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Bring your own beer


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We've been tailgating for over 20 years for all the home games and the problem I'm about to discuss is a new one. Time was, and not so long ago, that you could leave everything you brought to the tailgate sitting around and when you came back from the game it would still be there. Well, not anymore! Two years ago we hod a tent stolen. Last year it was beer and barbeque from the coolers. Saturday it was beer, chicken, and a chair. And since the cover for that chair wasn't available the thieves took one from another chair. What's with people? :( The university has made it difficult to park near the places many people tailgate so it would be nice if we could leave larger items such as coolers and tents, etc. and still have them when we come back. I hope they enjoyed the beer and chicken while resting in the cair. And I hope the chair broke, fell and caused at least a bruise.

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I would suspect there are bands of them who go around from car to car. One cop on top of a 16' tripod deer stand with a semiautomatic rifle could cover a whole parking lot. :shoot:

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Times have changed this is why we pack just about everything but the tents in our vehicles. There should be more patrols in the areas that you must bring everything in.

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"Bring your own beer, and leave other people's alone"

Just for the record, I don't think the ones wandering around stealing beer, chicken and chairs (and anything else not locked up), I don't think those people came to AU for the football game. But I do understand your anger and frustration.

Several years ago "they" hit our tailgate location. Fortunately I had put my ice chests in the trunk and they didn't get anything. On the other hand my Buddy from Montgomery left his ice chest out under the tree with a case of beer on ice. They took ice chest and beer. :angry: He left another ice chest out with food in it and "they" used their finger to scoop out a taste of the chocolate pie. :o

For some reason no one wanted to eat any of the pie. :puke:

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Next time bring what you intend to eat and a little extra,

you do want them to go hungry do you?

Get there early open some potato salad leave out in the sun.

Then make sure its on top of the cooler with some mixed drinks you dipped your Johnson in.

And next time you wont have any problems.

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I can't stand thieves, but they are a reality and it's best not to leave "thief bait" setting around. The bottom line is thieves are lazy (or else they would work for what they want instead of stealing it) so it makes sense just to lock your stuff up.It's a bit of a drag, but if you're somewhat organized it shouldn't take but a couple of minutes. I guess it goes back to my Army days - I don't leave anything unsecured.

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If you give me your tag number, I'll tell my son and his buddies to leave your stuff alone

Easy cure for at least the one who takes your stuff. Trap the rats. Pop the beer caps, add a strong laxative, and put the caps back on. Add a little something to some food you leave out. Get the picture?

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I like what I did for someone who was stealing gas from my boat....put a 5 gallon can aboard with 4 1/2 gallons of fuel and 1/2 gallon of water, can't smell the difference

I actually later heard at the boat dock a kid who had a jet ski complaining about the water in his gas tank and how he spent a day getting it out.

Small victories.....gray hairs vs hormones

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I know guys who have done it at night when people leave their stuff out over night, but never during the game. I still thought it was pretty crappy either way, but I can't imagine people doing it during the game.

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I know guys who have done it at night when people leave their stuff out over night, but never during the game. I still thought it was pretty crappy either way, but I can't imagine people doing it during the game.

Well, I'm here to tell you, it did. Sucks, huh?

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I think I've had one chair stolen. We always lock everything in the car. I've also locked a few tents together with a bike chain before.

Some of my friends at UGA had their keg, chairs, and tents all chained together. Someone stole the georgia tent cover. My friend was pissed. I hate that people steal things. It's pretty gay.

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my complaint would be with students not removing their hats during the national anthem. that makes me almost as mad as someone stealing my stuff would. it's the simple things that people just don't understand.

and crompton has been sacked.

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my complaint would be with students not removing their hats during the national anthem. that makes me almost as mad as someone stealing my stuff would. it's the simple things that people just don't understand.

and crompton has been sacked.

There are sometimes I have not been able to hear it at all in the student section. The only reason I knew the anthem was playing was because I barely heard the announcement to stand up for it. I don't think it is necessarily because of disrespect, but they probably don't even know it's playing.

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We used some old chairs last year to mark off our parking space in the road, came back the next morning at 6:00 AM and the chairs were gone and the pink tape was still tied to the chains. Next time we got some really old rusted folding chairs, no one bothered them.

There needs to be something done to help those who can't lug all their tailgating stuff back to their cars because some parking lots are reserved for Ghosts who never show up. I know where AULover is talking about, they reserve the lot for some group and in 3 -4 years, none of the places are used. I believe it is near Foy and Langdon hall behind the Engineering building that is empty all the time. By the Theater, there is a lot reserved for Deans Club member and not a soul parked there Saturday. Just don't understand.

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I'd email Jacobs. He says he wants to make game day experiences memorable. Although, your experiences are memorable already!

For what tickets costs, I think you should expect some security coverage.

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You could always get one of these. Build about a 6 foot by 3 foot locking box on it.



Then get one of these to pull it to your tailgate site.



All in all you might have about $300 - $350 in it, but then it would keep your stuff safe and you could haul it behind ANY vehicle with a hitch.

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You could always get one of these. Build about a 6 foot by 3 foot locking box on it.



Then get one of these to pull it to your tailgate site.



All in all you might have about $300 - $350 in it, but then it would keep your stuff safe and you could haul it behind ANY vehicle with a hitch.

Being a bit morbid here, but it would be kinda funny if someone just stole the whole trailer.

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You could always get one of these. Build about a 6 foot by 3 foot locking box on it.



Then get one of these to pull it to your tailgate site.



All in all you might have about $300 - $350 in it, but then it would keep your stuff safe and you could haul it behind ANY vehicle with a hitch.

Being a bit morbid here, but it would be kinda funny if someone just stole the whole trailer.

You would have to store the dolly inside and probably lock the thing to a tree. But if it's locked up, most thieves just move along. They only hit the easy pick'ins. And if it is a tagged vehicle, then it becomes a little more serious than taking a beer or a chair.

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Goes to show you you cannot trust Democrats. They think all the Rich people with Jobs and money to buy tickets, chicken and beer need to buy enough for all of those who are to lazy to actually get at least a high school education so they can get a job. Speaking of jobs it may not matter much longer as we keep sending jobs overseas so we can buy 4 crapy t-shirts for $9.99 instead of three well made ones for $10.50.

How do I know they are crappy? They keep shrinking untill they are too small to wear. Maybe I am expanding.

Sorry for the political humor but they way this country is going petty theft is almost nothing anymore. The only way I would steel food (or anything) is if my family was starving and the country was in a depression.

There have always been thiefs but it does seem that more people today have no respect for the property of others.

As for leaving beer out you might want to lock it away as these could be high school kids(underage)that are steeling the beer.


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Here is a great option. Just gut this thing or keep a table in there and you can store all of your gear and then just close it. You will still need a dolly to move it. You could paint it orange and blue and decorate nicely. It would be one of a kind and be water tight also.


Empty pop-up.

As an aside, can we roll almost anything on campus as long as it's human powered?

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