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Fall Practice - Day 6


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Consolidating the tweets, notes, vids and photos from around the interwebs. Let's get it...

Another open practice period today. OL A.J. Greene and Aubrey Phillips still not out there


Walk-on QB Logan Paul was at practice in shorts, no pads. He ran on the field late. Trooper joked he looked like John Elway coming out there


Gus Malzahn checked Onterio McCalebb, who was clowning around in the stretching line. "Get in the stinkin' line. You're a leader this year."


If LB Kris Frost's arm harness is any indication of how much time he'll be out, it could be a while. His right arm was immobilized


Jay Boulware = not too keen on tweet updates of special team matters. After a certain tweet from a certain beat hack -- we'll call him "AUBlarg," to protect the innocent -- he asked said beat hack "Are you Auburn?" before requesting no more special teams practice updates via Twitter.


QB Logan Paul showed up for his first fall practice today. Trooper Taylor teased him about being late


Taylor also teased Corey Grant about being from Opelika. Told Curtis Luper -- whose son plays for AHS -- Grant said OHS would win this year.


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JGT has tweets, vid and photos...

LB/WR Kris Frost in a sling after shoulder surgery: http://yfrog.com/kll4kyfj



Malzahn crawled Onterio McCalebb's behind for horsing around in line. Here is Malzahn's Look of Death: http://yfrog.com/kf3isnsj



Chizik unhappy with the team's early practice; believes they were pacing themselves for the second workout tonight.


Chizik says Wednesday's scrimmage may bring clarity at quarterback: "It's going to be a huge evaluation for them."


Logan Paul has replaced Cody Frederick on the roster.


Chizik says there is no chance Kris Frost plays this season. He's out after shoulder surgery.


Chizik on Frost: "We were counting on him to help us."


Chizik on Ladarious Phillips: "I certainly have not bought any stock in his development yet."


Chizik said Phillips' conditioning level is not where it needs to be.


CB Jermaine Whitehead now wearing the No. 3 jersey.




Angelo Blackson

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Tomorrow's scrimmage will be at Jordan-Hare Stadium. Chizik said it will be full contact for everybody but the quarterbacks.


Impressed with punter Steven Clark so far. BIG kid with some real power. Needs live game situations, but could be solid.


Auburn's Gene Chizik on quarterback race, practice reps: "We're splitting it up pretty close."


Auburn defensive coordinator Ted Roof explains it all at Tuesday's practice. Photo: http://yfrog.com/h09t3iwj



Auburn's Mike Dyer checks in at Tuesday's practice. Photo now, video coming: http://yfrog.com/h6qerdwj



New Auburn player weights: D-linemen Angelo Blackson goes from 295 to 325, Jabrian Niles goes from 260 to 297. RB Onterio McCalebb now 174


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Charles Goldberg has some video...

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T'Sharvan Bell said Chizik clearly communicated his disappointment with this morning's practice.


Bell: "I see some guys just trying to survive."


Jermaine Whitehead says he's splitting time between cornerback and nickelback. Said there aren't many differences.


Whitehead said he played a little safety in college and dropped down to cover the slot every now and then. Kind of like playing nickel.


CB T'Sharvan Bell, on Curtis Luper saying he's a "tough cornerback" last night: "Coach Lupe recognize...real recognizes real."


Bell agreed with Chizik's assessment of not enough effort at morning practice: "I told them if you pass out out here, we'll carry you in."


Bell called CB coach Phillip Lolley a "technician." Favorite saying: "BOOM! Attaboy! Attaway to shoot the fastball!"


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So, Logan Paul has replaced Cody Frederick on the roster? Hmmm. Someone mentioned in another thread that they thought Logan Paul was off the team now. Guess he's not. But, now 2 new questions. 1. Who is Cody Frederick? 2. why was this Logan Paul's first fall practice? (classes conflict maybe)

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So, Logan Paul has replaced Cody Frederick on the roster? Hmmm. Someone mentioned in another thread that they thought Logan Paul was off the team now. Guess he's not. But, now 2 new questions. 1. Who is Cody Frederick? 2. why was this Logan Paul's first fall practice? (classes conflict maybe)

They're both walkons. Cody Frederick was a WR. Not sure why he quit, but my guess is that there is only room for so many walkons, so his departure opened a spot for Logan Paul to return.

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Some quotes on the QB race from this morning...

"We're all still alive. We're doing good. We're making strides," said contender Barrett Trotter.

Trotter said he doesn't have a feel when Auburn may name a starter.

"Not a clue," he said.

Trotter said freshman Kiehl Frazier has been "picking up things well."

"He really has a strong arm."

**Trotter said freshman receiver Jaylon Denson has been impressive.

**Trotter said Wednesday's scrimmage may not make or break the quarterback race.

"I don't think it will be anything too crazy how much it matters," he said.

Read more from Charles Goldberg: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/08/auburns_gene_chizik_not_please.html

And video...

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Thanks again for posting these.


It's closer than I've been to practice since I left Lee County. :thumbsup:

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Who wants updates from the second practice? Ok, ok...

Not surprisingly, Trooper Taylor said Auburn had a "bounce-back practice tonight."


Trooper is proud of Quan Bray for working through recent family tragedy. Said he had 3.5 GPA this summer, worked his tail off on the field


Taylor said evening session was focused on "fixing things guys blew up this morning."


Taylor says WR DeAngelo Benton "looks like a different kid out there."


Tayor said he can always hear Benton giving pointers to other receivers because "he's got a deep voice. He sounds like Barry White."


Taylor also wanted us to know that all the freshman WRs are garbage, because "last time I bragged on a guy (Benton), he stayed hurt."


Taylor said the scrimmage could go until midnight with Chizik's wrath this morning: "that bounceback practice wasn't going to get it done."


After bad first practice, Auburn coach Trooper Taylor says players "bounced back" in second session. "That's good. That shows leadership."


Auburn's Trooper Taylor says Tigers "didn't install anything new" in day's second practice.


Auburn's Trooper Taylor on two-a-day Tuesday: "We were able to see who thinks he's tough and who's really tough."


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Linebacker Jake Holland was around as well. He agreed with Chizik's assessment of the practice session, but also felt the team got better as the day moved along.


He likes what he's seen out of converted freshman safety Anthony Swain so far: "He's aggressive. I like that out of Swain. Physical. He's just got to get there in learning the defense."


Holland said he spent a bunch of time learning from Josh Bynes in the film room last year, and he hopes to do some teaching on his own to the young linebackers this season.

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