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Hot Air: Schumer Uses B-Word on Airplane


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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

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I think I did this last week when I flew

No biggie

What, act like an petulant, pompous ass and then insult someone for doing their job ?

Ya might wanna try some less caffeine. Or more.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

And a typical dim would take pot shots at Republican's rather than say anything about Schumer's classless behavior.

Thanks for playing Tex, Al, arnold and slink.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

And a typical dim would take pot shots at Republican's rather than say anything about Schumer's classless behavior.

Thanks for playing Tex, Al, arnold and slink.

You're quite welcome.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

And a typical dim would take pot shots at Republican's rather than say anything about Schumer's classless behavior.

Thanks for playing Tex, Al, arnold and slink.

Egotistic Politician Mumbles Epithet When Asked to Stop Talking! Film at 11. :rolleyes:

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OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

Actually, that's what Democrats do. As was the case w/ fellow NY Senator, Gillibrand.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Chuck Schumer apologized today after word got out that he called a flight attendant a “bitch” for ordering him to follow the rules and turn off his cellphone before takeoff.

And his political protégé, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, initially provided him with public cover.

Schumer’s outburst was overheard aboard a US Airways flight from LaGuardia Airport to Washington on Sunday.

Schumer and his seatmate, Gillibrand, were chatting on their cellphones when the plane’s captain told passengers to turn them off.

But the two Democratic senators ignored the order and kept talking — prompting a flight attendant to ask them to follow Federal Aviation Administration rules, according to a House Republican aide who was seated nearby.

Gillibrand’s office initially gave Schumer cover, telling Politico.com that the senior senator was “polite” and that “he turned off his phone when asked to.”

(LIE )

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/politics/schumer_blasts_flight_attendant_CiF5BPT5Vc5Tb0WEqRmIfP#ixzz0a2ioDUWd

Vice President Dick Cheney blurted out an obscenity at Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy during a testy exchange on the Senate floor. Leahy had made a scurrilous charge and a baseless accusation,and got what he deserved, from the VP. The flight attendant, on the other hand, was merely doing her job, which is far more than what the MAN OF THE PEOPLE, Schumer, can say.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

And a typical dim would take pot shots at Republican's rather than say anything about Schumer's classless behavior.

Thanks for playing Tex, Al, arnold and slink.

I called him a potty mouth. "typical". a neocon overlooks the real facts and distorts the truth.

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I called him a potty mouth. "typical". a neocon overlooks the real facts and distorts the truth.

To which 'neocon' are you referring ? It's been undeniably shown that the Republican in this story gave an honest, FACTUAL account of what happened. The only one associated w/ the events who gave any distortion was the DEMOCRAT!

..." the senior senator was “polite” and that “he turned off his phone when asked to.”
Sen GillIbrand ( D- NY ), describing the events in question.

What ever it is you're smoking for breakfast, please.... knock it off.

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Well, apparently the flight attendant did not hear him. If so, he probably would have gotten the Visine treatment. And deservedly so.

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He probably just misses his fellow potty mouth in the Senate, DICK cheney.

When you and Al find an example of Cheney saying such to someone like a flight attendant or some other civilian doing their job when he is clearly not abiding by rules then I will be all on board with you. I'm not defending Cheyney because I think there should be some form of decorum in certain places such as the Senate floor. But the two are not equal.

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He probably just misses his fellow potty mouth in the Senate, DICK cheney.

When you and Al find an example of Cheney saying such to someone like a flight attendant or some other civilian doing their job when he is clearly not abiding by rules then I will be all on board with you. I'm not defending Cheyney because I think there should be some form of decorum in certain places such as the Senate floor. But the two are not equal.

Do you have an example of Schumer saying such to someone like a flight attendant?

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He probably just misses his fellow potty mouth in the Senate, DICK cheney.

When you and Al find an example of Cheney saying such to someone like a flight attendant or some other civilian doing their job when he is clearly not abiding by rules then I will be all on board with you. I'm not defending Cheyney because I think there should be some form of decorum in certain places such as the Senate floor. But the two are not equal.

Do you have an example of Schumer saying such to someone like a flight attendant?

It appears he called the flight attendant in this story one. He said it loud enough for others to hear it and he apologized for it. What are you looking for specifically?

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He probably just misses his fellow potty mouth in the Senate, DICK cheney.

When you and Al find an example of Cheney saying such to someone like a flight attendant or some other civilian doing their job when he is clearly not abiding by rules then I will be all on board with you. I'm not defending Cheyney because I think there should be some form of decorum in certain places such as the Senate floor. But the two are not equal.

Do you have an example of Schumer saying such to someone like a flight attendant?

It appears he called the flight attendant in this story one. He said it loud enough for others to hear it and he apologized for it. What are you looking for specifically?

No, it appears the flight attendant had walked away and he mumbled it to his friend. The fact that a nearby GOP aide was eavesdropping and hoping to pick up anything-- supposedly Schumer was talking to Reid-- doesn't mean he cursed AT someone as Cheney did. NOW, just as you were not defending Cheney, I'm not defending Schumer. It appears that the flight attendant was just doing her job and Schumer was frustrated to have what he thought was an important conversation cut off and he mumbled a epithet to his colleague which probably wasn't deserved. So he apologized-- unlike Cheney who directed a very harsh epithet at a colleague and kinda bragged about it. Folks who cheer on that kinda stuff, like Raptor, are the same type of classless folks that cheer on Mr. Wilson from SC-- and they are leading to the rapid devolution of our society.

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On a technical note:

I think there'd be a good market for a device that could black out cell phone coverage in certain limited areas: planes, classrooms, court rooms, church services, theaters, etc. Instead of depending on the responsibility/courtesy of users in cutting off their phones in such confines, a jamming device would automatically shut off all coverage in such specialized environments.

Of course, what I'd really like is a secret little pocket device that would let me shut down the cell phone of anyone standing near me when their incessant yakety, yakety, yakety drives me crazy! :big: [...not sure about the legality of such a personal "cone of silence" however.]

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I would just like to update everyone and say that I was nice to all on the airplane today

I did it for, Raptor.

No skin off my nose. I'd say do it for yourself, and anyone closely related to you, if for no other reason.

But as long as you're wearing something which shows you're an :uga: fan, by all means, be your usual,arrogant, petulant self!


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Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently doesn't like when people tell him to stop talking.

The senator was flying from New York to Washington with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Sunday when he muttered a curse word under his breath after a flight attendant asked him to hang up his phone before take-off, according to Politico's Shenanigans blog.

An announcement was made telling passengers to turn off their cell phones, but Schumer and Gillibrand, who was reportedly sitting beside him, kept jabbering away, a House GOP aide who was seated nearby told Shenanigans.

A flight attendant then came up to the veteran New York Democrat and asked him to turn off his phone, after which point he muttered "bitch," the source said.

Schumer's camp said the senator is sorry for the remark.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath after the flight attendant walked away. He shouldn't have made it, he regrets it and he has apologized for it," Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto told NBCNewYork.com.

Gillibrand defended Schumer through her office, saying the senator complied with the flight attendant's request to turn off his phone and was "polite," reported Shenanigans.

For his part, Schumer at the time said it was a rather important call.

"It's Harry Reid calling," the GOP aide quoted Schumer as saying on the plane. "I guess health care will have to wait until we land."

OOOOHH. GOP Gotcha! :rolleyes: A typical Republican would have denied ever saying such a thing.

And a typical dim would take pot shots at Republican's rather than say anything about Schumer's classless behavior.

Thanks for playing Tex, Al, arnold and slink.

I called him a potty mouth. "typical". a neocon overlooks the real facts and distorts the truth.

I rarely read post from the goat boy.

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