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McCain unsure how many houses he owns


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McCain unsure how many houses he owns


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own. :blink:

"I think - I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told us in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where - I'll have them get to you."

The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.

In recent weeks, Democrats have stepped up their effort to caricature McCain as living an outlandishly rich lifestyle – a bit of payback to the GOP for portraying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as an elitist, and for turning the spotlight in 2004 on the five homes owned by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Pro-Obama labor groups have sent out mailers highlighting McCain’s wealth, and prominent Democrats have included references to it in comments to reporters.

Twice in the past two weeks, those Democrats have focused on McCain’s houses.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Politico’s Ben Smith that it was McCain “who wears $500 shoes, has six houses, and comes from one of the richest families in his state."

And David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, referred in an interview with Adam Nagourney of The New York Times to an imagined meeting of McCain strategists “on the portico of the McCain estate in Sedona — or maybe in one of his six other houses.”

McCain’s comments came four days after he initially told Pastor Rick Warren during a faith forum on Sunday his threshold for considering someone rich is $5 million — a careless comment he quickly corrected.

In the interview, McCain did not offer an alternative number, but had a new answer ready.

“I define rich in other ways besides income,” he said. “Some people are wealthy and rich in their lives and their children and their ability to educate them. Others are poor if they’re billionaires.”

McCain, by anyone's measure, is well off if you include his wife's fortune. Cindy McCain inherited control of her father’s beer distributorship, the largest in Arizona, and has an estimated worth of over $100 million.


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This is the Dems lame attempt to paint McCain as some sort of an elitist, which is exactly what Obama is and what McCain isn't.

Elitism has less to do w/ how much $$ one has and more to do w/ an attitude. An attitude that asserts that there's a class of people who are above, better than, the rabble which makes up the bulk of the population. Elitist pity the 'great unwashed' and even as they take it upon themselves to make life better for all, even if us mouth breathers are too ignorant to appreciate the work of the elitist.

But the Dems think the American public is too stupid to figure that out, so that's why they're pushing this phony issue.

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This is the Dems lame attempt to paint McCain as some sort of an elitist, which is exactly what Obama is and what McCain isn't.

Elitism has less to do w/ how much $$ one has and more to do w/ an attitude. An attitude that asserts that there's a class of people who are above, better than, the rabble which makes up the bulk of the population. Elitist pity the 'great unwashed' and even as they take it upon themselves to make life better for all, even if us mouth breathers are too ignorant to appreciate the work of the elitist.

But the Dems think the American public is too stupid to figure that out, so that's why they're pushing this phony issue.

Elitist is a Right Wing smear-- McCain is clueless and out of touch.

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Elitist is a Right Wing smear-- McCain is clueless and out of touch.

"Over the last fifteen months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states, I think — one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to … my staff could not justify it."

Who's out of touch?

Interestingly, the old guard LIBERAL media is self censoring any/ all info about this comment by Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder why. It's been removed from YouTube. Go to the NY Times, and try to search Obama" fifty - seven states " and see what you get.

Or try Obama " 57 states ".

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This is the Dems lame attempt to paint McCain as some sort of an elitist, which is exactly what Obama is and what McCain isn't.

Maybe if this was from MSNBC you would have a point. It's from Politico, the well recognized right-wing of Hill news. This isn't the Dem's attempt at anything - it's more of John "LINE?!?" McCain.

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Obama Attacks McCain's Elitist Millionaire Mindset

stumble digg reddit del.ico.us news trust mixx.com

Posted August 20, 2008 | 04:21 AM (EST)

There's an old saying in American politics -- elections are not decided by the producer price index. The Obama campaign is jumping on the recent jump in the index, though, with a statement slamming the Bush-McCain economic agenda and, more importantly, hitting McCain's millionaire mindset:

The unexpected jump in the Producer Price Index announced today is just further confirmation of that our economy is failing hard-working American families. This economy may be working for the multimillionaires that John McCain considers part of the middle class, but with prices rising and wages stagnating, tens of millions of typical American families are falling behind.

The key political part is Obama hitting McCain's insta-gaffe, from the Saddleback forum, when the GOP nominee estimated that it takes a whopping $5 million annual income to be rich in America. Then, Obama personally hammered this point in a New Mexico town hall this week; the campaign is now circulating a 40-second clip of Obama ridiculing McCain's elitism. Obama ties McCain's millionaire mindset to a tax policy that only "looks out" for the super wealthy


I stand validated.

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I don't see how that validates you in any way. You said THIS news article was an attempt by the Dems. Clearly it is not.

Perhaps they have done it in the past, but that really isn't what we are talking about. We are talking about John "LINE?!?" McCain's interview.

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It was posted by an achmed lover in order to paint McCain as so rich he can't even keep up with what he owns. I'm sure his wife owns a few more he doesn't know about. The good thing is that he does not rent any of them to crack dealers. Therefore he may just be able to visit them some day.

Keep blowing. Either this will get off the ground, or achmed will have a smile.

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I don't see how that validates you in any way. You said THIS news article was an attempt by the Dems. Clearly it is not.

Perhaps they have done it in the past, but that really isn't what we are talking about. We are talking about John "LINE?!?" McCain's interview.

I never said " this news article " . I said the concept of the Left trying to paint McCain as an Elitist comes from the Left. It does, and the article I posted clearly shows that.

Again, I and validated and wholly vindicated.

Why do those on the Left makes such an effort to ridicule others for what they themselves are exactly guilty of ?

The John 'line?' McCain joke actually applies to Obama, who reads a teleprompter better than anyone, but can't speak for himself off the cuff. Truly, HE'S the one who needs help w/ his lines, not McCain. Same goes w/ the Swift Boat charge. They were right, effective and accurate, yet the Left tries to portray them as everything they weren't.........this flipping of reality on its head in order to fool folks only makes the Left all the more ridiculous and laughable.

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Elitist is a Right Wing smear-- McCain is clueless and out of touch.

"Over the last fifteen months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states, I think — one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to … my staff could not justify it."

Who's out of touch?

Interestingly, the old guard LIBERAL media is self censoring any/ all info about this comment by Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder why. It's been removed from YouTube. Go to the NY Times, and try to search Obama" fifty - seven states " and see what you get.

Or try Obama " 57 states ".

Probably because it's not newsworthy. I realize that you think it is, but it's not. The glaring difference between the two is that, if asked if he REALLY thought there were fifty-seven states, Obama wouldn't continue to insist there were. McCain would. Like when he continued to angrily insist that, despite the facts, Ahmadenijad was the leader of Iran.

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I don't see how that validates you in any way. You said THIS news article was an attempt by the Dems. Clearly it is not.

Perhaps they have done it in the past, but that really isn't what we are talking about. We are talking about John "LINE?!?" McCain's interview.

I never said " this news article " . I said the concept of the Left trying to paint McCain as an Elitist comes from the Left. It does, and the article I posted clearly shows that.

Again, I and validated and wholly vindicated.

Why do those on the Left makes such an effort to ridicule others for what they themselves are exactly guilty of ?

The John 'line?' McCain joke actually applies to Obama, who reads a teleprompter better than anyone, but can't speak for himself off the cuff. Truly, HE'S the one who needs help w/ his lines, not McCain. Same goes w/ the Swift Boat charge. They were right, effective and accurate, yet the Left tries to portray them as everything they weren't.........this flipping of reality on its head in order to fool folks only makes the Left all the more ridiculous and laughable.

Again, no one here has been using this to paint McCain as an elitist - go ahead and reread the posts. We've only been using it to paint him as incompetent.

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Imagine a situation where some one asked you how many houses you owned and you responded "I don't know." I mean, come on guys this is a tad ridiculous, even for an old senile man ;)

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Imagine a situation where some one asked you how many houses you owned and you responded "I don't know." I mean, come on guys this is a tad ridiculous, even for an old senile man ;)

If someone asked you how much stock you own in Microsoft would you know? If you have a 401k I bet you probably don't know exactly where all that money is. It's the same thing. McCain's investments are on, I'll assume, a much larger scale than yours. Therefore he probably doesn't know how much land/home/rentals he owns the same as you most likely don't know exactly where and how much stock in each company your investments are at.

On top of that, if he had said that he had 6 homes or whatever number and it was found that he owned 20 homes (only 6 of which he and his family actually use and the others are investments/rentals) the left would be howling about how he "lied" about it when it could be as simple as he answered truthfully to how many they own/use.

A person can lead a wealthy lifestyle and still not be an elitist. It's the attitude of the person that defines their elitism.

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Imagine a situation where some one asked you how many houses you owned and you responded "I don't know." I mean, come on guys this is a tad ridiculous, even for an old senile man ;)

Your conclusion based on an assumption is not only ignorant but just butt ass stupid. I know several people who may not be able to tell you from day to day how many houses they have. Two here in Alabama and another in Washington and another in Colorado. Buying and selling, rental houses etc. But you in your myopic zeal to paint McCain in a bad light have lost all perspective. But that is assuming you ever had any to start with. You've shown a propensity to lie on more than one occasion. So why should your comments be any different now.

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You guys defense of any thing that comes out of McCain's mouth is the new found comedy of this board. New bumper sticker across every-day America towns: "Raise your hand if you don't know how many houses you own"

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Not a big deal to me. I already knew they were rather rich. More power to them. Obama's a millionaire and sellling more books every minute. Neither fact bothers me. McCains richer. So what.

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Well that didnt take long:


The name of the ad is even better: Seven - What a good Fall it is going to be..on all fronts! :big:

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I don't see the issue here. The kind of people that will hold his wealth against him are already in the democratic camp. Free minded thinkers won't be bothered at all.

It is funny to me how the dems feel they have found a golden egg here. If they play try to play the elitist card all mccain has to do is gather up the video clips of obama elitist attitude and counter. Money doesn't make you an elitist. Attitude does.

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1 house vs. 7 houses.

Did the McCains buy their homes themselves or did they get help from Tony Rezko? This question cuts to the heart of dimocrats - DID THE McCAINS MAKE THE MONEY TO BUY THEIR HOMES?


Screw you, socialist.

Did they get sweet heart deals from Country Wide like Chris Dodd & several other dim senators & congressmen?

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Obama's humble abode as duly described by the Washington Post:

"a house with six bedrooms, four fireplaces, a four-car garage and 5 1/2 baths, including a double steam shower and a marble powder room. It had a wine cellar, a music room, a library, a solarium, beveled glass doors and a granite-floored kitchen. And, I might add, four (4) trash cans.


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