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Where are all the Bammer fans?


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To be honest I had to eat crow with the wife.

I assured her that with the game on the line that Brandon was going to lose it for us.

He played a good game and managed to check off to a huge pass play finally.

I was impressed with Cox for the first time in nearly a year.

Brandon's not perfect, but he's a warrior. I wonder how many top teams he's beaten?

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Question for Bama fans - Do you guys think Applewhite and CNS gave up on the run a little prematurely Saturday? JPW had more carries than Grant.

No, early in the game they were stacking the box like crazy. If you notice, we ran the ball 4 times in a row on our first TD drive. 4 Times in a row for 4 first downs.

I think our throwing was a combination of them stacking the box early, us having poor field position all day, and us being down in the 4th quarter.

It's a shame opposing teams won't drop back into a prevent defense to start the game. Can you imagine the JPW for Heisman hype we'd be blessed with were that the case?

Genius Ghost...Pure Genius! ! ! :cheer::lol:

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Question for Bama fans - Do you guys think Applewhite and CNS gave up on the run a little prematurely Saturday? JPW had more carries than Grant.

No, early in the game they were stacking the box like crazy. If you notice, we ran the ball 4 times in a row on our first TD drive. 4 Times in a row for 4 first downs.

I think our throwing was a combination of them stacking the box early, us having poor field position all day, and us being down in the 4th quarter.

It's a shame opposing teams won't drop back into a prevent defense to start the game. Can you imagine the JPW for Heisman hype we'd be blessed with were that the case?

So Arkansas played a prevent the whole game? LSU played prevent the whole game last year?

I think it's HILARIOUS that 2 weeks ago you had given up on BC. But now JPW has one bad game, and BC one good one...and JPW is awful and BC just had to work a few things out.

Fickle fickle.

You know not of what you speak.

Cox was clearly struggling with his confidence. He wasn't getting the job done. When that happens you try something else. You give him a chance to step back and maybe stop pressing. You give him an opportunity to get his head back on. It's called coaching. In most cases $32 million will buy a little of that.

The decision to start Burns was good for Brandon, I think. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me or anybody else that the yips Cox displayed early in the season were characteristic of his game. You don't win as many games as he has if that's your MO.

Was I alarmed that AU was forced to sit a fifth-year senior in favor of a true freshman? Absolutely. That's never a good sign unless the frosh is some kind of super freak and just can't be denied a place on the field. But the coaching staff had to do what they thought was best. Fortunately for Auburn, they're smarter than most of us. Nobody was happier than I was to see Brandon come back and look like the quarterback he's been for most of the last few years on Saturday. He's a tough kid and I got respect for him.

JPW has one bad game? You have difficulty putting many words to their proper non-spun usage, but I never thought that "one" would be one of those.

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JPW has one bad game? You have difficulty putting many words to their proper non-spun usage, but I never thought that "one" would be one of those.

A left to the breadbasket and a right to the chops.

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JPW has one bad game? You have difficulty putting many words to their proper non-spun usage, but I never thought that "one" would be one of those.

Your opinion is derived from the fact that you are a total homer.

Again, BC throws for 42 yards against MSU, looks BEYOND terrible against K St and USF...but it's just because he was "struggling with his confidence".

JPW, in his worst game of his career throws over 50%, zero picks, over 250 yards and 2 touchdowns...and you think he's awful.

Your perspective couldn't be more biased. You give BC a free pass for, to be honest, 3 of the worst games I've seen from a senior QB. Yet JPW has one bad game and one average game...and he sucks.

It is because, and always has been, you give everything Auburn the endless benefit of the doubt...and turn a blind eye to any positives when it comes to non-Auburn.

Tebow throws a perfect 52 yard strike and he "chucks it up for anyone and a receiver runs under it". BC completes the OVERWHELMING majority of his passes to WIDE ASS OPEN receivers, and he's ready for the heisman. Your opinions are slanted.

You said Saban is an average coach. You said Saban won 2 SEC championships and a national title in 3 years because of luck. You said Saban is "not a good recruiter". 2 weeks ago you said Auburn's season was over. So forgive me if I don't take your homer perspective with anything less than a grain of salt.

By the way, Ole Miss had a walk on QB throw for over 300 yards and two Touchdowns against UF last week.

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I'd also like to add the following:

UF is 10th in the SEC in pass defense efficiency.

UF is 9th in the SEC in pass yards per game allowed. Giving up 247 per game. Bama is 8th giving up 197, Auburn 7th allowing 194.

Let's see how BC does against LSU before you go handing him any trophies.

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Is it okay for him to have his opinion BG?

You call him a homer...again on an Auburn board, as if it's to be unexpected here... (idiot)... Yet, you're always bitching because nobody allows you to give your opinion without getting jumped on. You are whiney, crying little woman on this board, and it gets sadder and sadder everytday. If you don't think you're a total homer yourself, you're an idiot. If you don't think you do the EXACT same thing you bitch about, you're an idiot. You are the exact WORSE type of bammer and fan on here. One that NEVER knows his place, or when to quit.

I think if someone actually took the time to do it, I'd guarantee that you trump everyone when it comes to pointless, argumentative rebuttals where it wasn't waranted, but challenged only because it didn't jive with your opinion.

Keep going though... I love how it's you calling people out, and calling THEM "overly verbose windbags"...my God the irony...


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I'd also like to add the following:

UF is 10th in the SEC in pass defense efficiency.

UF is 9th in the SEC in pass yards per game allowed. Giving up 247 per game. Bama is 8th giving up 197, Auburn 7th allowing 194.

Let's see how BC does against LSU before you go handing him any trophies.

J P W has done NOTHHHHINNNGGGGGGGG that compares to running Auburn's offense. J P W throws twice as many passes a game.

Alabama has NO WINS that rank anywhere CLOSE to going into The Swamp at NIGHT and winning! You have nothing to stand on.

Auburn is a different offense, so OF COURSE the numbers are different, and if Cox threw 53 times a game, he might have better passing stats. We ran the ball 44 times out of 70 plays the other night!

You Threw it 53 out of 80! It's different offenses you boob. Stop comparing JPW to Cox. It's like me forcing a comparison between JPW and X. Lee of FSU... DIFFERENT PEOPLE IN DIFFERENT OFFENSES!

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Is it okay for him to have his opinion BG?

You call him a homer...again on an Auburn board, as if it's to be unexpected here... (idiot)... Yet, you're always bitching because nobody allows you to give your opinion without getting jumped on. You are whiney, crying little woman on this board, and it gets sadder and sadder everytday. If you don't think you're a total homer yourself, you're an idiot. If you don't think you do the EXACT same thing you bitch about, you're an idiot. You are the exact WORSE type of bammer and fan on here. One that NEVER knows his place, or when to quit.

I think if someone actually took the time to do it, I'd guarantee that you trump everyone when it comes to pointless, argumentative rebuttals where it wasn't waranted, but challenged only because it didn't jive with your opinion.

Keep going though... I love how it's you calling people out, and calling THEM "overly verbose windbags"...my God the irony...

There is a difference. I give credit where it is due. The only credit I have EVER heard Galen (and we talk outside of this forum) give Bama, was Andrew Zow. According to Galen, Zow is the only player who's played for Alabama in the last 10 years...who he felt worthy to be on the AU roster. JPW could throw for 1900 yards in a game, and there would be some excuse why he still sucks.

According to Galen: Tryone Prothro was an "average receiver", and he didn't really understand the buzz. Brodie Croyle is only on an NFL roster because of a Mike Shula conspiracy with the NFL. DJ Hall isn't good and wouldn't start for Auburn.

That's the difference. Also, Galen hates Alabama WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than I hate Auburn. So I don't have a problem recognizing the positives in your program.

Alabama has NO WINS that rank anywhere CLOSE to going into The Swamp at NIGHT and winning!

You're right. We don't have a loss as bad as MSU either.

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Is it okay for him to have his opinion BG?

You call him a homer...again on an Auburn board, as if it's to be unexpected here... (idiot)... Yet, you're always bitching because nobody allows you to give your opinion without getting jumped on. You are whiney, crying little woman on this board, and it gets sadder and sadder everytday. If you don't think you're a total homer yourself, you're an idiot. If you don't think you do the EXACT same thing you bitch about, you're an idiot. You are the exact WORSE type of bammer and fan on here. One that NEVER knows his place, or when to quit.

I think if someone actually took the time to do it, I'd guarantee that you trump everyone when it comes to pointless, argumentative rebuttals where it wasn't waranted, but challenged only because it didn't jive with your opinion.

Keep going though... I love how it's you calling people out, and calling THEM "overly verbose windbags"...my God the irony...

There is a difference. I give credit where it is due. The only credit I have EVER heard Galen (and we talk outside of this forum) give Bama, was Andrew Zow. According to Galen, Zow is the only player who's played for Alabama in the last 10 years...who he felt worthy to be on the AU roster. JPW could throw for 1900 yards in a game, and there would be some excuse why he still sucks.

That's the difference. Also, Galen hates Alabama WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than I hate Auburn. So I don't have a problem recognizing the positives in your program.

Alabama has NO WINS that rank anywhere CLOSE to going into The Swamp at NIGHT and winning!

You're right. We don't have a loss as bad as MSU either.

Holy crap man, your problem isn't limited to GG!! Are you serious? You think you only have these issues with Galen!?!?!? F' me man, you're nuts in the head.

Give the year time man, you haven't played MSU yet, and have a long season left to go. Yeah, MSU sucked, but if you think that somehow brings down my point about what you've accomplished compared to our win Saturday, you're sadly mistaken.

I don't know whether to laugh, say holy sh**!, or just sit silent shaking my head at your complete blindness to facts about your environment here.

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Galen and I don't have problems.

I never said Alabama had accomplished more than AU had this year. You were the one quick to pull the ol "pat on the back" trigger. I was just trying to bring you down to earth. Don't want your expectations to get out of control.

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Galen and I don't have problems.

I never said Alabama had accomplished more than AU had this year. You were the one quick to pull the ol "pat on the back" trigger. I was just trying to bring you down to earth. Don't want your expectations to get out of control.

Again, your arrogance is beyond believable. Yeah... You weren't trying to say anything by putting the MSU statement. You're seriously a douche.

Real zinger there buddy... :rolleyes::lol:

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