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Angelo Blackson


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Interesting. I like where the trainer's head is. I see some things that will change in a college lifting program but oh well--I won't soap box this!

It does bother me to see high school level athletes doing assisted pull-ups!

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I don't think the kid needed to be assisted, but it helps them do the pullups with good form to exhaustion. If you don't have that, you'd have guys kicking and flailing around and you lose the form and it doesn't have the desired effect.

Looks like a pretty serious training regimen for high school.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, it is high school football. Crazy stuff.

Also, Defense I didn't notice the response to my earlier thread regarding the assisted pull-ups. By definition an assisted pull-up lacks proper form because you're not using the necessary muscle to stabilize yourself. The strength coach should supervise this and when an athlete loses the ability to do them properly without risk of injury they should stop. Adding an assist doesn't help the overall cause. It leaves an athlete with an out when they become fatigued. An assisted pull-up doesn't have the desired effect of doing pull-ups to exhaustion.

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Assisted pull ups can end up hurting you in the long run. Also, the dead lifts they are doing will kill their backs. If they don't get the backs straight and lift with power from the legs then stand up they will destroy their backs. Only one guy doing dead lifts lifted safely.

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Assisted pull ups can end up hurting you in the long run. Also, the dead lifts they are doing will kill their backs. If they don't get the backs straight and lift with power from the legs then stand up they will destroy their backs. Only one guy doing dead lifts lifted safely.

Had to go back and watch the video and I completely missed the deadlift form the first time around.

I don't feel like as much of an outsider critiquing the work in the video now

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  • 2 weeks later...

FWIW, ESPN has rated Blackson high...

4-Star, Scouts Grade 80

Delaware is no recruiting hot bed, but over the last few years it has produced some talented big men and the state has another one this year in Blackson. He is a physically good looking kid on film. He has good height and bulk and looks to have a frame.
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