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Biden for Vice President


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Is this a possibility? If so could he over come his plagiarism problems of the past?

Biden for Vice President

Robert Novak

May 1, 2004

WASHINGTON -- Influential Democrats are urging Sen. John Kerry to consider Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, the party's principal voice on foreign policy, as his choice for vice president.

Picking the 61-year-old Biden would be reminiscent of George W. Bush's selection in 2000 of Dick Cheney, then 59. Biden, like Cheney, would be chosen for his qualifications to succeed to the presidency rather than for influencing electoral votes of a large swing state. As the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's top Democrat, he supported military action against Iraq and is less critical of President Bush than Kerry has been.

Biden, who has served in the Senate for 31 years, considered running for president this year but decided against it. His bid for the Democratic nomination in 1988 was aborted when he was discovered delivering a speech lifted from a British politician.


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I think I would throw a victotry party at my house the day they named Biden. He is truly the one white guy in the Dem Party other than Teddy (hic) Kennedy that could not win an election.

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What's wrong with Biden? I mean, besides his stance on abortion (which is a dealbreaker for me) and affirmative action? He's one of the few Dems that I like to listen to when he's on one of the political shows.

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he wouldn't be that bad although i would think the party would want to either skew young or skew southern (or both) over an old northeasterner (which is basically what kerry is). personally, i still think bob graham would be a good choice (despite his age), but who knows biden does offer a more conservative opinion on the military and the budget.

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living in NC, i expect my coverage to slant towards edwards, BUT,

there was an article in today's Sunday paper saying how several influencial people were calling for edwards to be the VP nominee.

i guess this will be the next big 'thing' to happen in the election process...

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