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UAT post game thread


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Bama won but they didn't beat us. We beat us. The refs beat us a little, too, but mostly we beat us. Bama was out coached (most of the game anyway) and out played. Florida will likely spank them.

Ben Tate proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is the best runningback in the state of Alabama.

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Roof would deserve a raise if the game required stopping only one player. But Bama has multiple athletes and apparently he forgot about that Julio Jones kid at the end.

Gus continues to prove that he is nothing more than a coach with tricks. Big play at the beginning, a couple other big plays on the second drive, and one big pass in the 3rd quarter. Other than that, the offense was BAD.

Our game management ranks 1 notch better than Les Miles... but barely.

I never felt this game would be won by this team, but had hope I would be proven wrong. Unfortunately, I am not wrong very often.

Hope we don't have to bust out the moral victory police on everybody.

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Defense played a fantastic game. The offense continued to show the poor execution we've painfully watched the entire second half of the season. Bottom line guys, we cannot blame it on the refs today--the offense had a chance to ice it in the 4th. We didn't put our players in the right position to win. Poor play calling, poor execution took this game away from us. Here's to winning the bowl game, pulling in a solid recruiting class and getting in position to be better next season. War Eagle anyway. It is still great to be an Auburn Tiger

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To PC from the game thread.

That's a little too harsh. The D plyed awesome today. The offense was hit or miss, like usual. Most of it play calling, but CGM is young to SEC play calling. And, if a couple of easy plays were made (and not made), like the two wide open passes to Trott in the second quarter, momentum may have been different and we may have had one more TD. I think it was a good game versus your mighty Bama. They average 9.9 points per game, and we more than doubled that. Please, get your head out of your a$$ this time.

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Congrats to our guys playing a great game. Look at Bammer's penalty's in their close games this year and every game is 2-1 in their favor. Hard enough to overcome the lack of depth AND the refs protecting the SEC investment.

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Chizik was a very good hire for Auburn, he got everything he could out of the talent he had on the field this season. He will quickly turn this around and Auburn will be even or back on top in the State, that was evident today.

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Roof would deserve a raise if the game required stopping only one player. But Bama has multiple athletes and apparently he forgot about that Julio Jones kid at the end.

Gus continues to prove that he is nothing more than a coach with tricks. Big play at the beginning, a couple other big plays on the second drive, and one big pass in the 3rd quarter. Other than that, the offense was BAD.

Our game management ranks 1 notch better than Les Miles... but barely.

I never felt this game would be won by this team, but had hope I would be proven wrong. Unfortunately, I am not wrong very often.

Hope we don't have to bust out the moral victory police on everybody.

But you are always a jerk. :thumbsdown:

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Bama won but they didn't beat us. We beat us. The refs beat us a little, too, but mostly we beat us. Bama was out coached (most of the game anyway) and out played. Florida will likely spank them.

Ben Tate proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is the best runningback in the state of Alabama.

YOU ARE A JOKE. Blaming the refs? The refs HELPED US! Did you see how many times McElroy hit that umpire? The officiating was perfect and I complain a lot. There was not one bad call.

And I think Richardson would have something to say about that RB stuff...

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I disagree with you Duder. Sure there were mistakes made, but our guys played their asses off today. The effort was there, and they did more than anyone gave them a chance of doing. The execution that "wasn't there" was against a pretty good opponent. I am not one for "moral victories" but I am for holding your head high when you leave it all out there on the field, and I think they did. I'm proud of our team, sure I'm disappointed that they couldn't get a stop or TO on that last drive, but they played a good game.

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The bad calls I don't think had any outcome in the game. I agree we beat ourselves. Actually the coaches did that. I think the players played as hard as they could, but the offensive play calling at times handcuffed the players.

I can't understand on offense why our coaches would get away from what was working. UAT was struggling to defend the Wild Tiger and other misdirection plays, but yet our coaches seemed determined to make screen passes and running up the middle work. It wasn't so we keep going back to it! Good gosh, keep going with what is working until the defense proves they can stop it. Running the ball will 17 seconds is not going to catch a defense like UAT off gaurd. Offense 101 coaches!

Also trying to figure out why we let Julio get open over the short middle so many times on that series. Defense should have picked that up, but apparently somebody, whether it be players, coaches, or both, was not changing to cover it.

It was UGA all over again. We get a team against the ropes and start playing soft to let them back in the game. Makes me wonder if the coaching staff is capable of learning and adjusting.

Overall, it beats last year, so I assume I should see some more improvement next year.

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I don't believe in moral victories. But I'm very proud of this team. They played with tremendous heart, especially the defense IMHO. This team is a long way from last years debacle. They played toe-to-toe with the number 2 team in the country. A win would have been amazingly sweet, but I'm not disappointed in these players one bit.

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I'll agree with the Les Miles comparison if we are still as inept at the end of the game in CGC's 5th year. I'd still like to see what we can do the next 2-3 years with the offensive staff in place before making a judgement about CGC or CGM. I think I'd give Roof a slightly shorter leash but I'd rather have him here another 1-2 years than start a DC carousel now.

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To PC from the game thread.

That's a little too harsh. The D plyed awesome today. The offense was hit or miss, like usual. Most of it play calling, but CGM is young to SEC play calling. And, if a couple of easy plays were made (and not made), like the two wide open passes to Trott in the second quarter, momentum may have been different and we may have had one more TD. I think it was a good game versus your mighty Bama. They average 9.9 points per game, and we more than doubled that. Please, get your head out of your a$ this time.

Our D was awesome outside of the one, two, three, four... five scoring drives. We give them a long field at the end of the game at our stadium and they march down and score like it's nothing. They didn't even sweat.

I would agree that the D was better in this game than any other game, but they still didn't do enough. No moral victories from me. No "way to fight hard" from me. You want credit? Win. It's simple. I don't care if we were underdogs or not. Upsets happen. Apparently Auburn isn't good enough to be a part of that this year.

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Bama won but they didn't beat us. We beat us. The refs beat us a little, too, but mostly we beat us. Bama was out coached (most of the game anyway) and out played. Florida will likely spank them.

Ben Tate proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is the best runningback in the state of Alabama.

YOU ARE A JOKE. Blaming the refs? The refs HELPED US! Did you see how many times McElroy hit that umpire? The officiating was perfect and I complain a lot. There was not one bad call.

And I think Richardson would have something to say about that RB stuff...

What game were you watching? Seriously? I am about to be banned for the rant I wanna go off on you. You are blind if you think the officiating was "perfect". How many judgment calls went Auburn's way? How many? How many hold's on bammer? How many block in the backs? You are BLIND and a whole lot more. Go celebrate with the bammers you___________ _________ _________!

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The only suspect call that went against us was on one of the sacks on Todd in the 4th it looked like a facemask that wasn't called, but I couldn't see for sure. Can't blame this one on the zebras at all though.

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Bama won but they didn't beat us. We beat us. The refs beat us a little, too, but mostly we beat us. Bama was out coached (most of the game anyway) and out played. Florida will likely spank them.

Ben Tate proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is the best runningback in the state of Alabama.

YOU ARE A JOKE. Blaming the refs? The refs HELPED US! Did you see how many times McElroy hit that umpire? The officiating was perfect and I complain a lot. There was not one bad call.

And I think Richardson would have something to say about that RB stuff...

You are blind AND ignorant. The refs are part of the playing surface, that is McElroys fault for not knowing where they are. Hardly a convenient missed call, especially on kickoffs and sustained drives. You can't blame the piss porr officiating in the LSU game, but you sure can here with a less than one score differene at HOME. Stats don't lie. 2:1 ratio in big games is not a coincident. Same for UF.

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To PC from the game thread.

That's a little too harsh. The D plyed awesome today. The offense was hit or miss, like usual. Most of it play calling, but CGM is young to SEC play calling. And, if a couple of easy plays were made (and not made), like the two wide open passes to Trott in the second quarter, momentum may have been different and we may have had one more TD. I think it was a good game versus your mighty Bama. They average 9.9 points per game, and we more than doubled that. Please, get your head out of your a$ this time.

Our D was awesome outside of the one, two, three, four... five scoring drives. We give them a long field at the end of the game at our stadium and they march down and score like it's nothing. They didn't even sweat.

I would agree that the D was better in this game than any other game, but they still didn't do enough. No moral victories from me. No "way to fight hard" from me. You want credit? Win. It's simple. I don't care if we were underdogs or not. Upsets happen. Apparently Auburn isn't good enough to be a part of that this year.

I used to think child abuse was unforgiveable. Then I met PChump. :moon:

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Mad props to the team. That's the most heart I've seen in any team in years. I don't know what else to say, they played their hearts out and I'm proud to be an Auburn Fan. Now to the Satan nation, well I'm sure my post would get deleted.

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I don't believe in moral victories. But I'm very proud of this team. They played with tremendous heart, especially the defense IMHO. This team is a long way from last years debacle. They played toe-to-toe with the number 2 team in the country. A win would have been amazingly sweet, but I'm not disappointed in these players one bit.

I totally agree.

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Bama won but they didn't beat us. We beat us. The refs beat us a little, too, but mostly we beat us. Bama was out coached (most of the game anyway) and out played. Florida will likely spank them.

Ben Tate proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is the best runningback in the state of Alabama.

YOU ARE A JOKE. Blaming the refs? The refs HELPED US! Did you see how many times McElroy hit that umpire? The officiating was perfect and I complain a lot. There was not one bad call.

And I think Richardson would have something to say about that RB stuff...

What game were you watching? Seriously? I am about to be banned for the rant I wanna go off on you. You are blind if you think the officiating was "perfect". How many judgment calls went Auburn's way? How many? How many hold's on bammer? How many block in the backs? You are BLIND and a whole lot more. Go celebrate with the bammers you___________ _________ _________!

The two blocks in the back on Arenas' long punt return were pretty egregious in my book.

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