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"Jews Killed Jesus" Sign Causing Controversy


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A billboard unveiled on Ash Wednesday, the same day that a controversial movie depicting the last hours of Jesus Christ premiered, is sparking criticism from people of all faiths. The large-size outdoor marquee, which sits on the property of the Lovingway United Pentecostal Church at Colorado and Mississippi, says, "Jews Killed The Lord Jesus" and the word "Settled!"

"It's settled," said Maurice Gorden, Loveway pastor. "The word of God is the final word."

The Anti-Defamation League asked for the marquee to be changed because it is anti-Semitic, but the church only amended the billboard slightly by removing the word "settled" and attributing the line to biblical Scriptures. That, however, is still not appeasing critics.

"Immediately, I picked up the phone and called the pastor and had a spirited but good and respectful discussion with him in which I tried to explain to him that that kind of message is divisive and exactly the kind of message which has fueled anti-Semitism for thousands of years," said Bruce DeBoskey, the Mountain States Regional Director for the Anti-Defamation League.

"If I can get people to rediscover their bible...if I can get people to go back and look...what does it actually say?" asked Gordon.

Jewish leaders say that like Mel Gibson's new movie "The Passion of The Christ" -- which opened Wednesday morning -- the passage will stir up anti-Semitic attitudes and will cause some people to lash out at Jews.


Problem is, the guy is actually right about what the Bible says.

1st Thessalonians 2:14-16

For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.

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I was listening to the news this morning while getting ready for work and I was amazed by the number of people that have no clue of the depth of their stupidity.

Two of my favorite protest groups featured in this segment were the Animal Rights whackos that said, "There are animals today going through the pain and suffering Jesus endured", and some civil rights nutjob that was raising a ruckus because Jesus wasn't portrayed in the film as a black man.

As I was walking out the door, some ding-bat was screeching about how the movie was very anti-Semitic and how it was the Romans, not the Jews, that killed Jesus. She opined that Mel Gibson should have not focused on the brutality of the crucifixion (it made her uncomfortable), but rather on the good deeds Jesus did while on earth.

To the above, all I can say is, "POINT MISSED". IMO, there should be a law enacted that would allow the moderators of these talk shows to forcefully tap on the head (not a lethal blow mind you, just a tap hard enough to raise a bump) with a small ball peen hammer anyone that appears on these shows and starts spouting off at the mouth without engaging their brain and/or doing research on the subject to be discussed first.

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Giga-Dittoes to TIS!

1st Thessalonians 2:14-16

For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.

What translation are you using here Cshine? The real point here is that if the "Jews" missed who he was then, we will miss him when he comes again. So what is the difference? The point is that there are real RELIGIOUS folks that have NO CLUE who or what he is. Yet they go to church every time the doors are open and yet never HEAR the truth.

I flatly reject any argument that the Jews killed Jesus. It was each and everyone of us. As Ray Boltz sang: "I looked down to see the hammer in my hand."

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The jews DID kill Jesus. But that was because he was a jew in a jewish land. If he had been an american in America, then americans would have killed him. But this is all about a physical killing. Jesus' death was more about a spiritual killing and resurrection. It was in the prophecy. So the "real" killing was done by man and his sins, not the jews. They know this. And what kind of back-lash will the jews see. Nothing. The ADL and others just want their 15 minutes....AGAIN.

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The jews DID kill Jesus. But that was because he was a jew in a jewish land. If he had been an american in America, then americans would have killed him. But this is all about a physical killing. Jesus' death was more about a spiritual killing and resurrection. It was in the prophecy. So the "real" killing was done by man and his sins, not the jews. They know this. And what kind of back-lash will the jews see. Nothing. The ADL and others just want their 15 minutes....AGAIN.

CCT is right here. The Jews just fulfilled prophecy here.

If anyone questions it, read Psalms 22 and 23.

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... with a small ball peen hammer...

why on earth would you require it to be a small one?

A small ball peen hammer is sufficient enough to leave a large, painful lump on the top of their head. This treatment should be plenty enough incentive for them to quit making jackasses out of themselves anytime a TV camera is pointed in their direction. Kind of a test of the Pavlovian theory, if you will.

A big ball peen hammer would just make them dumber.

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I will say this: we who proclaim to be Christians need to be very vocal in our denouncing of this sort of thing from other so-called (or perhaps, misguided) believers. We can't just sit by and shrug it off thinking it's too prepostrous to warrant a response. It does warrant one. A loud one.

Yes, the Jews of the era around 33 B.C. were instrumental in seeing that the physical man, Jesus, was put to death. Just as true is the fact that many Jews of that time were opposed to the whole spectacle. However, the Jews could not execute anyone under Roman law. It was not Jews that flogged and whipped Jesus, it was Roman soldiers who did it. It was not Jews that jammed a crown of long thorns into his head. That was the work of Roman soldiers too. And it was not Jews that drove railroad spikes into his hands and feet or thrust a spear into his side. It was Roman soldiers. And it was all set into motion by the monstrous actions of Pilate, who knowingly sentenced an innocent man to death.

But that's just the physical, temporal part. In the larger sense, every human being who ever lived on the face of the earth killed Jesus because the ultimate reason He came was to die as a sacrifice to pay for all of our sins and reconcile us to God. If it were not for our sins, it wouldn't have happened at all.

That is the message that needs to be shouted from the rooftops, especially everytime some low-watt with a theology degree from a box of Cracker Jack does something stupid like this.

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I will say this: we who proclaim to be Christians need to be very vocal in our denouncing of this sort of thing from other so-called (or perhaps, misguided) believers. We can't just sit by and shrug it off thinking it's too prepostrous to warrant a response. It does warrant one. A loud one.

Yes, the Jews of the era around 33 B.C. were instrumental in seeing that the physical man, Jesus, was put to death. Just as true is the fact that many Jews of that time were opposed to the whole spectacle. However, the Jews could not execute anyone under Roman law. It was not Jews that flogged and whipped Jesus, it was Roman soldiers who did it. It was not Jews that jammed a crown of long thorns into his head. That was the work of Roman soldiers too. And it was not Jews that drove railroad spikes into his hands and feet or thrust a spear into his side. It was Roman soldiers. And it was all set into motion by the monstrous actions of Pilate, who knowingly sentenced an innocent man to death.

But that's just the physical, temporal part. In the larger sense, every human being who ever lived on the face of the earth killed Jesus because the ultimate reason He came was to die as a sacrifice to pay for all of our sins and reconcile us to God. If it were not for our sins, it wouldn't have happened at all.

That is the message that needs to be shouted from the rooftops, especially everytime some low-watt with a theology degree from a box of Cracker Jack does something stupid like this.

Amen! :hail::hail::hail:

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......there should be a law enacted that would allow the moderators of these talk shows to forcefully tap on the head (not a lethal blow mind you, just a tap hard enough to raise a bump) with a small ball peen hammer anyone that appears on these shows and starts spouting off at the mouth without engaging their brain and/or doing research on the subject to be discussed first.

:bonk: Ball Peen blow recipient #1 = Andy Rooney. The man blasts the movie (and Christians as a whole) without even seeing it.

'Passion' Good for a Few Laughs


Feb. 26, 2004

CBS "60 Minutes" commentator Andy Rooney said Thursday that Mel Gibson's movie depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was good "for a few laughs," but not much else.Saying he had no intention of seeing "The Passion of the Christ," Rooney told radio host Don Imus, "I mean, I don't want to pay $9 just for a few laughs."Rooney went on to bash religion in general, saying those who believe in God are "absurd.""I mean, it's absurd to invent God to unburden our problems on him," he told Imus. "And, on the other hand, there are so many questions that are unanswered that, you know, we're looking for some solution to it. And we have invented God."

Rooney defended his decision not to appear on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor" to defend his attacks on Gibson and his movie."[bill] O'Reilly is sorry that I won't go on his show and make a fool of myself," Rooney said. "He's the worst interviewer there is. But I don't want to go on there and get killed."O'Reilly has been one of Gibson's most vigorous defenders in the media, and has repeatedly challenged Rooney to a debate.


It's absolutely mind boggling to me that it's perfectly acceptable in the mindset of our media and in Hollywood for Jesus to be depicted as an adulterer, but when a movie comes along that follows very closely to what the Bible says happens, it is decried as vile.

For the sake of his eternal soul, I sincerely hope and pray that Mr Rooney makes things right when the time comes. :headshake:

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