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Mary Anne Marsh on Hannity and Colmes

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Actually, rule #6 doesn't apply since it was an interview on TV, right? ;)

Well, if you read David's first sentence in his first post it says, "Link will come as transcripts are posted."

I would love to see the transcript or, even more than that, the video from the show, especially since the "WEN/AUN Rules of Happiness" are his inventions. But, it appears that they are also his to disregard when he chooses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you goes to Tiger In Spain.

:hail::hail: :hail:

Link will come as transcripts are posted.

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

Sometimes the best you can do is wade back and let your opponent keep killing themselves.



August 23, 2004 Monday

Transcript # 082303cb.253

SECTION: News; Domestic

LENGTH: 1206 words

HEADLINE: Interview With Jay Nordlinger, Maryanne Marsh

GUESTS: Jay Nordlinger, Maryanne Marsh

BYLINE: Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes


COLMES: Tonight, from the HANNITY & COLMES notebook, Republicans are already lining up to run for president in 2008.

"Newsweek" and "The New York Post" are reporting that New York Governor George Pataki recently held a strategy session with key advisers to discuss a run for the White House in four years.

And earlier this month, the "Lincoln Journal-Star" reported that Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel is also considering a run. I guess with election day 2008 now just 1,545 days away, why wait?

But before that election comes, we've got this one. And a new ad from the Kerry campaign accuses President Bush of a smear campaign. Take a look.


KERRY: I'm John Kerry, and I approved this message.

ANNOUNCER: American soldiers are fighting in Iraq. Families struggle to afford health care. Jobs heading overseas. Instead of solutions, George Bush's campaign supports a front group attacking John Kerry's military record, attacks called smears, lies.

Senator McCain calls them dishonest. Bush smeared John McCain four years ago. Now he's doing it to John Kerry.

George Bush, denounce the smear. Get back to the issues. America deserves better.


COLMES: Does the president need to apologize or does Senator Kerry?

Joining us now, Democratic strategist and Fox News political analyst Maryanne Marsh, and the managing editor of the "National Review," Jay Nordlinger.

Clearly, those supporting Bush are going to say the other side should apologize and vice versa. But look, there are so many ties here to the Bush campaign. We've heard all the arguments, heard about a rally in Florida this weekend coordinated with Bush/Cheney '04. And the swift boat veterans were there handing out flyers.

Come on. I mean, clearly, there's a lot of interlocking pieces here. Why shouldn't Bush distance himself from this and just say, "Look, this should stop. This swift boat stuff should stop"?

JAY NORDLINGER, MANAGING EDITOR, "NATIONAL REVIEW": Well, he did make a statement today. He did kind of a pox on all of their houses. He denounced these so-called 527 ads.

COLMES: That's not specific to this. And you know that.

NORDLINGER: That's right. That's right. I don't believe this coordination from the Bush campaign and these groups.

COLMES: What about that rally in Gainesville on Saturday, where they were handing out flyers? We have the swift boat veterans and the Bush/Cheney '04, working together to hand out swift boat flyers.

NORDLINGER: That's politics. We are in a presidential election.

COLMES: Then, they are (UNINTELLIGIBLE) each other.

NORDLINGER: These people have strong opinions. They have a right to express them. We've heard from pro-Kerry vets ad nauseum, especially at the Democratic Convention.

COLMES: Yes, but the guy that appeared in the commercial that was out last week, who just had to resign as an adviser to veteran affairs for Bush. He was a Bush official who was in one of these ads.

NORDLINGER: Fair enough. There's got to be -- there's got to be clear separation. But obviously there's a lot...

COLMES: But there hasn't been.

NORDLINGER: I'm not sure that's true, Alan. I'm not sure that there's something hand in glove here. These people are motivated by a desire to defeat Kerry and to re-elect Bush, and the same is true with George Soros and the people the Democrats...


COLMES: John Kerry has denounced the MoveOn.org ad that was against George W. Bush.

Let me ask you about this, Maryanne. Clearly, there are all these interlocking pieces there, as I just said. We know what they are. They've been exposed. These guys keep changing their story, and they want to deny that there's a connection.

MARYANNE MARSH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think whether there's a connection or not, I think what you have to look at is what John Kerry needs to do.

And what John Kerry needs to do is to hit Bush as hard as Bush has hit him. And the way you do that is you remind people that Bush betrayed this country about why we went to war in Iraq, just like he betrayed them when he didn't fight in Vietnam.

That's why his record of service is important in this election...

HANNITY: And Maryanne -- and Maryanne...

MARSH: Just like...


HANNITY: That type of rhetoric, that's disgraceful...

MARSH: It's not.

HANNITY: ... because John Kerry -- John Kerry said leaving Saddam unfettered with nuclear weapons and WMDs is unacceptable. It's a real and grave threat to America.

You give him a pass because he's a Democrat. You guys give Ted Kennedy a pass. He can call the president a liar, said he concocted a war for political gain. He can let Terry McAuliffe say the president is AWOL.

MARSH: Sean, you know what, Sean?

HANNITY: You let your MoveOn.org ads go out, and then you get punched back, and you guys can't take it.

MARSH: No. There's a big difference between what I'm saying and everything you and you allege everyone else has said. There are two people...

HANNITY: Not alleged; it happened.

MARSH: John Kerry and George Bush, the Bush campaign has now gone after John Kerry's military service. John Kerry needs to do the same.

HANNITY: And Maryanne, let me give you -- let me educate you here.


MARSH: George Bush had a chance. Everybody's had a chance.

HANNITY: It is not -- Maryanne, I'm not going to let you get away with this. George Bush has praised his record in Vietnam.


HANNITY: He said it last week. He said it this week.

MARSH: And it's totally disingenuous, because he doesn't want to take responsibility for anything...


HANNITY: He's not responsible -- Well, then you're going to accept responsibility for MoveOn.org comparing the president to Adolph Hitler, because that's what you guys are funding on your site.


MARSH: ... are responsible for each other. No one expects an apology, and I don't believe there's any coordination between either of them.


HANNITY: You guys can dish it out, but you can't take it.

MARSH: Kerry should go after his record on 9/11 and his record on Iraq.

HANNITY: All right, Maryanne, let him talk. Go ahead.

NORDLINGER: I'm sorry to interrupt, but this really is an extraordinary campaign. I think I've heard this before. But she said a minute ago that George Bush betrayed this country by not serving in Vietnam. I don't believe that's a charge I've heard before. This is really a weird campaign.

HANNITY: That's nasty, Maryanne. You should apologize for that. Why don't you apologize for that?

MARSH: I'm not going to apologize. Because...


HANNITY: You're going to say George Bush betrayed his country? He betrayed his country?

NORDLINGER: She's done so.

MARSH: By not serving because when he had a chance to serve his country, he didn't. And he betrayed this country by getting us into the war in Iraq.


COLMES: Leave it right there, Maryanne. And Jay, thank you very much for being with us.

Coming up next, the cross-examination of Amber Frey has begun, and it started with a joke? More bizarre twists in the Peterson case.

Later, Dr. James Dobson will be here to teach us how to handle strong- willed children. That's all coming up on HANNITY & COLMES.

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Other Sons in Bush's Unit.

So some clarification may be in order. In 1972, Bush was training as a pilot in the "Champagne Unit" of the Texas Air Guard, a spot secured for him (along with the sons of other prominent Texans like Lloyd Bentsen, John Tower and John Connolly, as well as some members of the Dallas Cowboys football team) by Ben Barnes, then the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. Bush requested a transfer to a unit in Alabama so that he could work on a Senate race there, and a transfer he was granted.
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Link will come as transcripts are posted.

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

Sometimes the best you can do is wade back and let your opponent keep killing themselves.

So the transcripts prove you were dead wrong all along. Thanks! ;)

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Looks like he was more on than you'd like to admit:

HANNITY: You're going to say George Bush betrayed his country? He betrayed his country?

NORDLINGER: She's done so.

MARSH: By not serving because when he had a chance to serve his country, he didn't. And he betrayed this country by getting us into the war in Iraq.

Nothing there about pulling strings to get in, just simply "by not serving in Vietnam" and "because when he had a chance to serve his country, he didn't"...and the same could be said of everyone who went into the National Guard instead of going over to Vietnam.

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Link will come as transcripts are posted.

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

Sometimes the best you can do is wade back and let your opponent keep killing themselves.

So the transcripts prove you were dead wrong all along. Thanks! ;)

No, they prove I was dead on the money.

Original Post in thread.

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

Sometimes the best you can do is wade back and let your opponent keep killing themselves.

She did indeed stay with her assertion that anyone that anyone that did not serve in Vietnam betrayed their country.

MARYANNE MARSH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think whether there's a connection or not, I think what you have to look at is what John Kerry needs to do.

And what John Kerry needs to do is to hit Bush as hard as Bush has hit him. And the way you do that is you remind people that Bush betrayed this country about why we went to war in Iraq, just like he betrayed them when he didn't fight in Vietnam. That's why his record of service is important in this election...

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Link will come as transcripts are posted.

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

Sometimes the best you can do is wade back and let your opponent keep killing themselves.

So the transcripts prove you were dead wrong all along. Thanks! ;)

No, they prove I was dead on the money.

Original Post in thread.

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

Sometimes the best you can do is wade back and let your opponent keep killing themselves.

She did indeed stay with her assertion that anyone that anyone that did not serve in Vietnam betrayed their country.

MARYANNE MARSH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think whether there's a connection or not, I think what you have to look at is what John Kerry needs to do.

And what John Kerry needs to do is to hit Bush as hard as Bush has hit him. And the way you do that is you remind people that Bush betrayed this country about why we went to war in Iraq, just like he betrayed them when he didn't fight in Vietnam. That's why his record of service is important in this election...


Did you log me out again when you didn't like my post? I can go for weeks without being logged out, but once I make a post you don't like it is like clockwork.

Anyway, you have a strange definition of "right on the money". Your post used English, she spoke in English. Yeah, I guess that's at least ballpark.

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We are not able to log people out. There is no adminstrative function that does that. Even if we could, it would be a stupid, moot feature to have because all you have to do is log right back in. We can ban, suspend, and restrict accounts but not log them out. Get a better computer.

Besides, if David logged you out everytime you made a post he wouldn't like, he'd have to quit his job just to sit here and deal with you all day. Quit being so sensitive. People say stuff some of us don't like all the time. We're grown men and can take it.

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We are not able to log people out.  There is no adminstrative function that does that.  Even if we could, it would be a stupid, moot feature to have because all you have to do is log right back in.  We can ban, suspend, and restrict accounts but not log them out.  Get a better computer.

Besides, if David logged you out everytime you made a post he wouldn't like, he'd have to quit his job just to sit here and deal with you all day.  Quit being so sensitive.  People say stuff some of us don't like all the time.  We're grown men and can take it.

Show David enough respect that you at least let him answer for himself on this one. I just know the timing is amazing. Of course, he would have better credibility on such matters if he hadn't changed my signature line numerous times.

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I have full access to administrator functions, Texas. Quit acting like a prick. I know what the board will and won't allow you to do as an admin. Are you developing a tolerance to lithium or something? Calm down.

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We are not able to log people out.  There is no adminstrative function that does that.  Even if we could, it would be a stupid, moot feature to have because all you have to do is log right back in.  We can ban, suspend, and restrict accounts but not log them out.  Get a better computer.

Besides, if David logged you out everytime you made a post he wouldn't like, he'd have to quit his job just to sit here and deal with you all day.  Quit being so sensitive.  People say stuff some of us don't like all the time.  We're grown men and can take it.

Show David enough respect that you at least let him answer for himself on this one. I just know the timing is amazing. Of course, he would have better credibility on such matters if he hadn't changed my signature line numerous times.

Titan, this is what Dems always do when they get torched in debate, smear the messenger.

No TT, I cannot boot, punt, whatever. What a crock...

Just for you, one more time. Even more clear though.

MARYANNE MARSH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think whether there's a connection or not, I think what you have to look at is what John Kerry needs to do.

And what John Kerry needs to do is to hit Bush as hard as Bush has hit him. And the way you do that is you remind people that Bush betrayed this country about why we went to war in Iraq, .

just like he betrayed them when he didn't fight in Vietnam
That's why his record of service is important in this election...

Bush was in the NG; He applied to get to Vietnam. He was turned down.

He did not go to Vietnam because he was not chosen to go as a member of the NG.

Bush didnt fight in Vietnam, almost No TANG did. Neither did the Navy guys aboard a sub or aircraft carrier. Neither did the guy in Korea, nor, in Japan, nor in Europe. They did not fiight in Vietnam just like Bush, ergo, they are just as guilty as Bush for being traitors.

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I have full access to administrator functions, Texas. Quit acting like a prick. I know what the board will and won't allow you to do as an admin. Are you developing a tolerance to lithium or something? Calm down.

Question something, get called a prick. Abuse administrator functions, no problem. This is the same computer I used on this board for months without that happening. It is the same computer I use on other boards and it never happens on them. Of course, this is the only board I've used where the administrator previously abused their access in a petty way to try to annoy me. I mention it and you call me sensitive-- not the guy who abused their access because they were angry. Fine.

David can handle himself on this one Titan. You've expressed your opinion now. And you've resorted to name calling. You're being pretty sensitve.

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Question something, get called a prick.  Abuse administrator functions, no problem.

Nice revisionist version of events. Actually, it went more like: question something, get an explanation from someone who knows what the board allows admins to do (being that I am one) along with an admonishment about being oversensitive and a wiseass remark about getting a better computer. You got called a prick after you kept up the paranoia and couldn't accept the explanation. And I think I explained this to you months ago in a PM when you had some logging out issues.

This is the same computer I used on this board for months without that happening.  It is the same computer I use on other boards and it never happens on them.  Of course, this is the only board I've used where the administrator previously abused their access in a petty way to try to annoy me.  I mention it and you call me sensitive-- not the guy who abused their access because they were angry.  Fine.

I don't know what to tell you. Go to www.invisionboard.com and see if you can dig up anything that would allow an admin to log people out and why on earth such a function would do them any good. Boards act squirrely sometimes.

David can handle himself on this one Titan.  You've expressed your opinion now.  And you've resorted to name calling.  You're being pretty sensitve.

It's not an opinion, it's a simple statement of fact regarding the board. I know David can handle it himself, but I don't recall asking whether you wanted to hear the truth or not.

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Question something, get called a prick.  Abuse administrator functions, no problem.

Nice revisionist version of events. Actually, it went more like: question something, get an explanation from someone who knows what the board allows admins to do (being that I am one) along with an admonishment about being oversensitive and a wiseass remark about getting a better computer. You got called a prick after you kept up the paranoia and couldn't accept the explanation. And I think I explained this to you months ago in a PM when you had some logging out issues.

This is the same computer I used on this board for months without that happening.  It is the same computer I use on other boards and it never happens on them.  Of course, this is the only board I've used where the administrator previously abused their access in a petty way to try to annoy me.  I mention it and you call me sensitive-- not the guy who abused their access because they were angry.  Fine.

I don't know what to tell you. Go to www.invisionboard.com and see if you can dig up anything that would allow an admin to log people out and why on earth such a function would do them any good. Boards act squirrely sometimes.

David can handle himself on this one Titan.  You've expressed your opinion now.  And you've resorted to name calling.  You're being pretty sensitve.

It's not an opinion, it's a simple statement of fact regarding the board. I know David can handle it himself, but I don't recall asking whether you wanted to hear the truth or not.

Yes, I dared to question the validity of what you told me and that makes me a prick. Administrators can apparently do everything but log us out. I don't claim to know the details of how this board works. I know my own experience. I think you calling me a prick in this instance is pretty over the top and uncalled for, but I don't think I'm ranting and raving or name calling in response. I am expressing my view and my experience in a straight forward way. Again, my past experience with administrator abuse makes me a little less trusting. Blame me for that if you want, too.

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Let's try to get off the "poor wounded me" routine a sec. He changed your subtitle a couple of times. Annoying, yes. Abusive? *sigh*

Look, I apologize for the prick comment. I felt you were being over the top belligerant and unwilling to listen to someone who was telling you the simple truth. And it's late and I've been bickering with stupid coonass corndogs all day. I should have stuck with sarcasm and laid off the name calling.

That said, we can't log you out. It's a useless ability even if we had it. If we wanted you gone, we could just ban you but you're still here and welcomed despite being wrong almost all the time. ;)

Seriously, I don't know what the issue is. I'll mention it to stoic and see if he can dig up any known bugs or any workarounds. But rest assured, no one is logging you out. Not even your "abuser". :poke:

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Let's try to get off the "poor wounded me" routine a sec. He changed your subtitle a couple of times. Annoying, yes. Abusive? *sigh*

Fine for the most part, but you've mischaracterized my point here in a manner that tries to make me look petty, so I'll clarify. If I'm an administrator and I go into what you supposedly control and change it to annoy you because I'm pissed at you, I've abused my power. If a landlord misuses a master key to get back at somebody by doing something relatively "harmless", he's abused his power, even though I would not describe the tenant as abused. Its a basic principle of integrity and if I misuse or "abuse" my power, I violate a trust. If I change someone's sig line b/c I'm annoyed, does that person then wonder if I read their mail? Are they paranoid for wondering when the administrator has already demonstrated a willingness to use their power in that way? Simple point. I'm not claiming to be "abused."

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Tex, if I was that petty I would just boot someone at the first sign of trouble. I debate with the posters here. BTW, l pay the bills. Sto and Titan and one more have full admin functions they know exactly what I can and cannot do. Now Iam goiong to do what I am famous for....Support Auburn with the best Media Page on the Web.

Back to work, War Eagle to All, Hope you all have a cigar for after the game!

Tex, No matter how much I dispute some of the stuff You, Al, AuburnTigerFan, and even BF say, You will always have a voice on the web here. I swear.

Now, some abusive, disrespectful, and even RACIST comments from :lsu: fans have been shipped off to the Shed. The racist ones were even editted for comments but they are still there.

I do hereby apologize for the changing of the title, it was petty and I am a bigger man that that and I hope you do accept my misguided attempt at humor. I stepped in where I should not have. You had some pretty good titles going there for a while that did not come from me.

My friends, and my adversaries, in politics and in sports are all welcome here even if the debate gets very heated, as long as we are all civil about it.

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Tex, if I was that petty I would just boot someone at the first sign of trouble. I debate with the posters here. BTW, l pay the bills. Sto and Titan and one more have full admin functions they know exactly what I can and cannot do. Now Iam goiong to do what I am famous for....Support Auburn with the best Media Page on the Web.

Back to work, War Eagle to All, Hope you all have a cigar for after the game!

Tex, No matter how much I dispute some of the stuff You, Al, AuburnTigerFan, and even BF say, You will always have a voice on the web here. I swear.

Now, some abusive, disrespectful, and even RACIST comments from :lsu: fans have been shipped off to the Shed. The racist ones were even editted for comments but they are still there.

I do hereby apologize for the changing of the title, it was petty and I am a bigger man that that and I hope you do accept my misguided attempt at humor. I stepped in where I should not have. You had some pretty good titles going there for a while that did not come from me.

My friends, and my adversaries, in politics and in sports are all welcome here even if the debate gets very heated, as long as we are all civil about it.

I accept your apology. Let's move on.

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I almost lost track of the original thread after all this. But I have a question, did she say what David originally said she did?

No. David made an extrapolation.

David said she said:

Dem Strategist Marsh says Natl Guard "betrayed their country" in Vietnam. Hannity told her to "apologize or never come back." She stayed fast with her statement that Natl Guardsmen "Betrayed their country."

What she said was specifically about George W. Bush:

MARYANNE MARSH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST:  And the way you do that is you remind people that Bush betrayed this country about why we went to war in Iraq, just like he betrayed them when he didn't fight in Vietnam. That's why his record of service is important in this election...

David's can defend his extrapolation, flawed as it may be, if he wants, but it was not her "statement that Natl Guardsmen 'Betrayed their country.'" Plain as the nose on your face.

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So she articulated what most, the large majority of Democrats actually think of military people, both active and National Guard.

That's what you want to believe about Dems. I probably hang around with more than you and I don't know anyone who fits your stereotype. In you simple Dems bad, Repubs good, dichotomy, how do you explain Colin Powell:

"I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well-placed managed to wrangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units. Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to their country." Colin Powell
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