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Kerry fails to back up foreign 'endorsements'


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Sen. John Kerry refuses to provide any information to support his assertion earlier this week that he has met with foreign leaders who beseeched him to prevail over President Bush in November's election.

The Massachusetts Democrat has made no official foreign trips since the start of last year, according to Senate records and his own published schedules. And an extensive review of Mr. Kerry's travel schedule domestically revealed only one opportunity for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to meet with foreign leaders here.


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He can't provide any information because he was lying when he said it. He knows he can say anything and the liberal democrats will believe him and when the republicans question him on it the press will say they are running a smear campaign!

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it really is unfair to expect him to back up his statements. he's clearly not used to people actually listening to what he says or questioning him on what he says. he wasn't prepared for such a harsh, mean-spirited, and unfair expectation (the expectation being accountability) being placed on what he says.

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The one man who should know what foreign leaders are saying, Secretary of State Powell, weighs in on this issue: Link

... WALLACE: All right. I'm not sure you can answer this one, but I would like to get your comment on it, if I could.

Senator Kerry says that foreign leaders — you look like you know this — want him to beat the president. And here's what he's had to say: "I've met with foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly, but boy, they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this. You've got to beat this guy. We need a new policy."'

POWELL: I can't even talk to that, Chris. I don't know what foreign leaders Senator Kerry is talking about. It's an easy charge, an easy assertion to make. But if he feels it is that important an assertion to make, he ought to list some names. If he can't list names, then perhaps he should find something else to talk about.  ...

This is a good interview -- recommend you read it all.

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Here's a funny take on things. The real question we should be asking: If Bush is such a dummy, then what does that make Kerry to think these foreign "endorsements" are a good thing for him? :lol:

The toast of Paris

By Paul Greenberg


It wasn't exactly a stroke of genius. It was more a stroke of stupidity when Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts and the Democratic presidential nominee presumptive, told a fund-raiser foreign leaders are pulling for him. He actually seems to believe this is an argument for his election. Listen: 


"I've met foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly but, boy, they look at you and say, 'You gotta win this, you gotta beat this guy. We need a new policy,' things like that." 

Naturally these foreign leaders didn't identify themselves. They might look as if they were meddling. Because they would be. 

Just who are these people? John Kerry won't say, but his critics in the GOP are only too glad to speculate: North Korea's Kim Jong-il? Iran's mullahs?

Those guesses sound a little heavy-handed. I would nominate the leaders of Old Europe. Like France's Jacques Chirac or Germany's Gerhard Schroeder. Not Tony Blair, for sure. He stood with us. And paid the price. He has been about as popular with the BBC as George W. Bush is on NPR. 


Of course it doesn't have to be a government leader who has been whispering into John Kerry's ear. How about an insufferably smug editor like Jean-Marie Colombani of Le Monde, France's snootiest journal? The French press really hasn't changed all that much since the capital of France was Vichy. And that country's leading newspaper still tends to favor appeasing the threat du jour. As the French say, plus ca change ... . The more things change, the more, alas, they remain the same. 


Messr. Colombani has been visiting America, and every time he sneers at George W. Bush and cheers for John F. Kerry, he might as well be on the Republican National Committee's payroll, considering the effect he has on the American public. Americans haven't much cottoned to foreigners telling us what to do since at least 1776. 


Let it be said for these unnamed foreign leaders that they had the sense to speak to Mr. Kerry on the QT, knowing how their endorsement would go over with American voters in this, the 228th year of the independence of the United States of America. 


It was Sen. Kerry who had to go blabbing it about. Not very smart. It's George W. Bush who is supposed to be the dummy in this race — if you believe the president's critics. The big problem with running against someone you consider a dummy, or want the voters to, is how easy it is to misunderestimate your opponent. That's been George W. Bush's great advantage in politics. 


Mr. Kerry's latest tactic — bragging about his confidential foreign support — makes you wonder just who's the dummy.


At times like these, when the bien-pensant are explaining how crude, arrogant and generally untrustworthy American foreign policy is, some of us tend to drift off. (We heard that line a lot during the Cold War.)... 

...Now that Messr. l'editor has let it be known France's candidate in this presidential race is John Kerry, it occurs that, with friends like that, Mr. Kerry doesn't need any enemies to pull the rug out from under him. 


And when French intellectuals, or intellectuals in general, speak of this fascist American administration, do you think they've noticed this same American administration has just toppled two fascist regimes, one each in Afghanistan and Iraq? It was the French who helped build Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor in the 1980s, and were profiting from his corrupt, U.N.-approved oil-for-palaces scheme right up to the day he was chased out of power.


L'envoi — the more things change, the more curiously the same the French remain. 

Paul Greenberg is a nationally syndicated columnist. 


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Please, raise your hand if you are shocked to learn that we now have proof that yet another liberal is a stone cold LIAR.

Anyone...anyone??????????????? :D:DB)

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Man, the silence from the Dems around here is deafening. Not just on this thread but on several others recently started. Is everyone out of town? Please don't let Bottomfeeder be your surrogate around here. Talk about losing all credibility by the keystroke! :P

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Now Tim, don't you know it is not polite or PC to call liberals stone cold LIARS?

John Kerry: A legend in his own mind!

It truly goes to show how out of touch Kerry and the democrats are. He actually seems to believe this is an argument for his election. NOTE to Kerry, our ancestors kicked the Europeans out over two hundred years ago! Our ancestors saved Europe in WWI! Our ancestors saved Europe in WWII! We don't need them telling us who to vote for and if they tried, any true American would vote the opposite!

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Man, the silence from the Dems around here is deafening. Not just on this thread but on several others recently started. Is everyone out of town? Please don't let Bottomfeeder be your surrogate around here. Talk about losing all credibility by the keystroke! :P

I have been thinking there is a VLWC (Vast Left Wing Conspiracy) under way. Al, Donut & channoc have all been AWOL for the past several weeks. :rolleyes:

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