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ST, Mayor, MR. INSIDER, anyone: Lattimore's inhome?


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How did it go? I'm hearing nothing except some guy that posted on cockytalk last night and said that our inhome "Sealed the deal", but he could very well just be a troll trying to get things riled up over there. I NEED some info!! I can't make myself believe that Malzahn+Chizik+Troop or whoever he took over there didn't make some headway. Give us some INFO! Thanks lol.

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Malzahn arrived at Lats school in the morning, Chizik arrived in the afternoon.  In home visit was set for Friday night.  Said there was bad weather and didn't know if weather would keep the AU coaches in SC for the night.  Lats HS coach said he hadn't heard anything but both USCe and AU were recruiting him hard.  He wished Lat the best and hopes he selects the school that makes him happy.

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I don't know if I will get in trouble for this, delete it if you see the need:

Byrnes coach Chris Miller said Auburn's coaches met with Lattimore for some 45 minutes at the school Friday af

ternoon. He said he did not know what to expect when Lattimore announces his decision  

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Once again we are chasing our tails with azillion Latt Topics . Can we please keep all of this in one. Most of the stuff has already been mentioned in other threads. :wareagle:

Truck, you should start a new thread when you post something like that.  :laugh:

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Everyone needs a Latt thread. I kind of wish they were more organized into single thread per recruit. Then the original poster updating info from the thread as it's passed along. Kind of like the stickies at the top.

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Is this Truck person some kinda bully or what? I mean AU fans . Dont let this person or any other dominate or order you around or tell you what to say or do.  Whoever you are. You need to stop. Mind your business. damn.

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I hope Latt does what's best for him too.   Latt if you decide Auburn then War Eagle.  If not I wish you well and God Bless.



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Im starting one now. Its being edited. :laugh:

Sorry if that came out mean guys we just ask the same questions over and over. I promise ST and company will not delay any new info they have. They havnt yet so just be patient. :wedance:

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Is this Truck person some kinda bully or what? I mean AU fans . Dont let this person or any other dominate or order you around or tell you what to say or do.  Whoever you are. You need to stop. Mind your business. damn.

ST. Make this guy leave me alone. He will keep on going round and round irritating me to death.

You did kind of invite it.  Now everyone get back to hitting the refresh button.

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Most people arent reading previous comments. If they are they got way to much time on there hands.

You may have a point. If were reading your post we got way to much time on our hands.

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Im not being mean but most of my comments are directed at St. And unless your ST. You shouldnt be responding to it, especially is you dont have anything good to say. People wont wanna post on this board if bullies are here. Im just saying.

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If you are having problems with any particular members PM myself or any of the other Mods and we will get it settled for you.  Now drop this and move on.

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Think its time that both of you just chill and drop it. This is exactly what I didn't want this board to turn into. 5 months ago, it hadn't, now...not so sure. If you guys wanna argue or whatever it is you are doing, do it by private message. I clicked on a thread about Lattimore, and gotta read 2 newbies hijacking the thread with BS    :banghead:

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FYI, if everything went according to plan ST is probably on his way to Mobile or there already.

Not here yet. He is picking up a couple of tickets from me and waiting to hear from him. Hope they dressed warm

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