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SEC might Fine Auburn if Players are not available to Media


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I would make them available and instruct them to say no comment on every single question. This ensures no violation of the policy. I think a policy to force anyone to talk to the media is well wrong. Last time I checked all of these athletes have amateur status. Other then a LOI are athletes required to sign a media policy?


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I understand why Auburn is doing what they're doing, but wouldn't it be intersting to see Cam stare down Thayer Evans? :angry:

I could see Evans coming out of a confrontation like that looking very petty and small?

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If the SEC wants Cam Newton available for interviews, the ball is in their court. All they have to do is step up and tell the truth: They cleared Cam Newton to play for Auburn before the season started and there is no new information that changes that decision.

Do that and I'm sure Cam will be made available. Don't have the guts to do it and I'll contribute my share and then some to the fund that pays the SEC fine.

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This should be a non-issue. ALL players in EVERY major college sports program undergo regular "dealing w/ the media" instruction and Cam just follows those rules of thumb.

Since the NCAA openly requested Auburn NOT comment on the "allegations", cite to the NCAA request and move on for those type questions. Don't sit up there and refuse to answer any and all questions, that's moronic...although I wouldn't put it past our sports info office to go that route and commit media suicide.

This is not rocket science and the media reps asking the questions are for sure NOT rocket scientists...

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I think a one-on-one sit down with Gary Danielson or the sideline reporter emphasizing Cam the young man caught in the middle of this would have been gold...

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I'd make him available and instruct him to say "no comment" any time he gets a question he doesn't want to answer. Simple as that. Even if it's a question that's perfectly in-bounds. There's nothing in the SEC rules that say a guy has to answer every question posed. He just has to be available to the media. "No comment" the hell out of them Cam.

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This should be a non-issue. ALL players in EVERY major college sports program undergo regular "dealing w/ the media" instruction and Cam just follows those rules of thumb.

Since the NCAA openly requested Auburn NOT comment on the "allegations", cite to the NCAA request and move on for those type questions. Don't sit up there and refuse to answer any and all questions, that's moronic...although I wouldn't put it past our sports info office to go that route and commit media suicide.

This is not rocket science and the media reps asking the questions are for sure NOT rocket scientists...

Exactly and the media should be given instructions that the kids are there to talk football and that game not rumors and innuendo from unnamed sources.

Wouldn't it be great when Cam got the first question about his ordeal if he answered:

"I can't comment on what your unnamed sources may or may not have said but the NCAA has instructed me not to comment on that. Next question please."

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I'd make him available and instruct him to say "no comment" any time he gets a question he doesn't want to answer. Simple as that. Even if it's a question that's perfectly in-bounds. There's nothing in the SEC rules that say a guy has to answer every question posed. He just has to be available to the media. "No comment" the hell out of them Cam.

Problem is, he is going to want to answer some of those questions, and you know how the media can spin statements. One word here, a pause there, etc. The media doesn't care for him or Auburn, they care about selling stories and making money. They will be relentless, insulting, antagonistic and just plain jerks in an concerted effort to get anything to spin into a story. They also won't take No Comment for an answer (see the Derek Anderson interview from this past weekend). I say hold him out and cite the NCAA recommendations at the answer. Or send him up there with a handler or attorney, but that looks worse.

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I'd love to see him walk up to the podium, place a piece of duct tape across his mouth, and show everyone a blank check from Auburn made out to the SEC.

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