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He sent a message alright........ :thumbsdown:

Sorry not buying it. We said good game and it was, don't push it. :cheer:

Hey, Gump, you're on OUR board.

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He sent a message alright........ :thumbsdown:

Sorry not buying it. We said good game and it was, don't push it. :cheer:

Seriously dude, don't come over here and tell us not to push it. You guys are given a lot more leeway than most rival boards give, but don't lose all sense of where you are and how to act in someone else's house.

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Arenas called fair catch on his long return, or either my entire section (including the Bama fan sitting behind me) was hallucinating.

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If I have committed a ban able offense then by all means ban me. I just don't buy all the excuses. We could have a ton as to why we should have won by more. That's all I am saying.

You mean like :" didn't play with of emotion, distractions, didn't play with alot of passion, tired, short game week" but but oh oh, Auburn played well don't want to take anything away from them."

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If I have committed a ban able offense then by all means ban me. I just don't buy all the excuses. We could have a ton as to why we should have won by more. That's all I am saying.

No excuses. You guys did what it took to win. But you're a jerk for coming here and telling folks on their own board not to "push it."

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I won't use the refs as an excuse for this game. The coaches and the players had plenty of video of the refs helping Alabama, so it was their job to overcome that element of this particular opponent's attack.

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If I have committed a ban able offense then by all means ban me. I just don't buy all the excuses. We could have a ton as to why we should have won by more. That's all I am saying.

And all I'm saying is that you don't come in to someone else's board and tell them how to behave on it. You're a guest here...a long time one at that so you ought to know better. Have some cooth or go celebrate with your buddies on your home board.

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I won't use the refs as an excuse for this game. The coaches and the players had plenty of video of the refs helping Alabama, so it was their job to overcome that element of this particular opponent's attack.

Puuuleeeaaassse. :rolleyes:

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I won't use the refs as an excuse for this game. The coaches and the players had plenty of video of the refs helping Alabama, so it was their job to overcome that element of this particular opponent's attack.

Puuuleeeaaassse. :rolleyes:

You would use them as an excuse for losing?

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First, I am extremely proud of our players, those kids played their hearts out and I love them for it. Second, the players did not lose that game the play calling in the fourth quarter did. It's a bittersweet lose, we never trailed in the game until the end and the defense stepped it up BIG TIME (still can't believe how well they played). I know that hindsight is 20/20 and I am no football mastermind, but the coaching calls at the end of the game are still bothering me, A LOT! On our last offensive possession we started on their 40 and never took at shot remotely down field until 3rd down and of course Saban called blitz and they got a huge sack, total waste of 3 downs and IMHO cost us the game partially (still don't understand the playing calling on that drive). To follow that blunder in judgment up we decided to completely change our defensive stategy on the last defensive series. The saying "if it aint broke don't fix it" has stood the test of time for one reason, it time and time again rings true, and tonight I wish it had rang true in Roof's head. Unfortunately we played a soft zone and for the most part stopped blitzing and let them drive all the way down the field to snatch the win away from us. It was IMHO a really bad call by Roof, I know that hindsight is 20/20 but I still think it was the wrong philosophy especially since our defense had been stepping up so much all game. If we hold our players back or put them in the wrong situations it makes it much more difficult or impossible for them to succeed. I thought the coaching decisions in the last offensive and defensive series took our players out of situations that gave them the best chance to win.

Don't get me wrong, I am not calling for any coaches to get fired, this is just my opinion and I needed to vent. As much as I think Malzahn made the wrong call in our last offensive drive we would never have been in that game or any other this season without him, so it is pretty impossible for me to stay upset with him for long at all. On the other hand I haven't been very high on Roof all season, but I won't make up my mind on him until he gets some depth on the roster, but he doesn't have much of my confidence and hasn't all season.

The loss sucked, mainly because I felt like we had multiple opportunities to put the nail in bamas coffin. As frustrated as I am by failing to put away bama, I am elated we were in that position. I went into this game just hoping to make it respectable and not be a repeat of last year, but Auburn started playing so well that it was impossible to not develop higher expectations. I am extremely happy we were in the position to beat bama, but unhappy we didn't, totally bitter sweet. But after todays game I can definitely say "we had them, they were ours for the taking, but we let them get away" and just being able to say that is a huge accomplishment for our Auburn Tigers because nobody and I mean Nobody gave them a chance of doing what they did today, and for that I am extremely proud of our players.

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I won't use the refs as an excuse for this game. The coaches and the players had plenty of video of the refs helping Alabama, so it was their job to overcome that element of this particular opponent's attack.

Puuuleeeaaassse. :rolleyes:

You would use them as an excuse for losing?

Uh, no. But you just kinda did.

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Is there a single player on our roster that would start for Alabama? (Coleman maybe?) While you might be able to second-guess the play-calling in certain situations, the degree to which the staff coached these guys up today was incredible. We came within a play or two of winning today against a team that is more talented at every position (in most cases more talented 2-deep). If I'd told you before the came that Alabama would have zero turn-overs and we'd have two, would you have believed that Auburn would have a prayer? Chris Todd is an average QB at best with a bad habit of throwing into a crowd about 3-times a game and absolutely no sense for when the pocket is collapsing behind him. What might CGM be able to do with a better than average QB? If we can get some immediate help from the 2010 class, take care of the Mississippi schools at their place, exercise payback in Lexington and do what we should do with a favorable home schedule, there's no reason why next year shouldn't be fun.

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Thank you to the staff and players. A very hard fought game, it could have been very easily a AU win. The future looks bright.



It was great to hear the fans singing "Its great to be an Auburn Tiger" after the game. :thumbsup:

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Rev, show some class. If you want to run your mouth, do it on a Bama board.

These guys just took a tough loss in a game they could have won and they're doing it with class. I'd expect for you to do the same.

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I'm excited about the future.


Auburn coach Gene Chizik didn't like the outcome, but he said the Tigers have come far in his first year on the job.

Alabama beat the Tigers 26-21 in the Iron Bowl on Friday, scoring the winner with just over a minute to play. That hurt, but it was better than last year's 36-0 loss to the Tide.

Chizik said it's an indication the Tigers are headed in the right direction.

"I don't think there is any question,'' Chizik said. "I don't think you can sit there and watch our football team play against Alabama and not think that. We've come a long way. Again, we said at the beginning of this that we were going to build a foundation for what we know is right.

"We are going to do it right, and I don't think there is any question.''


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To follow that blunder in judgment up we decided to completely change our defensive stategy on the last defensive series. The saying "if it aint broke don't fix it" has stood the test of time for one reason, it time and time again rings true, and tonight I wish it had rang true in Roof's head. Unfortunately we played a soft zone and for the most part stopped blitzing and let them drive all the way down the field to snatch the win away from us. It was IMHO a really bad call by Roof, I know that hindsight is 20/20 but I still think it was the wrong philosophy especially since our defense had been stepping up so much all game.

I went back and watched Bama's final drive. Here are Bama's pass plays on the drive:

Jake Ricks deflects pass. Auburn rushed four. Coverage was tight.

Julio Jones gets first down. Auburn blitzed a LB. Coverage was tight but Julio's man got picked by Hanks. In fact, a pick should have been called.

McElroy sacked. Bates blitzed.

Ingram on the screen. Auburn rushed four.

Julio gets first down on a short pass. Auburn rushed four. But the zone wasn't soft. McFadden was right there as he caught the ball.

Julio gets first down. Auburn blitzed Bynes. Thorpe tackled him immediately.

Julio gets first down. Auburn blitzed two LBs. Thorpe tackled him immediately. And for the second play in a row, Jones alertly cuts his route off and looks for the ball, knowing his QB will need to get rid of it quickly. Again, not a soft zone.

Richardson on a screen. Auburn rushed six. Big gain with a perfect play call on a blitz.

Upchurch for the TD. Goal line defense for Auburn

That's nine passes on the drive. We blitzed on 5 of them. The sack we got was when we rushed four. I don't think it was a bad call by Roof or really a change. I think Bama just made plays when they had to and we couldn't get a stop. It happens.

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Thank you BG!

Bottom line is, Tigers, this 2009 AU team has fought hard through a tough year of injuries and lack of depth. I personally thought bama would end up winning, but that didn't stop me from believing that AU could get it done. I only thought that b/c of AUs lack of depth would hurt us in the 4th quarter. I knew that if AU could fire on all cylinders on offense, defense, and special teams, we would win, unfortunately the offense sputtered at times and the defense just couldn't hold on for the entire 4 quarters. Just one more offensive scoring possession and its in the bag.

There is no doubt in my mind that Coach Chizik will have our Auburn Tigers competing for the SEC/MNC very soon. AU has lots of playmakers all over the field that are very young. AU is just plugging in some depth to the defense from being very, very competitive! As we saw today we played with the SEC West winner, and could have beaten them.

There is no reason to get down on CGC and company b/c of finishing 7-5 his first year out. WAR EAGLE!!! The future looks bright!! These guys played hard today and deserve our respect despite the score for representing AU.

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Your one to talk Butt Kisser I mean BG. I am mostly always respectful here and I didnt think I was that disrespectful in my post. My apologies for that. Check my first post I posted after the win. The one that says you guys could have very well had the lead when the clock hit zero and where I said you played a heck of a game, etc...

BG please man save it.

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I disagree with you Duder. Sure there were mistakes made, but our guys played their asses off today. The effort was there, and they did more than anyone gave them a chance of doing. The execution that "wasn't there" was against a pretty good opponent. I am not one for "moral victories" but I am for holding your head high when you leave it all out there on the field, and I think they did. I'm proud of our team, sure I'm disappointed that they couldn't get a stop or TO on that last drive, but they played a good game.

The defense played great. The offense played great for three quarters. I'm not saying there is anything for the players to be ashamed of. Bama has a great defense, no doubt about that. We had our chances on offense to put this game away. When those circumstances popped up, we either didn't call the right play or didn't execute the play that was called properly. Which part of that is wrong? I'm not even referencing the last drive. We had chances long before that last drive to put it away so that drive wouldn't have been an issue.

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He sent a message alright........ :thumbsdown:

Sorry not buying it. We said good game and it was, don't push it. :cheer:

Hey Rev...... The fact is that not one Bammer fan I've spoken with in the last two weeks has ever said that they expected a dog fight in this game. Most expected to roll over us like last year. If you don't think that fielding a team that is this riddled with injuries on D, with no depth at any position, and taking your all-world national recruiting champion two years straight, best coach since the Bahr Tahd to the final two minutes a message, then you are blind or ignorant. You'd better get the message sir, because this will be the the easiest Iron Bowl you'll get out of us in a long time. These coaches did more with less today than your mighty Saban and crew, so enjoy this win while you can. It won't be this way for long.

Oh....And who gave you that screen name? You might want to rethink that cuz it kinda gives the impression that you are a man of God. Surely with your confrontational posts and pompous attitude you are not.

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