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Anti-choice doctor forces patient to have an abortion


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I think this would be where the anti-choice moniker best fits:

Woman's Lawsuit: She Yelled Stop, Practitioner Continued With Forced Abortion

by Steven Ertelt

LifeNews.com Editor

November 18, 2009

Flint, MI (LifeNews.com) -- Alberto Hodari owns six abortion centers in Michigan and LifeNews.com has delivered multiple reports on how he has three of them up for sale. A new lawsuit from a woman who says he forced her to have an abortion could explain why Hodari is quickly moving to divest himself of his abortion business.

Hodari, who has killed at least two women in botched abortions, put a for sale sign on his Flint, Michigan center last week and also on his facilities in Livonia and Southgate.

Local pro-life advocate Judy Climer of Flint Right to Life told LifeNews.com that there is a "a fresh lawsuit against him, the clinic and former employee(s)," filed by Caitlin Bruce.

Climer noted Bruce says Hodari forced her to have an abortion after she declined.

Today, Operation Rescue president Troy Newman provided LifeNews.com with more details of the lawsuit based on the records filed in court.

Bruce filed a suit against Hodari and his assistant, "Victor" on June 17 over an incident that took place at Hodari's Flint abortion center in April 2008.

Bruce alleges that she went to Hodari's clinic seeking an abortion, but, before the abortion began, she changed her mind, decided against it and told Hodari. However, Hodari and his assistant forcibly restrained Bruce and held her down, according to her suit.

Bruce screamed "Stop, stop, I don't want this," but her mouth was covered to muffle her pleas while Hodari forced her to have the abortion.

The lawsuit notes six counts against Hodari including lack of informed consent/medical malpractice, battery, fraud, misrepresentation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and ethnic/gender intimidation.

Also, Bruce believes that Hodari forced the abortion on her because she is black, even though Michigan law forbids intimidation based on gender or ethnicity.

"This man should be in jail," Newman said. "To avoid having to pay for his crimes, it looks like Hodari is trying to liquidate his assets, take the money, and run."

Newman also notes that this is not the first time Hodari has been accused of forcing a woman to have an abortion.

In February, former Hodari patient Jennifer McCoy told Operation Rescue of her 1988 abortion at age 16.

McCoy never intended to get an abortion and was lured to Hodari's clinic under the false pretenses that she would be receiving her first obstetrical examination. Instead, Hodari forced an abortion on her, she told the pro-life group. He then returned her to her 40-year old high school teacher who had fathered the baby in a relationship that qualified as statutory rape.

McCoy attempted unsuccessfully to have Hodari criminally charged.

Newman added: "Over a twenty year period, we can only imagine how many times Hodari has done this to women. If we know of two, you can bet there were more that we don't know about. It is one depraved man that could do that to women."...


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BTW South....congrats on the beatdown of Tech and I hope the movie in your signature comes true! Great stuff. :thumbsup:

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When I read stories like this, I chuckle a bit because another side to this story is screaming to come out from the other side

...as long as those stories aren't anti republican.

Then that's the only side. Right?

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When I read stories like this, I chuckle a bit because another side to this story is screaming to come out from the other side

When I read responses like this, I chuckle a bit because I know that such consideration of a possible "other side" would not be coming from you had this been a story about some conservative Republican doing something terrible.

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When I read stories like this, I chuckle a bit because another side to this story is screaming to come out from the other side

Kinda like I'm sure you 'chuckled' when a man was found dead, hanging, w/ FED on his chest ? You were so sure that, FINALLY, the Right would be painted as you've always hoped they would.

I personally don't find any chuckle value in a dead census worker or a woman's abortion, forced or otherwise.

Think that remark is very telling about you, South.

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Hmmm. A 16 year old is "forced" to have an abortion, then returned to her impregnator, her 40 year old school teacher...yet no one is charged. Interesting.

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Anyone else see the irony of the 40 yr old being described as the one who 'fathered' the aborted baby?

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