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Tubs On Hannity Tonight

Proud Tiger

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Tubs was on Hannity's great American Panel tonight. The discussion centered around Obama's policies and his past associations. Tubs id a good job. Hannity introduced him as the HC at TT and former HC at Auburn. Hannity said he regretted how Tubs career at Auburn ended. Tubs showed hi usual clacc by saying he had 10 good years at Auburn, still follows Auburn FB, and is proud they won the NC. Hannity said his wife is a bama grad and Tubs responded "I bet she don't like me since we beat them 6 years in a row." I loved that little dig.

For those who may not know, Hannity got his start on the radio in Huntsville.

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Dang it PT. I deleted the wrong one. Edit your post above and put the link up. sorry about that.

I didn't have a link. Hannity was live on FOX news tonight.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.


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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.


Amdn and amen.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.

I agree I will always love Tubbs. Great guy loved Auburn, class act.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.

I don't think it's so much ill-will; rather, some just felt xCTT and staff got complacent and obviously didn't like seeing the program slide, particularly as UAT was rising like a rocket under Saban.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.


Amdn and amen.

Amen, Amen, Amen. I think the AD ought to be a man and invite Tubs for some official functions in the future. I also hope we'll have huge statues of all Heisman winners, Coach Heisman, Shug, Tubs, Dye, and CGC some day .

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At least one person gave Tubs credit for forcing Obama to release his birth certificate:

On Wednesday morning — years after the "birther" issue began to smolder on the political fringes but mere hours after the man who led the Auburn Tigers to a perfect 13-0 record in 2004 went on national television to force the issue — the President of the United States releases his long-form birth certificate to the American public. Oh, but I suppose that's just a coincidence, huh?

I like how he describes him as "the man who led the Auburn Tigers to a perfect 13-0 record in 2004" rather than the coach of Texas Tech.

There's also a link to the video there.

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I don't think it's so much ill-will; rather, some just felt xCTT and staff got complacent and obviously didn't like seeing the program slide, particularly as UAT was rising like a rocket under Saban.

This ^^^

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.

I don't think it's so much ill-will; rather, some just felt xCTT and staff got complacent and obviously didn't like seeing the program slide, particularly as UAT was rising like a rocket under Saban.

Based on what I've seen on this board alone, not to mention others, I have to disagree. There are a LOT of Auburn fans who were delighted to see Tubs get canned and could not care less about him even now. Of course most everyone knows I am biased on that topic so tht's all I will say.

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I don't have any ill feelings toward Tub and wish him well. He did a lot for Auburn Football, but there is no excuse when you are paid millions of dollars to do a job, and you fall down on recruiting like he did in his last two or three years. And as someone earlier pointed out, to do that at a critical time when bammer was on the rise just didn't sit well with a lot of people. Tuberville essentially retired but fogot to tell anyone. He was good for Auburn, but it was also time for him to move on. I believe that regardless of how good your coach is, it is probably a good thing to change out your coach about every ten to twelve years. I don't think it is possible for coach to keep his same drive and determination to keep the program on top for that long.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.


Amdn and amen.

Amen, Amen, Amen. I think the AD ought to be a man and invite Tubs for some official functions in the future. I also hope we'll have huge statues of all Heisman winners, Coach Heisman, Shug, Tubs, Dye, and CGC some day .

I too thought Tubs was great on Hannity last night, and see him as an Auburn man. But as for the AD inviting him for official functions - wont happen. He is a coach now at Texas Tech. Can you imagine how WE would have felt if he was invited to Ole Miss for some kind of function? Just the Heisman winners statues are enough. Coaches plus said statues are just overkill. Kind of like SPUAT.

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xCTT is an honorable man. He did good many things for Auburn and by current college coaching standards staying 10 years is a long time. He pulled Auburn up from the probation and problems left by the Bowden years. Going 13-0 in 04, having a winning record, recruiting great players, and beating bama 6 in a row (7 out of 10 times) is a strong record.

He had a bad year at the end but moved on to other jobs after that. There was not the usual discussion about when will the school fire him that other schools go through. Actually there was real surprise that he left. Whether he quit, was pushed out, or just fired, they kept it civil. He did get a lot of cash to leave, but publicly he left on good terms with Auburn.

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For those who may not know, Hannity got his start on the radio in Huntsville.

I knew Hannity worked at WGST in Atlanta before going to FNC but didn't realize he was ever in AL. Now I see why he talked about Tubs completely in the context of AU. There was zero mention of Texas Tech except for Tubs' "Guns Up" comment & the TT lapel pin on his jacket.

For those who'd like a bit of trivia, Tubs' father happens to be buried in the same cemetery as my grandmother. Just thought I'd share.....

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At least one person gave Tubs credit for forcing Obama to release his birth certificate:

On Wednesday morning — years after the "birther" issue began to smolder on the political fringes but mere hours after the man who led the Auburn Tigers to a perfect 13-0 record in 2004 went on national television to force the issue — the President of the United States releases his long-form birth certificate to the American public. Oh, but I suppose that's just a coincidence, huh?

I like how he describes him as "the man who led the Auburn Tigers to a perfect 13-0 record in 2004" rather than the coach of Texas Tech.

There's also a link to the video there.

The Huffington Post, of all places, picked up on this as well:


Not that I read that website.........

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Tuberville weighs in on conservative talk show

By Don Williams

Texas Tech coach Tommy Tuberville appeared on conservative commentator Sean Hannity’s television show Tuesday, taking part in a panel discussion about President Obama’s Easter Sunday pastor, the controversy over his birth location and who might run against him in 2012.

Tuberville suggested that the president has a good chance to be unseated by whoever opposes him.

Asked by Hannity if there is anyone he likes for president, Tuberville said, “It really doesn’t make any difference. If the economy doesn’t get better, if the price of gas is six or seven dollars a gallon, if we’re still in wars, anybody’s going to run and win. Bottom line, we can’t keep going the direction we’re going.”

Tuberville was the day’s celebrity guest on “The Great American Panel” segment, joining in with former Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich and FOX News legal analyst Tamara Holder in a discussion moderated by Hannity.

The first family’s attendance at an Easter service led by the Rev. Wallace Charles Smith was the first topic. Smith, who has compared conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh to the Ku Klux Klan, has been accused by the right of race baiting.

“We’ve got to have leadership in this country,” Tuberville said. “For our president to do something like this, to go to a church and portray an image like this, doesn’t represent all people. I’m a football coach, and I have to represent everybody on our football team and our alumni and our fan base. I’m the leader, and you have to do that, so leadership’s very important.”

Holder interjected, “Was he supposed to go to a church that is anti-gay and anti-premarital sex and anti-Planned Parenthood? Is that what he’s supposed to do? Does that represent … ?”

Ehrlich was the Republican governer of Maryland from 2003 to 2007.

“I’ve been to a lot of different African-American churches,” he said, “and I just typically don’t see that (view espoused by Smith) in around the Washington beltway, in Maryland.”

Tuberville later called on the president to produce his birth certificate. Last month, potential presidential candidate Donald Trump made headlines by questioning Obama’s birth and citizenship.

Hannity acknowledged the existence of a certification of live birth and birth announcements shortly after Obama was born, but showed statistics saying many Americans are unconvinced.

“We’ve got enough controversy going on in this country,” Tuberville said. “I don’t know why he wouldn’t just step up and say, ‘Here it is.’ Obviously, there’s got to be something on there he doesn’t want anybody to see.”


IMO, xCTT would be better served staying out of politics -- all coaches would.

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Tuberville had ONE bad recruiting year, his last in 2008. His next to last, 2007, was the nuts and bolts of this year's national champs. Nick Fairley was a sign to place guy in '07 as well as all the seniors on that O-line.

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Hannity is the biggest douche bag on TV. FOX is the biggest joke of all of the news media outlets (they are all crap if you ask me). My view of CTT just went down a couple of notches.

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Hannity is the biggest douche bag on TV. FOX is the biggest joke of all of the news media outlets (they are all crap if you ask me). My view of CTT just went down a couple of notches.

Hannity, Tuberville and Fox are not the morons driving this nation off a cliff that accomplishment belongs to President Obama who cannot stop spending like a drunken sailor.

War Tuberville. Sorry I would take a Christian conservative running my program any day.

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And yet, a Republican president is the one that took us from a budget surplus to a then-record deficit. Give the "that side is always wrong!" thing a rest. Neither party has clean hands when it comes to deficit spending or driving up the debt. As a side note, anyone that voted for Bush should refrain from calling Obama a "moron." You can say he makes bad decisions or you dislike his policy, but he's a LOT smarter than the guy he replaced.

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