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Spurrier and Latty


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Supposedly Spurrier is leaving all of his official visitors behind at USC saturday night to pay a visit to Latt. http://www.cockytalk.com/showthread.php?p=2113945#post211394 , I don't think it helps seeing we will reassure him tomorrow night. War Eagle.

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I think that I read that Spurrier gets the last in home with Lattimore, an hour after Chizik is set to visit with him. I hope that Chizik pulls the same magic that he did with Gayden with the last minute in home, but in that case, he didn't have anyone coming in with a chance to trump him. I Think that Chizik is the more personable coach between the 2 and should be able to seal the deal...............I hope

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Supposedly Spurrier is leaving all of his official visitors behind at USC saturday night to pay a visit to Latt. http://www.cockytalk.com/showthread.php?p=2113945#post211394 , I don't think it helps seeing we will reassure him tomorrow night. War Eagle.

talk about having all your eggs in one basket....geez

....and Lattimore will still sign with Auburn. Ms. Yalonda loves Auburn. She told me herself.

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Supposedly Spurrier is leaving all of his official visitors behind at USC saturday night to pay a visit to Latt. http://www.cockytalk.com/showthread.php?p=2113945#post211394 , I don't think it helps seeing we will reassure him tomorrow night. War Eagle.

talk about having all your eggs in one basket....geez

....and Lattimore will still sign with Auburn. Ms. Yalonda loves Auburn. She told me herself.

Really? Well that is good considering he may feel the need to stay in state and stay close to his family.

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I also cant stand how confident USCe fans are that they get Latti. I dont see how they are so so confident? Lattimore IMO had plans for Auburn a long time ago, but wanted to wait and keep the pressure off.

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I also cant stand how confident USCe fans are that they get Latti. I dont see how they are so so confident? Lattimore IMO had plans for Auburn a long time ago, but wanted to wait and keep the pressure off.

I know. I can't wait to hear what they have to say when Latti comes to the plains! WDE!

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I also cant stand how confident USCe fans are that they get Latti. I dont see how they are so so confident? Lattimore IMO had plans for Auburn a long time ago, but wanted to wait and keep the pressure off.

I know. I can't wait to hear what they have to say when Latti comes to the plains! WDE!

Honestly i have no idea what the reaction would be if he committed.

They couldn't give the typical Bammer response (we didnt want him anyway). But would probably call him a traitor. Last time i checked recruits can choose for themselves where they want to attend.

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Man I hope we get latt.  With dyer latt and newton and the rest of the crew the future looks awesome!  Anyone know what ST says our chances are of sign latt?

ST says 60%.

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A head coach only has one in home visit per player and a limited amount total of inhomes. Not sure on that though 15 sort of sticks in my mind(feeble though it may be). Latt. can visit us as many times as wishes but only one can be at school expense.

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I normally don't care what UAT thinks but i think its interesting that their rivals guy says Lattimore to AU. To me that's saying something cuz you know UAT fans don't want to hear us getting yet another superstud recruit.

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I hope one of the questions Lattimore would ask Spurrier would be how come you don't rush as much as AU does?  Would love to know the answer to that.  It wouldn't be great for Marcus if Stephen Garcia had more rushing yards then Marcus would next year.

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I just don't get it. The thought cannot process in my head. I can't see why any RB would go to USC. I just don't understand it. THEY AREN'T A RUNNING TEAM!! If Latt has any smarts at all, and I am sure he does he seems like a guy that has a good head on his shoulders, he will see that USC is a graveyard for RB's. AUBURN IS A RUNNING TEAM! Always has been, always will be. Hence the nickname RUNNING BACK U. I could sit here all day and tell you all the great RB's that have stepped foot on to Jordan Hare until I am blue in the face. If he stays in state just to make the people of SC happy then I think he will waste his amazing talents away and his shot at the NFL.

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I also cant stand how confident USCe fans are that they get Latti. I dont see how they are so so confident? Lattimore IMO had plans for Auburn a long time ago, but wanted to wait and keep the pressure off.

I know. I can't wait to hear what they have to say when Latti comes to the plains! WDE!

I'm trying to avoid bagging on Carolina too much but when did they become this SEC powerhouse they claim?  When as SC ever competed for an SEC Championship?

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I also cant stand how confident USCe fans are that they get Latti. I dont see how they are so so confident? Lattimore IMO had plans for Auburn a long time ago, but wanted to wait and keep the pressure off.

I know. I can't wait to hear what they have to say when Latti comes to the plains! WDE!

I'm trying to avoid bagging on Carolina too much but when did they become this SEC powerhouse they claim?  When as SC ever competed for an SEC Championship?

The last time they won a Championship was back in 1969 and that was when they were in the ACC. They have never won an SEC Championship.

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I hope one of the questions Lattimore would ask Spurrier would be how come you don't rush as much as AU does?  Would love to know the answer to that.  It wouldn't be great for Marcus if Stephen Garcia had more rushing yards then Marcus would next year.

Obviously Spurrier would say to him they would change the whole gameplan to suit him. Spurrier doesnt care about Marcus, he wants him for his recruiting prestige he would bring to USCe to help save his job.

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I hope one of the questions Lattimore would ask Spurrier would be how come you don't rush as much as AU does?  Would love to know the answer to that.  It wouldn't be great for Marcus if Stephen Garcia had more rushing yards then Marcus would next year.

Obviously Spurrier would say to him they would change the whole gameplan to suit him. Spurrier doesnt care about Marcus, he wants him for his recruiting prestige he would bring to USCe to help save his job.

Yeah well, anyone SHOULD understand that Garcia, the QB will probably lead the team in rushing next year.

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USCe has had an overall LOSING record since 1945 ! Since that time, they've only have had 2 seasons with 9 or more wins, and only 8 season with 8 or more wins . Heck, from 2000-09 we had 8 seasons of at least 8 wins LOL.

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There is alot to be said about being close to Momma's cookin.  There are pro's and cons to any situation and our kool aid prevents us from seeing what would be good about USC for him

The main thing, as objectively as I can present this, is that he will have a better shot at the NFL if he comes to Auburn.  EVEN sharing carries with Dyer.  Even sharing carries here, he won't have much less than he'd have at USCe getting all the carries.

I admit I'll be disappointed if he doesn't come to AU, but he seems like a respectful kid and as long as he feels he's doing whats best for him I, nor anyone else, have any right to bash on him.

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Even the SCe sites agree (to a certain extent of those who do not let their emotions take over) that Lattimore's Head says "Go to Auburn".

BUT Lattimore's heart is saying "Go to SCe".

Hopefully logic wins out over emotion and he does what will serve him best for his college and future professional career. And get a great education while he's at it.

Use your head Marcus Lattimore! The Auburn family will heal your heart and just like Davis, you'll be welcomed back to your home state a winner and a hero!


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Even the SCe sites agree (to a certain extent of those who do not let their emotions take over) that Lattimore's Head says "Go to Auburn".

BUT Lattimore's heart is saying "Go to SCe".

Hopefully logic wins out over emotion and he does what will serve him best for his college and future professional career. And get a great education while he's at it.

Use your head Marcus Lattimore! The Auburn family will heal your heart and just like Davis, you'll be welcomed back to your home state a winner and a hero!


^^ good point
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