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Democrats working at revisionism


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A BOSTON GLOBE reporter at the center of a growing controversy over comments made by John Kerry last week in Florida now claims he "screwed-up" -- and John Kerry never bragged how "foreign leaders" privately backed his presidential bid!

"I mistranscribed a key word," explains Patrick Healy, a political reporter for the BOSTON GLOBE who covered the event in a pool capacity.

"Listening to the audio recorder now, in the quiet of my house, I hear 'more leaders' and I am certain that 'more leaders' is what Senator Kerry said."


Healy claims in an e-mail correction: "Transcribing on the bus in Florida, and again on the plane ride to Tampa, I heard 'foreign leaders' rather than 'more leaders'. I am very sorry for this screw-up, and please feel free to hold me accountable to your editors and higher-ups."

It was Healy's pool reporting of Kerry's "I've met foreign leaders" quote that ignited the original firestorm, and resulted in a dare from Secretary of State Colin Powell to name names!

BOSTON GLOBE reporter's email correction:

Subject: FW: Senator Kerry's remark at fundraiser about foreign leaders wanting him to beat Bush


Given the growing attention to Senator Kerry's remark at the Fla. fundraiser about foreign leaders wanting him to beat Bush, and Kerry's subsequent statements that he'd merely "heard from" leaders, I went back to my recording of the event to re-confirm his remarks and put them in context. I wanted to provide that for all of you as well as CORRECT the record on a key word that I mistranscribed.

When Kerry concluded his stump to the Florida fundraisers and donors, Milton Ferrell, Kerry's Florida finance chair, piped up:

MILTON FERRELL: "This is more than just the 50 states. You travel around outside the states, the people are still [inaudible] Europeans and elsewhere, they're counting on the American people. They hate Bush, but they know we're going to get rid of him. They're counting on us. [inaudible] It's a lot more than just [inaudible]-"

KERRY: "I've been hearing it, I'll tell ya. The news, the coverage in other countries, the news in other places. I've met more leaders who can't go out and say it all publicly, but boy they look at you and say, you gotta win this, you gotta beat this guy, we need a new policy, things like that. So there is enormous energy out there. Tell them, whereever they can find an American abroad, they can contribute," a reference to donations, prompting laughter from the crowd.

Transcribing on the bus in Florida, and again on the plane ride to Tampa, I heard "foreign leaders" rather than "more leaders." Listening to the audio recorder now, in the quiet of my house, I hear "more leaders" and I am certian that "more leaders" is what Senator Kerry said. I am very sorry for this screw-up, and please feel free to hold me accountable to your editors and higher-ups.

-- Patrick


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this is interesting...

kerry says he said, "heard", not "met"... i'm so confused!

NYT Article

Mr. Kerry said on Sunday that he had used the word "heard," not "met," prompting Mr. Healy to revisit the recording. On Monday, he sent out a corrected transcript, clarifying that the quotation actually began, "I've met more leaders who can't go out and say it all publicly."


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That's a nice try on the part of the Kerry folks and the Boston Globe but the immediate question I have is why it took them a week to come up with this lame explanation. Kerry took heat this weekend about this remark but NEVER denied he said it. Why didn't he just explainn the misunderstanding? Could it be he couldn't afford to get caught lying again so soon? :D

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This is getting so pathetic that now they have the "spin nurses" working overtime!! :cheer::cheer: John sKerry, he's our man. If he can't lie, nobody can. YEA. YEA.

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If this is the case, why did Kerry not come out and mention he said "more leaders" and not "foreign leaders." Instead, all he would do is claim he couldn't give names because of confidentiality!

NOOOOOOOW he comes out and says it.

This guy is ridiculous.

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Typically, lying gets you into snafus like this. You have to lie again to cover up the shortcomings of the previous lie and it just snowballs from there. Kerry stepped in it, he knows it, and he's now throwing out anything that comes to mind to fix it. I'm not even sure he knows what's true or not anymore.

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This reporter says this, but John Kerry says,,,,

The town meeting was contentious at times, with 52-year-old Cedric Brown repeatedly pressing the candidate to name the foreign leaders whom Kerry has said are backing his campaign.

"I'm not going to betray a private conversation with anybody," Kerry said. As the crowd of several hundred people began to mutter and boo, Kerry said, "That's none of your business."


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Apparently, Kerry thought he said "foreign leaders"...or at least that's what he meant all along, whether he said the word "foreign" or not.

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foreign leaders...more leaders...what's the difference...

UNLESS he's talking about girl scout leaders when he says 'more'. otherwise, leaders of what? local democratic 'get out the vote' offices? :roll:

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All I can say is we are going to need a lot of help if Kerry is voted into office. And by that I mean help from above. It is sick now to think that some of our enemies are now saying they want him in office. They know he will do us no good and they can get away with whatever they want.

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