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Why do Dems hate minorities ?


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It should be seen as an insult to anyone to claim you're not smart enough to get a photo ID. With no photo ID, you can't drive. You can't rent movies or buy alcohol. There's a long list of things you CAN'T do , but do Dems encourage those people to join the rest of us, join the free market society, and get a photo ID ?

Nope. They all but deny them that right. Call it 'RACIST' to even suggest minorities partake in the same , very real world activities that the rest of engage in, every single day.

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What? Is this just a rant?

What if it is ? Doesn't change the facts one bit, does it ?

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Yeah, makes me think of this:

August 2009


In a DMN story today , Marjorie Korn reports that North Texas Dems Chet Edwards and Eddie Bernice Johnson won't have town halls during the August recess. Republicans are demanding that Edwards hold a town hall, but Edwards won't do it, probably because he knows a spectacle awaits any Texas Democrat who talks about healthcare in a public forum with a camcorder present.

Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, has apparently stuck to his schedule of multiple town halls during the recess. But he is asking that people who show up produce IDs that show they are from his 29th District. (Insert your joke here about Democrats being against voter ID cards.) Green is a leader among Texas Ds in the House and was a negotiator on the House bill that passed the Energy and Commerce Committee before the recess.

Here is Green's explanation, in which he argues that a "coordinated effort" has been made to disrupt town halls:

"Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents. "

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What? Is this just a rant?

What if it is ? Doesn't change the facts one bit, does it ?

I must have missed the facts in there.

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I must have missed the facts in there.

Must you have ?

Regardless, they're still there.

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It should be seen as an insult to anyone to claim you're not smart enough to get a photo ID. With no photo ID, you can't drive. You can't rent movies or buy alcohol. There's a long list of things you CAN'T do , but do Dems encourage those people to join the rest of us, join the free market society, and get a photo ID ?

Nope. They all but deny them that right. Call it 'RACIST' to even suggest minorities partake in the same , very real world activities that the rest of engage in, every single day.

While I'm sure this will spiral to meaningless dribble, I'll give this debate a try.

I think it would be racist if democrats tried to encourage minorities to not get an ID or encouraged them to not partake in the free market society, but I don't think that is what is happening. I think they are saying that if people choose to not get a photo ID for whatever reason then it should not stop them from voting, assuming they are eligible to vote. I think these two things are extremely different and the latter is not racist.

I guess what bothers me about this whole issue is the dishonesty over why each side believes what they believe. I wholeheartedly believe democrats want it to be legal to vote without ID because they know this is mostly minorities and minorities vote 6:1 democrat. Republicans entirely don't want it for the exact opposite reason. I don't think either side genuinely cares about whether you should be required to have an ID or not.

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I think it would be racist if democrats tried to encourage minorities to not get an ID or encouraged them to not partake in the free market society, but I don't think that is what is happening. I think they are saying that if people choose to not get a photo ID for whatever reason then it should not stop them from voting, assuming they are eligible to vote. I think these two things are extremely different and the latter is not racist.

I am a white male. Have been all my life. And yet, when I go and vote, I'm always asked for my ID. Why is asking ME for my ID not racist, but asking another person of darker skin considered to be racist ?

It is beyond reason and logic. It is itself , as W described it, the soft bigotry of low expectations.

It says you can't do this, so we'll make it easier for you. How humiliating and demoralizing.

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I think it would be racist if democrats tried to encourage minorities to not get an ID or encouraged them to not partake in the free market society, but I don't think that is what is happening. I think they are saying that if people choose to not get a photo ID for whatever reason then it should not stop them from voting, assuming they are eligible to vote. I think these two things are extremely different and the latter is not racist.

I am a white male. Have been all my life. And yet, when I go and vote, I'm always asked for my ID. Why is asking ME for my ID not racist, but asking another person of darker skin considered to be racist ?

It is beyond reason and logic. It is itself , as W described it, the soft bigotry of low expectations.

It says you can't do this, so we'll make it easier for you. How humiliating and demoralizing.

I have not been asked for my ID every time I went to vote.

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I have not been asked for my ID every time I went to vote.

So? What's that even suppose to mean ? Neither have I. I think there was that one time, back in '96... :gofig:

Point is, I've been asked for my ID damn near every time. Didn't matter who was doing the asking, I did't feel 'dissed' or discriminated against, even a little. Because I wasn't being either of those. It was a poll worker doing their job. BFD.

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I think it would be racist if democrats tried to encourage minorities to not get an ID or encouraged them to not partake in the free market society, but I don't think that is what is happening. I think they are saying that if people choose to not get a photo ID for whatever reason then it should not stop them from voting, assuming they are eligible to vote. I think these two things are extremely different and the latter is not racist.

I am a white male. Have been all my life. And yet, when I go and vote, I'm always asked for my ID. Why is asking ME for my ID not racist, but asking another person of darker skin considered to be racist ?

It is beyond reason and logic. It is itself , as W described it, the soft bigotry of low expectations.

It says you can't do this, so we'll make it easier for you. How humiliating and demoralizing.

They ask you for ID just like they ask minorities for ID. Next time you go, explain that you don't have an ID and just like the minorities you will still be allowed to vote. It is a longer process to verify your vote if you do not produce ID.

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Why does Raptor seeth with hatred?

Example ? How does that empty question deal w/ the issue at hand?

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I think it would be racist if democrats tried to encourage minorities to not get an ID or encouraged them to not partake in the free market society, but I don't think that is what is happening. I think they are saying that if people choose to not get a photo ID for whatever reason then it should not stop them from voting, assuming they are eligible to vote. I think these two things are extremely different and the latter is not racist.

I am a white male. Have been all my life. And yet, when I go and vote, I'm always asked for my ID. Why is asking ME for my ID not racist, but asking another person of darker skin considered to be racist ?

It is beyond reason and logic. It is itself , as W described it, the soft bigotry of low expectations.

It says you can't do this, so we'll make it easier for you. How humiliating and demoralizing.

I have not been asked for my ID every time I went to vote.

I have. I guess someone isn't doing their job or doesn't care.

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I have never been asked for an ID. Only to verbally verify my address.

Once again, people aren't doing their job at the poles. I think it is a smack in the face of the fair election process to NOT ask for ID.

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I have never been asked for an ID. Only to verbally verify my address.

Once again, people aren't doing their job at the poles. I think it is a smack in the face of the fair election process to NOT ask for ID.

In my state, IDs are not required in order to vote.

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I have never been asked for an ID. Only to verbally verify my address.

Once again, people aren't doing their job at the poles. I think it is a smack in the face of the fair election process to NOT ask for ID.

In my state, IDs are not required in order to vote.

I consider that a slap in the face of those who expect a fair and honest election.

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Because they are sluts and idiots?

Some of them may be, but it's not my job to judge, Mr. Bill. :P

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Why does Raptor seeth with hatred?

Example ? How does that empty question deal w/ the issue at hand?

Still waiting for an example, TT.

And I guess we can just say, that since the Dems DON'T want minorities to have to deal w/ the BURDEN of getting any form of picture ID, but still want them to be able to vote, that what they REALLY are looking for is a separate but equal society, huh?

And here I thought that was kinda NOT the whole idea of what America was about. :gofig:

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Do you know what separate means?

Umm, yeah. Do you ?

By not wanting them to have any form of picture ID, Dems apparently want to keep minorities away from the free, capitalistic society, as much as possible. But they still want them to vote, of course. Can't deny them that. Gotta have them vote.

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Why does Raptor seeth with hatred?


Still waiting, TT, for you to elaborate.

As for me, I've made my case as to why the Dems hate, look down upon minorities.

You, however, have failed to make any case, what so ever.

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