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News & a prayer request

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The posting of weird news articles, caption pictures, and advice columnist letters by yours truly is on hold for the time being while I deal with some issues here at work. Things are quickly deteriorating into the absurd here and I am about to lose my cool.

Pray that God almighty grants me the strength not to clobber an officer or 2 before August rolls around, thus reducing my retirement income by about $150 a month.

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I am hoping you make it through it. Correct me if I am wrong though I though your retirement pay was based on the highest grade achieved. Not what you got out as. Could it be worth a Captains Mast and a one time couple of hundred bucks fee? I know I had a ringknocker Lt. (Annopolis Grad) that I would have done a little brig time over had the situations been right. Let's just say that if a grenade came in he was going to be the hero and throw himself (be thrown) onto it.

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We have potential fraggers in our midst? Interesting.... :poke:

No I would not frag but if the enemy threw one, he was going save the rest of us wether he knew it or not.

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Prayers given brother,

keep cool for a little while longer.

You're almost a civilian.

Just think football season is coming sooner than you think.

War Damn Eagle

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I don't know your history since I'm still new here, but how long do you have until retirement? My girlfriend is in a similar situation in which she works with a bunch of a**hole truckers who watch porn on the TV in front of her desk all day and she's forced to work 12 hours every thurs, fri, sat and every other wed. Most of her friends are still working on their degrees and so she doesn't get to spend time with them because they have class on all the days shes off and they party on the days she has to work. She's in this until June because of circumstances and I just tell her to take it one day at a time and quietly count the days until she can quit. Pick an hour out of each day to do something for yourself. Were I in your position, perhaps I'd sit on the back porch, smoke a few cigarettes and take in the view of the mountain, maybe with a glass of fine italian wine or Irish scotch on the rocks. Really, its amazing what one hour of relaxation can do.

Prayers are with you as always brother and if we ever meet in person, your first drink is on me.

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I don't know your history since I'm still new here, but how long do you have until retirement? My girlfriend is in a similar situation in which she works with a bunch of a**hole truckers who watch porn on the TV in front of her desk all day and she's forced to work 12 hours every thurs, fri, sat and every other wed. Most of her friends are still working on their degrees and so she doesn't get to spend time with them because they have class on all the days shes off and they party on the days she has to work. She's in this until June because of circumstances and I just tell her to take it one day at a time and quietly count the days until she can quit. Pick an hour out of each day to do something for yourself. Were I in your position, perhaps I'd sit on the back porch, smoke a few cigarettes and take in the view of the mountain, maybe with a glass of fine italian wine or Irish scotch on the rocks. Really, its amazing what one hour of relaxation can do.

Prayers are with you as always brother and if we ever meet in person, your first drink is on me.

Man you are gonna get 25 PMs from our resident ambulance chasers for this one. If she gets this on video, she's a lock to own the company within a year.

And remember. every time you get upset say this, "Fish are not food. They are our friends." Everthang gon be awright.

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You thought that was bad... during the au/s. carolina game, her roommate was propositioned for a job with the company by the guy in charge of hiring if she went back to his hotel with him. Thats been passed around the company, and as far as i know, he's still got his job.

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Hang in there, G-Man. They just aren't worth it. This is your last trial by fire before getting out from under. Take AU!'s advice and reduce the size of the wine collection you were planning to ship home instead. Sometimes officers are like bammers - they were just conditioned to be A-holes, and can't help it, especially the new converts getting their first taste of power. Just pretend they are all bammers and feel sorry for them.

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TIS, after the wake up, the joke will be on them. Keep it cool shipmate.

I hate to advocate this, but suddenly become unavailable to them. Go work on your pft, pars course, ppms what ever the foxtrot you neeed to do, etc. anything to get away from them. You know what I mean. I stayed in the duty car till I got off one base. Cleaned everything that was solid mounted until it shined like new too.

You know the drill. Hang in there man.

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Tis im going to give you a famous quote from Airplane to remember! jus hang loose blood!!!!!!

BTW you make the all things considered forum my favorite on Au nation!

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Hang in there man... I had a little patience test earlier this year (in the civilian sector). I commute year-round on a motorcycle. One day I got on a full elevator to go home holding my helmet and wearing a m/c jacket. An upper-level executive said "Do you ride a motorcycle?" (A brilliant deduction on his part) I said "Yes." He said, "Well, you're stupid." He was serious. I just said, "Well, I'm careful". (I like my job). My mind said, "You stupid, sawed-off a-hole, would you come up to me in a bar and say that?" I despise those in charge that act like a-holes to those they're supposed to be leading. Go find a heavy bag and do a few 3-minute rounds on it... that'll help. And, see if you can get Roy D. Mercer to call him. :poke:

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I commute year-round on a motorcycle. One day I got on a full elevator to go home holding my helmet and wearing a m/c jacket. An upper-level

Cool. What kind of bike you got?

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TIS, I am going to be different just because I feel like being that way right now....I say punch the mike foxtrot right in the face!!!

Or I guess you could do the smart thing and take everbody else's advice.

Praying for you man. How many more days and a wake up now?

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Prayers sent G, I try to throw in the birthday wishes sometimes to help out :P . Seriously though, just hang through it and I'm sure everything will come out great!

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I commute year-round on a motorcycle. One day I got on a full elevator to go home holding my helmet and wearing a m/c jacket. An upper-level

Cool. What kind of bike you got?

Yamaha FJR1300... it's a sport-touring bike. It is stupid-fast. Yamaha FJR link
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Yamaha FJR1300... it's a sport-touring bike. It is stupid-fast. Yamaha FJR link

Cool. I have a V-Star myself.

"Well, you're stupid."

Maybe so...Closest thing to freeedom you will ever find.

Second only to divorce. Trust me.

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Yamaha FJR1300... it's a sport-touring bike. It is stupid-fast. Yamaha FJR link

Cool. I have a V-Star myself.

"Well, you're stupid."

Maybe so...Closest thing to freeedom you will ever find.

I have and 03 honda Civic... now that screams freedom when I pull up in that beast I get RESPEct!!!!!!

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Yamaha FJR1300... it's a sport-touring bike. It is stupid-fast. Yamaha FJR link

Cool. I have a V-Star myself.

"Well, you're stupid."

Maybe so...Closest thing to freeedom you will ever find.

Second only to divorce. Trust me.

Obviously spoken by a man that does not have any kids with his divorced wife. When kids are involved, you are never totally free of the ex. Trust me.

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