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Holdup note on check leads to arrest

Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY - When robbing a bank, it may not be the smartest move to write the holdup note on a personal check. That's what led them to arrest two people here, police said.

Witnesses told police a man and a woman walked into a bank and handed a teller a note saying they had a gun and wanted money. The note was scrawled on the back of a personal check.

The robbers left the bank with $1,300.

Witnesses wrote down the license plate number of the getaway car.

Police said the name on the registration matched the name on the personal check used for the holdup note.

After they were arrested, the suspects allegedly told police they wanted the money to pay a drug debt and buy clothes and cell phones.


Nude man pulled from chimney on Christmas

Associated Press

MINNEAPOLIS - A naked man got stuck in the chimney of a bookstore early Christmas morning. Don't worry, it wasn't Santa Claus.

The 34-year-old man was treated Thursday for bruises and abrasions at Hennepin County Medical Center after being found naked and lodged in the furnace flue at Uncle Hugo's Bookstore. He was expected to be charged with attempted burglary on Friday.

"He was lucky," said police Lt. Mike Sauro. "He was only stuck in that chimney for a few hours. It's kind of a happy ending, because if he had been in there until that store opened Friday morning, it's my judgment he would have died.

"He doesn't appear to be a hard-core criminal, just stupid."

Police suspect that the man was drunk when he climbed atop the one-story building and removed all his clothes to help squeeze into the chimney. He then started to slide down the 12-by-12-inch chimney shaft, Sauro said.

"He's not Santa Claus," Sauro said. "He's a really skinny guy. And he's lucky he didn't get cooked."

The man told police that he entered the chimney about 1 a.m. Thursday to retrieve keys he accidentally dropped down the shaft.

A passer-by called police around 9 a.m. Thursday, after hearing screams for help coming from inside the store. Firefighters broke into the chimney with sledgehammers and freed the man.

"The store is pretty well torn up," said owner Don Blyly, who came in Thursday to hang up signs for a sale to begin Friday. "This is not what I came in here for today, but that's what I have to deal with."

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We had a guy here in Houston get arrested this week after he held up a Whataburger - and dropped a filled out job application as he fled the scene. The application had his current home address and contact information on it... :D

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"Uncle Hugo's Bookstore" sounds like an Adult Bookstore to me. Maybe he had another reason for going in there naked..... :P

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