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paranormal experiences

Guest auburn warrior

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Guest auburn warrior

i dont know if any of yall have had paranormal experiences in your house but i certainly have once when i was taking a shower i saw something white walk pass the bathroom door i called out to see if it was my dad or someone but got no response, then once in my old bedroom my dad heard a voice say something like "you'll miss death" then my grandma said just last night a small child was standing in her doorway, but she dismissed it as a dream

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I think no one's responding because it just one of those taboo subjects. We don't talk about because people look at you funny when you admit to having one of those experiences.

Some taboo subjects:

1)paranormal experiences

2)UFO sightings

3)bigfoot/loch ness sightings

and the big taboo...

Going to a BARRY MANILOW concert!!!

sorry weegle, had to throw that in.  :tease:

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Guest auburn warrior

i know all of yall on this board arent gonna sit here and say you dont believe in the paranormal

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I was in a UFO going to a Manilow concert and I think I saw a ghost of a Bigfoot.   There ya go. 


and eventually overcame it by attending the Pacific Institute's mind washing program  :)

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Does it offend you Warrior if nobody responds to one of your threads?

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I don't so much believe in ghosts or bigfoot or things like that. I do believe that there are extraterrestrials though. And this is coming from a scientific mind. Of the 10 billion stars in our galaxy, each with their own solar system, and the billions of galaxies, its pretty arrogant to believe that we are the only planet in the universe with life

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Guest auburn warrior

well like i said i've had experiences, my dad and my grandma have had experiences, and my cousin said when he was a teenager he went over to his aunts house and her husband had been dead for years but his father went into the bedroom went to sleep and his aunt husband walked in and said get out of my bed and he said you could see right through him, he also said their are dolls that have eyes that follow you all around the room

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I'm not arguing with you Warrior or calling you a liar or anything like that. I've just never had any experiences like that so I choose not to believe in that stuff

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I believe. I actually run a paranormal investigation group out of Oxford Alabama. I haven't replied in this thread cause we had a big discussion about this kinda stuff not too long ago on here. Search for paranormal and you should find it.

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I do, I was very skeptical until one night a few years ago while I was brushing my teeth and something pushed me into my Vanity mirror and busted my lip. No one else was home and I had memories that I shouldn't have. Some of you may or not believe me but it happened. 

From time to time stuff still happens in my parents house but it has calmed since I moved out.

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I have personally seen/experienced people being supernaturally healed (and later documented by their doctor), people coming through car wrecks where there was no way possible for their car to move the way it did, etc....

There is a lot of this type of thing, both angelic and demonic, mentioned in the Bible...

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