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McCain without a script


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A commonly repeated comment of the mindless is that Obama is just an average Joe without a script. Here's McCain without one:

I like the part where he said he doesn't know much about the issue, yet he previously voted against the issue. His pandering and appeasement of the Dobson/Parsley/Hagee crowd is sad.

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A commonly repeated comment of the mindless is that Obama is just an average Joe without a script. Here's McCain without one:

I like the part where he said he doesn't know much about the issue, yet he previously voted against the issue. His pandering and appeasement of the Dobson/Parsley/Hagee crowd is sad.

And he's afraid to take a stand on this issue, but he's ready to go to war at the drop of a hat. I can't believe someone I once thought so highly of has become so pathetic.

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McCain: "LINE!"

McCain does well answering friendly questions from friendly people like in his town hall meetings or Saddleback. When posed a serious question that involves an answer that's more involved than a bumper sticker response, he's lost. He sometimes makes Bush look coherent.

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It's in there. It just takes longer to come out. I'd rather hear it come out a little awkward than hear it come out sounding like honey and smelling like s***!

But then I guess both attract flies.

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A commonly repeated comment of the mindless is that Obama is just an average Joe without a script. Here's McCain without one:

I like the part where he said he doesn't know much about the issue, yet he previously voted against the issue. His pandering and appeasement of the Dobson/Parsley/Hagee crowd is sad.

And he's afraid to take a stand on this issue, but he's ready to go to war at the drop of a hat. I can't believe someone I once thought so highly of has become so pathetic.

I do think he should have given a more straightforward answer on what his opinion is, but I don't see how this would be pandering to the Dobson/Parsley/Hagee crowd. None of them have ever expressed opposition to contraception (in the context of grown adults or married couples using it) or to insurance companies covering it.

I could see how one my cast a vote against forcing insurance companies to pay for it though. From a philosophical standpoint, some might not feel Congress needs to be dictating to private insurers what they have to cover especially if it's not a life or death treatment type of thing. Certainly you can disagree and highlight the companies that cover stuff like Viagra but not the pill, but that's not "pandering" or being anti-woman or whatever the argument about this happens to be.

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A commonly repeated comment of the mindless is that Obama is just an average Joe without a script. Here's McCain without one:

I like the part where he said he doesn't know much about the issue, yet he previously voted against the issue. His pandering and appeasement of the Dobson/Parsley/Hagee crowd is sad.

And he's afraid to take a stand on this issue, but he's ready to go to war at the drop of a hat. I can't believe someone I once thought so highly of has become so pathetic.

I do think he should have given a more straightforward answer on what his opinion is, but I don't see how this would be pandering to the Dobson/Parsley/Hagee crowd. None of them have ever expressed opposition to contraception (in the context of grown adults or married couples using it) or to insurance companies covering it.

I could see how one my cast a vote against forcing insurance companies to pay for it though. From a philosophical standpoint, some might not feel Congress needs to be dictating to private insurers what they have to cover especially if it's not a life or death treatment type of thing. Certainly you can disagree and highlight the companies that cover stuff like Viagra but not the pill, but that's not "pandering" or being anti-woman or whatever the argument about this happens to be.

For me, the problem isn't so much what his stance on the issue is - it's that he has NO idea what his stance is. Without being told what to say - he is too afraid to say anything to put off voters. I keep hearing from the right that public polls shouldn't matter, and McCain is the straight talk express. Well he must have SOME thoughts on the matter, right? Then let's hear them.

Although maybe he really does have no knowledge or opinion on it, and that just the kind of leader we need. Uninformed and unprincipled, John McCain 2008.

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It seemed to me like he kept focusing in on why he voted no on that specific bill rather than understanding the question in general. Since he couldn't tell them exactly why he voted no on that bill because he couldn't remember it, he was afraid of saying something wrong.

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