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The beheading video

DKW 86

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I got it just now.

I think I could just blow half of the Middle East away and call it a great day.

If you havent seen it, be glad, they used a dull knife.

And the deafening silence you now hear will be no outrage by any Muslims anywhere in the world.

These things arent human. No human could do that to another in cold blood and have any being inside of it.


I am going to take a bath now. And pray to my God.

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This guys family needs alot of prayers. This has got to be tougher then usual because their son's death is being show all over the internet. I have not wanted to see it and have just heard alot of sites are now starting to pull it. I can't believe some of them were showing the unedited version to begin with.

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I don't know if this is going to come off exactly right but i'll try. Supposedly this incident was in retaliation of the abuse from American soLdiers in an Iraqi prison. When the "abuse" pictures became known the liberal media and Democratic politicians took full advantage to air our dirty laundry in a political attempt to hurt the Bush Administration. By airing these pictures and giving them credibility in the national media we have given these radicals all the excuse they needed to commit any and all atrocities against Americans and our allies.

Now I am not for censorship, however I do believe that wartime is not the right time to be debating all of these things in public. When we have defeated all the insurgents in Iraq, dismantled Al Qaeda, taken care of Syria, Iran. N. Korea, Etc, and generally won the war on terrorism, then we can spend our time airing our "dirty" laundry. Doing so prior to total victory only gives our enemies greater motivation.

In other words, WAR IS UGLY, BUT DEFEAT IS UGLIER!!!!!!!

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I don't know if this is going to come off exactly right but i'll try. Supposedly this incident was in retaliation of the abuse from American soLdiers in an Iraqi prison. When the "abuse" pictures became known the liberal media and Democratic politicians took full advantage to air our dirty laundry in a political attempt to hurt the Bush Administration. By airing these pictures and giving them credibility in the national media we have given these radicals all the excuse they needed to commit any and all atrocities against Americans and our allies.

Now I am not for censorship, however I do believe that wartime is not the right time to be debating all of these things in public. When we have defeated all the insurgents in Iraq, dismantled Al Qaeda, taken care of Syria, Iran. N. Korea, Etc, and generally won the war on terrorism, then we can spend our time airing our "dirty" laundry. Doing so prior to total victory only gives our enemies greater motivation.

In other words, WAR IS UGLY, BUT DEFEAT IS UGLIER!!!!!!!

You just said on the other thread 'Why Are We At War' that you (rightfully) believe that the war on terror is going to be a long one. Years. Many years. How can we, once the 'war' is over, go up to Sgt. John Smith and say, 'OK, now that that's done, you're under arrest for what you're doing in these pictures that were taken 5, 10, 15 years ago at Abu Ghraib prison?' You can't. Justice delayed is justice denied. These acts existed before their record was put online and to delay responsibility for them would tacitly encourage more of the same.

You're trying to shift the blame for what happened in Abu Ghraib and put it on the media. You're trying to shift the blame for what those sick f**ks did to Nicholas Berg and put it on the media. Then you try to legitimize blaming the media when you codify it as 'the liberal media.' You seem to think that the pictures are the source of the problem and if we hide them and deny what was happening then everything would be cool. Iraqis knew what was going on at Abu Ghraib a long time ago when people who had been there were released and told them about it.

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This beheading took place weeks in advance of the release of the photographs of prisoner abuse.

No, it was just recently because they found his body this weekend on an overpass in Baghdad. They also mentioned that the killing was in revenge for the abuses suffered by Iraqis in the prison.

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BTW, I watched this thing earlier. I don't think Berg had any idea what was about to happen to him which is probably a good thing for him.

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Warning extremely graphic

weagle: This is a tough call because I understand the desire to want everyone to know what we're dealing with over there. But this is a family site and I just don't want younger kids to have such easy access to violence this graphic. So we've removed the links. If anyone is interested in seeing the full, unedited version of this death, use Google.

Titan Tiger

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I will not watch the video, but I did hear the audio. A radio station I listen to was playing it. I heard some comotion (volume was down low) so I turned it up to hear what was going on. I ... I can't find words to describe the feeling I got when I realized what I had just heard.

If you think I was mad about the treatment of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib, that's nothing!

And these guys are chanting "God is Great" while they do this! :blink: When are the real Muslims going to step up and condemn this. When is the nation of Islam going to take back their religion that has been hijacked by the bride of Satan!

At this moment, I couldn't care less if these towns where these insurgents are were leveled and burned. Turn it into a big glass bowl!

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At this moment, I couldn't care less if these towns where these insurgents are were leveled and burned. Turn it into a big glass bowl!

I watched it and that's how it made me feel.

These people don't realize that after we were "caught" abusing some prisoners, there might have been some sentiment to bail out on the operation and save face by removing our troops.

Now we can't leave, we can't let them think they intimidated us by releasing this video.

To quote a friend of mine, a former marine, "just because these people enjoy killing doesn't mean we're not better at it. They'll figure it out soon enough"

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Imagine how the richard hamil guy must feel. He may have escaped just in time.

That's exactly the first thing I thought about. I'll bet he's saying, 'There, but for the Grace of God, go I.'

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No. As much as I want to link this video for the whole world to see, I am not going to link it here. I dont even want a link here to it somewhere else.

If you have to see it, may I suggest Google...

Sometimes We get to be the heroes in things like this. We get to post it, link it, get the word out. This day, we will remember a young man and grieve for his family.

Tommorow? Well, I wouldnt want to be on the receiving end of a Gunship or a B-52 bomb run. I hope the guys over there get in some good licks.

We have a soldier over there now, being held captive. I wonder what has, or will, happened to him?

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If some place over there is not transformmed soon into a smoldering pile of dust and rubble, something is dreadfully wrong.

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I cannot hardly breath after watching that...

I can only pray for his family and pray that Bush sends someone over there to drop an atomic bomb...after we get all of our troops and men out of there.

How does one human get the guts to do something like this???

I am so, so, so, thankful for my FREEDOM!!!

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I haven't actually seen the video. At first it had some morbid draw, but I don't think I could stomach it. I think it's sad that things like this are circulated this openly. Part of me wants to call out for a response, but isn't that what the war is for? This war on terror started in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, this is simply another attempt to provoke us. Things like this are probably going to become more frequent as this war wears on. We've gotten past the combat phase, now they're trying to take shots at the hearts of America. The fight is lost, I think they all know that. But they can still leave their mark. Eventually, the people responsible will pay, be it in this life or the next, their time will come.

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It is events like this that remind me of a saying by Joseph Stalin "death solves all problems, no man - no problem." Not to say that I believe Stalin is anybody to even be thought of as a good historical figure but I really think this is the only way we're going to get rid of terrorism is to kill them all.

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It's events like this where is makes me think that it's up to God to forgive these terrorists. And it's up to the Marines to arrange that meeting.

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Prior service. Been out since 1997.

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If some place over there is not transformmed soon into a smoldering pile of dust and rubble, something is dreadfully wrong.

This bumper sticker seems to express the feelings of many?


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