that perspective often enough and sometimes it worries me.

I simply wanted to ask a question. I don't feel like Ms. Maines does. I'm not saying any of this through clenched teeth or looking at people who tear up during the Star Spangled Banner as rubes. It was just a launching point for discussion for me mostly.

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I think much of what gets labeled as "patriotism" these days is more akin to the  "mock patriotism" referenced by Shurz-- an immigrant who served in Congress in the 1800's. 

This mock patriotism is used to try to silence questioning or criticism.  It's actually the opposite of the form of patriotism that challenges us to be our best and insists that our actions match our stated values.

A similar sentiment was once voiced by a Republican President:

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Theodore Roosevelt


I don't think Teddy advocated criticizing the every move of a particular president under the thinly veiled guise of "patriotism", escecially when the criticism is nothing more than the expression of sour grapes that their candidate didn't get elected. President Bush can't sneeze without the majority of libs opining that he did it wrong.

This newly defined act of patriotic "criticizing" didn't become chic until the 2000 election. Sure, there was some bickering in congress and the senate, but it hadn't taken root among the moonbats until Gore gave up his hijacking attempt. Name one other time you can remember idiots running around with the American flag flying upside down simply because the election didn't turn out the way they wanted it to. Cite another example of people lining Pennsylvania Avenue with "Hail to the Thief" signs during the inauguration parade. I'll wait......According to your quote, it should have been happening for over a hundred years.

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Patriotism to me is the realization that I am lucky enough to possess the noble inheritance of a country founded and paid for by the blood of my ancestors who were willing to defend their ideals. I stand with them and, although I may not always agree with the politicians of the country, I will never turn my back on her.

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Patriotism is kind of like family. I can beat up my sister, but let someone else try and I'll kick their ass. She's family.

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Patriotism is kind of like family.  I can beat up my sister, but let someone else try and I'll kick their ass.  She's family.


I hear ya. I just don't see this dixie thick standing up for me, EVER.

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I was waiting for someone to say it.

You guys didnt , so here goes.

Maines is doing this for one reason and one reason only, $$$. There is not a good reason for saying and doing what she is doing. And maybe I have just seen/heard too much Finebaum. But it seems very obvious to me that the fat, ugly, girl from Texas is not getting any press in the Beautiful people magazines. But let her shoot her mouth off and watch her notoriety go up.

Watch how people stay in the press. Bennifer? Brangelina? My God they even have their own laguage developed. The magazines and tabloids dont make money if it isnt scandalous. The stars get FOR FREE millions of dollars worth of publicity. All they want is for their names to be spelled right. BTW, I have had a conversation with Finebaum on an article on him in I think SI. I asked him if they were spelling his name right he just laughed out loud and said Absolutely. Why do you guys think we have so many people in the press acting so badly? Why do we have Gangsta Rap? Why do we have Pro Wrestling? Why do we have millionaire talentless hype machines like Madonna showing their asses off when they are approaching fifty?

Have you guys ever watched one fo the "Crib" shows? The folks on them are as normal as you or I. They have to maintain this BS Gangsta personality to make the big bucks off the poor silly ignorant masses that buy their cds.

Look, the Dixie Chicks opened with their album at number one. They are dragging in the huge bucks in Europe. They took a band whose biggest hit was "Earl!" and made them into an International, high brow, hit machine just by opening her mouth. They are getting exactly what they want. The fight with Toby Keith did them both good. The T-shirt thing with Maines got her picture all over the Internet for a couple of days.

There is just too much fake thuggery, fake hype, and God only knows talentless hype machines like Madonna. If it really offends you, dont buy the cd.

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The point is the post was not about Maynes bashing the president and questioning her patriotism. The post was about her questioning the need for patriotism. When a person says that patriotism is not needed, they are saying they don't give a care about their country, period. Regardless of the country, you need patriots or like I said, a government can't stand. Patriots are found on both sides of the issue, because both sides think they know what is right for their country, they just have different approaches. Sometimes in doing so, they forget their patriotic duty, but it is not on purpose. But, Dixie Nutjob goes beyond talking about free speech and etc, by basically saying she does not think there is as need for patriotism. That tells me she could care less if our government falls apart just because she does not agree with the president. How self-serving and stupid can a person be? If she does not consider herself patriotic to the United States of America, then she needs to go live in another country. I served under Clinton and I did not like alot of things he did, but I never, I mean never, would have ever said I was not a patriot and would have questioned the necessity of it. No love or hate for any presidential administration is bigger then my love for this country. That is what being a patriot is all about!

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